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24 bit multiplication (signed or unsigned)

 	; Signed or unsigned 24-bit multiply (24-bit product) 	
	; by Neils
	; DASM format

factor1	EQU $61
factor2 EQU $64
product	EQU $67

	MAC twoscomplement
	lda {1}+2
	eor #$ff
	sta {1}+2
	lda {1}+1
	eor #$ff
	sta {1}+1
	lda {1}
	eor #$ff
	adc #$01
	sta {1}

	; An example program that multiplies -981 by 1340
	; Benchmark: 812 cycles (with this input)

	ORG $C000
	; factor1 := -981
	lda #$2b
	ldx #$fc
	ldy #$ff
	sta factor1
	stx factor1+1
	sty factor1+2
	; factor2 := 1340
	lda #$3c
	ldx #$05
	ldy #$00
	sta factor2
	stx factor2+1
	sty factor2+2
	; result := factor1 * factor2
	jsr signed_mul24

	; Signed 24-bit multiply routine
	; Clobbers a, x, factor1, factor2

signed_mul24	SUBROUTINE
	ldx #$00			; .x will hold the sign of product
	lda factor1+2
	bpl .skip			; if factor1 is negative
	twoscomplement factor1		; then factor1 := -factor1
	inx				; and switch sign
	lda factor2+2				
	bpl .skip2			; if factor2 is negative
	twoscomplement factor2		; then factor2 := -factor2
	inx				; and switch sign
	jsr unsigned_mul24		; do unsigned multiplication
	and #$01			; if .x is odd
	beq .q
	twoscomplement product		; then product := -product
.q	rts

	; Unsigned 24-bit multiply routine
	; Clobbers a, factor1, factor2

unsigned_mul24	SUBROUTINE	
	lda #$00			; set product to zero
	sta product
	sta product+1
	sta product+2

	lda factor2			; while factor2 != 0
	bne .nz
	lda factor2+1
	bne .nz
	lda factor2+2
	bne .nz
	lda factor2			; if factor2 is odd
	and #$01
	beq .skip
	lda factor1			; product += factor1
	adc product
	sta product
	lda factor1+1
	adc product+1
	sta product+1
	lda factor1+2
	adc product+2
	sta product+2			; end if

	asl factor1			; << factor1 
	rol factor1+1
	rol factor1+2
	lsr factor2+2			; >> factor2
	ror factor2+1
	ror factor2

	jmp .loop			; end while	
base/24bit_multiplication_24bit_product.txt · Last modified: 2018-02-11 22:54 by neils