Julia Fractal Morpher
; Julia Morph ; ----------- ; Entry for the July 1996 NTSC 4k ; demo contest. ; ; Coded by dW/style, July 1, 1996 ; ; Notes: ; ; Assembled using turbo assembler ; macro + version ; ; The code assumes there is a music ; routine at $1000(init)/$1003(irq) ncolors = 16 negative = $80 width = 72 height = 56 yinit1 = 0 yinit2 = (width-4)*2 cset = $3000 cset2 = $2800 initcptr = cset+((width/4)*height) itercnt = 32 ; max # of iterations screen = $0400 color = $d800 pointerl = $0800 pointerh = $0900 aux = $02 tmp = $14 frame = $22 iter = $4b currx = $4c currxs = $4d curry = $4e currys = $4f real = $50 reals = $51 imag = $52 imags = $53 rsq = $54 isq = $55 xtogo = $56 ytogo = $57 graph = $58 gdata = $59 ystor = $5a bit9 = $5b rsq9 = $5c isq9 = $5d rseed = $5e rseeds = $5f iseed = $60 iseeds = $61 mapptr = $62 colptr = $64 ystor2 = $65 scrptr = $68 mapptr2 = $6a gdata2 = $6c music = $1000 hwnmi = $fffa hwirq = $fffe *= $1800 start sei lda #$35 sta $01 lda #$7f sta $dc0d sta $dd0d lda $dc0d lda $dd0d lda #$00 sta $d015 jsr music ldy #$ff sty $dc02 iny sty $dc03 lda #255-2 sta $dc00 lda #<irqmain sta hwirq sta hwnmi lda #>irqmain sta hwirq+1 sta hwnmi+1 lda #<irq0 sta jmpaddy lda #>irq0 sta jmpaddy+1 jmp begin setint bit $d011 bpl setint lda #$1b sta $d011 lda lines sta $d012 lda #$01 sta $d019 sta $d01a lda #$34 sta $01 cli rts irqmain sei sta storea+1 stx storex+1 sty storey+1 lda #$35 sta $01 inc $d019 jmp (jmpaddy) irqcont lda lines,y sta $d012 lda #$34 sta $01 ldx #$00 lda addyl,y sta jmpaddy,x inx lda addyh,y sta jmpaddy,x storea lda #$00 storex ldx #$00 storey ldy #$00 cli rti jmpaddy .byte 0,0 lines .byte $26,$89,$fa addyl .byte <irq0,<irq1,<irq2 addyh .byte >irq0,>irq1,>irq2 irq0 lda #21 sta $d018 lda #27+64 sta $d011 lda #$00 sta $d021 sta $d020 lda #$06 sta $d022 lda #$0e sta $d023 lda #$05 sta $d024 lda #200 sta $d016 inc $d020 dec $d020 ldy #$01 jmp irqcont irq1 lda #27 sta $d011 lda #216 sta $d016 nop nop nop lda #$01 sta $d021 sta $d020 jsr delay1 colr1 ldx #$0e colr0 ldy #$03 stx $d022 sty $d023 colr2 lda #$06 ldx #$00 ldy #28 sta $d021 stx $d020 sty $d018 ldy #$02 jmp irqcont irq2 jsr delay0 lda #21 sta $d018 lda #$01 sta $d021 sta $d020 jsr delay1 jsr delay0 nop nop nop lda #$00 sta $d021 sta $d020 jsr $1003 bit $dc01 bmi skcycle dec cycle+1 cycle lda #$08 bne skcycle lda #$08 sta cycle+1 ldx colr0+1 lda colr1+1 sta colr0+1 lda colr2+1 sta colr1+1 colindex ldy #$00 lda colors,y sta colr2+1 iny cpy #ncolors bcc storindx ldy #$00 storindx sty colindex+1 skcycle ldy #$00 jmp irqcont delay0 nop rts delay1 ldx #$04 ddel1 dex bpl ddel1 rts begin bit $d011 bpl begin lda #$0b sta $d011 jsr clearpic lda #$00 sta tmp+1 sta frame ldy #$07 lda #$ff clrchar sta cset+$07f8,y dey bpl clrchar currbox ldy #$00 cpy #$02 clc bne skpbox sec skpbox lda boxtabll,y tax lda boxtablh,y tay jsr drawbox inc currbox+1 lda currbox+1 cmp #$07 bne currbox lda #$00 sta currbox+1 lda #$37 sta $01 ldx #<text0 ldy #>text0 jsr prnttext ldx #<text1 ldy #>text1 jsr prnttext ldx #<text2 ldy #>text2 jsr prnttext lda #$35 sta $01 lda #147 sta $dd00 jsr setint ; seed init frameini chngsd lda #0 sta rseed lda #0 sta rseeds chngseed lda #94 sta iseed lda #0 sta iseeds sta currys sta curry lda #width sta xtogo lda #height sta ytogo lda #0 sta ystor lda #<initcptr sta mapptr sta mapptr2 lda #(width*2)-8 sta ystor2 lda #>initcptr sta mapptr+1 sta mapptr2+1 lda #$04 sta graph rowinit lda #negative sta currxs lda #$f8 sta currx ; Mandelbrot iteration init iterinit ldy currx sty real lda sqrtbl,y sta rsq lda sqrtbl+256,y sta rsq9 lda currxs sta reals ldy curry sty imag lda sqrtbl+256,y sta isq9 lda sqrtbl,y sta isq ldx currys stx imags ldx #$00 stx iter clc lda isq adc rsq lda isq9 adc rsq9 cmp #$02 bcc iterate maxi lda #$03 jmp bye3 ; Main iteration loop iterate inc iter lda iter and #$03 cmp #$03 bne skipc0 inc iter skipc0 lda real asl a tay bcc table0 lda logtbl+256,y bcs iter2 table0 lda logtbl,y iter2 clc ldy imag adc logtbl,y tay bcc iter3 cpy #$11 bcs enditer lda exptbl+256,y ldx #$01 stx bit9 bne iter4 iter3 lda exptbl,y ldx #$00 stx bit9 iter4 tay lda reals eor imags tax stx imags eor iseeds bne difsign2 lda bit9 bne enditer clc tya adc iseed bcs enditer bcc positv3 difsign2 tya sec sbc iseed tax lda bit9 sbc #$00 bmi sgnchng bne enditer txa jmp positv3 sgnchng eor #$ff sta tmp txa eor #$ff clc adc #$01 tay lda #$00 adc tmp bne enditer lda #negative eor imags sta imags tya positv3 sta imag jmp iterat2 enditer enditer2 jmp byebye iterat2 ldx #$00 lda rsq sec sbc isq tay lda rsq9 sbc isq9 bmi sgnchng2 sta tmp jmp positv1 sgnchng2 ldx #negative eor #$ff sta tmp tya eor #$ff clc adc #$01 tay lda tmp adc #$00 sta tmp positv1 stx reals txa eor rseeds bne difsign tya clc adc rseed tay lda #$00 adc tmp bne enditer beq positv2 difsign tya sec sbc rseed tay lda tmp sbc #$00 bmi sgnch bne enditer beq positv2 sgnch eor #$ff sta tmp tya eor #$ff adc #$01 tay lda #$00 adc tmp bne enditer lda #negative eor reals sta reals .byte $2c positv2 sta tmp tya sta real ldx iter cpx #itercnt bcc notyet lda #$03 bcs bye3 notyet tay lda sqrtbl,y sta rsq lda sqrtbl+256,y sta rsq9 ldy imag lda sqrtbl+256,y sta isq9 lda sqrtbl,y sta isq adc rsq lda isq9 adc rsq9 cmp #$02 bcs bye2 jmp iterate bye2 byebye lda iter and #$03 bye3 tax asl gdata asl gdata ora gdata sta gdata lsr gdata2 lsr gdata2 lda bits,x ora gdata2 sta gdata2 dec graph bne skipg lda #$04 sta graph ldy ystor lda gdata sta (mapptr),y tya clc adc #$08 sta ystor ldy ystor2 lda curry beq skipplot lda ytogo beq skipplot lda gdata2 sta (mapptr2),y skipplot tya sec sbc #$08 sta ystor2 skipg dec xtogo beq endrow lda #currx ldx #7 jsr incrmnt jmp iterinit endrow lda #width sta xtogo lda ystor2 clc adc #(width*2)+1 cmp #(width*2) bne skipp1 lda #(width*2) clc adc mapptr2 sta mapptr2 lda #(width*2)-8 bcc skipp1 inc mapptr2+1 skipp1 sta ystor2 lda ystor sec sbc #(width*2)+1 cmp #$ff bne skipp sec lda mapptr sbc #(width*2) sta mapptr lda #$07 bcs skipp dec mapptr+1 skipp sta ystor dec ytogo bmi done lda #curry ldx #4 jsr incrmnt jmp rowinit done jmp nextfrm clearpic ldy #<cset sty mapptr lda #>cset sta mapptr+1 ldx #$08 lda #$00 tay clrmap sta (mapptr),y iny bne clrmap inc mapptr+1 dex bne clrmap rts nextfrm dec chngseed+1 dec chngseed+1 inc chngsd+1 inc chngsd+1 lda chngseed+1 jmp frameini incrmnt sta tmp ldy #$01 lda (tmp),y bmi neg dey txa clc adc (tmp),y return sta (tmp),y rts neg dey lda (tmp),y stx aux sec sbc aux bcs return eor #$ff adc #$01 sta (tmp),y tya iny sta (tmp),y rts copymem stx mapptr+1 sty mapptr2+1 tax ldy #$00 sty mapptr sty mapptr2 copy2 lda (mapptr),y sta (mapptr2),y iny bne copy2 inc mapptr+1 inc mapptr2+1 dex bne copy2 rts prnttext stx currx sty currx+1 ldy #$01 lda (currx),y tax dey lda (currx),y tay clc jsr $fff0 lda currx clc adc #$02 pha lda currx+1 adc #$00 tay pla jsr $ab1e rts drawbox .block bcc skip1 lda #$ea ; NOP bcs skip2 skip1 lda #$2c ; BIT skip2 sta incrm stx mapptr sty mapptr+1 ldy #$05 setopts lda codetabl,y tax lda (mapptr),y sta code,x dey bpl setopts lda #$00 sta scrptr+1 code lda #$00 ; y asl a asl a asl a sta scrptr asl a rol scrptr+1 asl a rol scrptr+1 clc adc scrptr xval adc #$00 ; x sta scrptr sta colptr lda #$00 adc scrptr+1 pha adc #>screen sta scrptr+1 pla adc #$d8 sta colptr+1 fillch lda #$00 ; char sta aux hval lda #$00 sta ytogo wval ldy #$00 sty xtogo ldy #$00 fillrow lda aux sta (scrptr),y fillcol lda #$00 ; color sta (colptr),y incrm .byte $2c ; BIT inc aux iny dec xtogo bne fillrow lda scrptr clc adc #40 sta scrptr sta colptr bcc goon inc scrptr+1 inc colptr+1 goon dec ytogo bne wval rts codetabl .byte fillch-code+1 .byte fillcol-code+1 .byte xval-code+1 .byte 1 .byte wval-code+1 .byte hval-code+1 .bend ; screen box fill presets ; ; char, color, x, y, w, h box0 .byte $20,$00,0,0,40,25 box2 .byte 0,$08,11,11,18,14 box1 .byte $ff,$00,0,11,40,14 box4 .byte 160,0,10,0,19,3 box3 .byte 96,0,11,1,19,3 box6 .byte 224,0,10,5,19,4 box5 .byte 96,0,11,6,19,4 boxtabll .byte <box0,<box1,<box2 .byte <box3,<box4,<box5,<box6 boxtablh .byte >box0,>box1,>box2 .byte >box3,>box4,>box5,>box6 bits .byte $00,$40,$80,$c0 ; x, y, text text0 .byte 11,1,5,18 .null "julia set morpher" text1 .byte 11,6,158 .text "CODE" .byte 186,160,160,160,160,5 .text "DW" .byte 175 .null "STYLE" text2 .byte 11,7,158 .text "MUSIC" .byte 186,160,160,5 .text "MSK" .byte 175 .null "CREST" *= $21f0 colors .byte $0b .byte $05 .byte $0d .byte $07 .byte $0a .byte $08 .byte $02 .byte $09 .byte $0b .byte $0c .byte $0f .byte $01 .byte $03 .byte $0e .byte $06 .byte $04 ; *= $2200 ; square table low sqrtbl .byte 0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,1,1 .byte 1,1,1,1,2 .byte 2,2,2,3,3 .byte 3,3,4,4,5 .byte 5,5,6,6,7 .byte 7,8,8,9,9 .byte 10,10,11,11,12 .byte 13,13,14,14,15 .byte 16,17,17,18,19 .byte 20,20,21,22,23 .byte 24,25,25,26,27 .byte 28,29,30,31,32 .byte 33,34,35,36,37 .byte 38,39,41,42,43 .byte 44,45,46,48,49 .byte 50,51,53,54,55 .byte 56,58,59,61,62 .byte 63,65,66,68,69 .byte 71,72,74,75,77 .byte 78,80,81,83,85 .byte 86,88,89,91,93 .byte 95,96,98,100,102 .byte 103,105,107,109,111 .byte 113,114,116,118,120 .byte 122,124,126,128,130 .byte 132,134,136,138,140 .byte 142,145,147,149,151 .byte 153,155,158,160,162 .byte 164,167,169,171,173 .byte 176,178,181,183,185 .byte 188,190,193,195,198 .byte 200,203,205,208,210 .byte 213,215,218,221,223 .byte 226,228,231,234,237 .byte 239,242,245,248,250 .byte 253,0,3,6,9 .byte 11,14,17,20,23 .byte 26,29,32,35,38 .byte 41,44,47,50,53 .byte 57,60,63,66,69 .byte 72,76,79,82,85 .byte 89,92,95,98,102 .byte 105,109,112,115,119 .byte 122,126,129,133,136 .byte 140,143,147,150,154 .byte 157,161,165,168,172 .byte 175,179,183,187,190 .byte 194,198,202,205,209 .byte 213,217,221,225,228 .byte 232,236,240,244,248 .byte 252 ; 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base/julia_fractal_morpher.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:32 by