====== Sending a command to a disk drive, the easy way ====== The easiest way of sending a command to the disk drive is by simply using the command string as filename when calling OPEN. BASIC code: OPEN 15,8,15,"I":CLOSE 15 Assembler code: LDA #cmd_end-cmd LDX #cmd JSR $FFBD ; call SETNAM LDA #$0F ; file number 15 LDX $BA ; last used device number BNE .skip LDX #$08 ; default to device 8 .skip LDY #$0F ; secondary address 15 JSR $FFBA ; call SETLFS JSR $FFC0 ; call OPEN BCS .error ; if carry set, the file could not be opened .close LDA #$0F ; filenumber 15 JSR $FFC3 ; call CLOSE JSR $FFCC ; call CLRCHN RTS .error ; Akkumulator contains BASIC error code ; most likely errors: ; A = $05 (DEVICE NOT PRESENT) ... error handling for open errors ... JMP .close ; even if OPEN failed, the file has to be closed cmd: .TEXT "I" ; command string cmd_end: ====== Sending a command to a disk drive, the flexible way ====== Another way of sending a command to the disk drive is by leaving the filename string empty and send the command string afterwards. The advantage of this is that you can send several commands but only open the command channel one time. BASIC code: OPEN 15,8,15:PRINT#15,"I":CLOSE 15 Assembler code: LDA #$00 LDX #$00 LDY #$00 JSR $FFBD ; call SETNAM (no filename) LDA #$0F ; file number 15 LDX $BA ; last used device number BNE .skip LDX #$08 ; default to device 8 .skip LDY #$0F ; secondary address 15 JSR $FFBA ; call SETLFS JSR $FFC0 ; call OPEN BCS .error ; if carry set, the file could not be opened LDX #$0F ; filenumber 15 JSR $FFC9 ; call CHKOUT (file 15 now used as output) LDY #$00 .loop LDA cmd,y ; get byte from command string JSR $FFD2 ; call CHROUT (send byte through command channel) INY CPY #cmd_end-cmd BNE .loop .close LDA #$0F ; filenumber 15 JSR $FFC3 ; call CLOSE JSR $FFCC ; call CLRCHN RTS .error ; Akkumulator contains BASIC error code ; most likely errors: ; A = $05 (DEVICE NOT PRESENT) ... error handling for open errors ... JMP .close ; even if OPEN failed, the file has to be closed cmd: .TEXT "I" ; command string .BYTE $0D ; carriage return, needed if more than one command is sent cmd_end: