32 bit hexadecimal to decimal conversion
By Graham.
In cases you need to print decimal values, you can use this routine to convert any unsigned 32 bit value to decimal. It doesn't use the BCD mode. The conversion is done by repeatedly dividing the 32 bit value by 10 and storing the remainder of each division as decimal digits.
; prints a 32 bit value to the screen printdec jsr hex2dec ldx #9 l1 lda result,x bne l2 dex ; skip leading zeros bne l1 l2 lda result,x ora #$30 jsr $ffd2 dex bpl l2 rts ; converts 10 digits (32 bit values have max. 10 decimal digits) hex2dec ldx #0 l3 jsr div10 sta result,x inx cpx #10 bne l3 rts ; divides a 32 bit value by 10 ; remainder is returned in akku div10 ldy #32 ; 32 bits lda #0 clc l4 rol cmp #10 bcc skip sbc #10 skip rol value rol value+1 rol value+2 rol value+3 dey bpl l4 rts value .byte $ff,$ff,$ff,$ff result .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
16-bit version with tightened up loops and routine structure:
// Converts 16 bit values to 5 decimal digits. ldx #-5 !Loop: ldy #16 // Divides a 16 bit value by 10 (Remainder in A) lda #0 clc !: rol cmp #10 bcc !+ sbc #10 !: rol value rol value+1 dey bpl !-- sta result-[255-4],x inx bne !Loop- // Print result, skip leading zeros ldx #4 !: lda result,x beq !Skip+ ora #$30 jsr $ffd2 !Skip: dex bpl !- rts value: .word 65535 result: .byte 0,0,0,0,0
NB! If you're only looking to convert, not print; Replace jsr $ffd2 with sta result,x.
NB!! If you want to maintain digit positioning, replacing proceeding zero's with #$20.
NB!!! If you wish to extend to 24, 32 or whatever size, adjust the following values:
ldx #-5 // How many digits as a negative number ldy #16 // How many bits as a positive number sta result-[255-4],x // Change the "-4" to the negative quantity of digits-1 (i.e. 24 bit => [255-23] ldx #4 // How many digits-1 as a positive number value: .word 65535 // Adjust to quantity of bits needed result: .byte 0,0,0,0,0 // Adjust to quantity of digits needed Finally adjust the quantity of "rol value+n" to: roundup(bits/8)
base/32_bit_hexadecimal_to_decimal_conversion.txt · Last modified: 2023-04-20 09:02 by tww