Fast Floating Point Multiply

This code uses the fast multiplication found here to quickly multiply the mantissas. Each multiplication is added to the product as you go.

In the procedure shown below, the red indicates where the two bytes have been added to the partial product, and the orange is where a carry has propagated.

;Fast Floating Point Multiplication
RESULT	= $26 ;-$2c
FACX	= $61 ;exponent
FAC	= $62 ;mantissa - $65
;	  $66 ;sign, in MSB
ARGX	= $69 ;exponent
ARG	= $6a ;mantissa - $6d
;	  $6e ;sign, in MSB
SGNCMP  = $6f
res8	= $fb ;lobyte of product 
;BASIC Subroutines
PRINTFAC = $aabc
VARtoFAC = $bba2 ;a/y, lo/hi
VARtoARG = $ba8c
!macro addresult .num, .carry {
	lda res8
	adc RESULT+.num
	sta RESULT+.num
	adc (RESULT-1)+.num
	sta (RESULT-1)+.num
	!if .carry != 0 {
		!set .num = .num - 1
		bcc +
		inc (RESULT-1)+.num
		!do while .carry > 1 {
			!set .num = .num - 1
			!set .carry = .carry - 1
			bne +
			inc (RESULT-1)+.num
	!to "fastm.prg",cbm
	*=$800		;10 SYS 10240(3000)
	!byte $00,$0E,$08,$0A,$00,$9E,$28,$31,$32,$32,$38,$38,$29,$00,$00,$00
	ldx #$00
	!byte $c9	;cmp #, clears carry, skips tya
lb1	tya
	adc #$00
ml1	sta multabhi,x
	cmp #$40
ml9	adc #$00
	sta ml9+1
ml0	sta multablo,x
	bne lb1
	inc ml0+2
	inc ml1+2
	bne lb1
	ldx #$00
	ldy #$ff
-	lda multabhi+1,x
	sta multab2hi+$100,x
	lda multabhi,x
	sta multab2hi,y
	lda multablo+1,x
	sta multab2lo+$100,x
	lda multablo,x
	sta multab2lo,y
	bne -
	lda #<value
	ldy #>value
	jsr VARtoFAC
	lda #<value
	ldy #>value
	jsr VARtoARG
	jsr mul_FP
here	jmp here
mul_FP	bne +
	rts	;0 in FAC returns 0
+	jsr $bab7	;add exponents
	lda #0		;clear RESULT
	sta $26
	sta $27
	sta $28
	sta $29
	sta $2a
	sta $2b
	sta $2c
	lda FAC+3
	ldx ARG+3
	jsr mul8x8	
	sta RESULT+6
	ldx ARG+2
	jsr mulf
	+addresult 6,0
	ldx ARG+1
	jsr mulf
	+addresult 5,0
	ldx ARG
	jsr mulf
	+addresult 4,0
	lda FAC+2
	ldx ARG+3
	jsr mul8x8
	+addresult 6,2
	ldx ARG+2
	jsr mulf
	+addresult 5,2
	ldx ARG+1
	jsr mulf
	+addresult 4,2
	ldx ARG
	jsr mulf
	+addresult 3,2
	lda FAC+1
	ldx ARG+3
	jsr mul8x8
	+addresult 5,2
	ldx ARG+2
	jsr mulf
	+addresult 4,2
	ldx ARG+1
	jsr mulf
	+addresult 3,2
	ldx ARG
	jsr mulf
	+addresult 2,1
	lda FAC
	ldx ARG+3
	jsr mul8x8
	+addresult 4,3
	lda RESULT+4
	sta $70		;rounding byte
	ldx ARG+2
	jsr mulf
	+addresult 3,2
	ldx ARG+1
	jsr mulf
	+addresult 2,1
	ldx ARG
	jsr mulf
	+addresult 1,0
	jmp $bb8f	;normal multiply exit.
			;copies RESULT to FAC1
			;and normalises.
mul8x8	sta sm1+1                                             
	sta sm3+1                                             
	eor #$ff                                              
	sta sm2+1                                             
	sta sm4+1
mulf	sec   
sm1	lda multablo,x
sm2	sbc multab2lo,x
	sta res8   
sm3	lda multabhi,x
sm4	sbc multab2hi,x
value	!byte $82,$49,$b2,$6c,$9c ;3.15151515
multablo = $c000
multabhi = $c200
multab2lo = $c400
multab2hi = $c600