2x2 Sideways Scrolling text
This is a code snippet of how a 2×2 sideways scrolling message works. Like with the 1×1 scrolling message routine, it reads a $D016 control pointer XPos, and shifts it 7 pixels before shifting the character columns on both rows of the screen. The scroll then reads the positions of Scrolltext. If @ is found, the message resets otherwise, the code will check whether or not the pointer “Case” is using upper or lower char then stores it to the very last column. The message in the Scrolltext location will not be updated until after the upper case has been read.
// Simple Scrolling message test routine Scroller: lda XPos sec sbc #2 and #$07 sta XPos bcs ExitScroll jmp MainScroll ExitScroll: rts MainScroll: ldx #$00 ShiftByte: lda $0400+(15*40)+1,x sta $0400+(15*40),x inx cpx #$50 bne ShiftByte MessRead: lda Scrolltext cmp #$00 bne UpdateMess lda #<Scrolltext sta MessRead+1 lda #>Scrolltext sta MessRead+2 jmp MessRead UpdateMess: sta CharStore lda Case cmp #1 beq UpperCase LowerCase: lda CharStore sta $0400+(15*40)+39 eor #$80 sta $0400+(16*40)+39 lda #1 sta Case rts UpperCase: lda CharStore eor #$40 sta $0400+(15*40)+39 eor #$80 sta $0400+(16*40)+39 lda #0 sty Case inc MessRead+1 bne ExitScroll2 inc MessRead+2 ExitScroll2: rts Case: .byte 0 // Which char code are we using (upper or lower) XPos: .byte 0 // $D016 control pointer Scrolltext: .text " ... this is a 2x2 character scrolling message ... " .text "or it can be very short ... i'll leave it up to you ... "
base/2x2_sidescroll.txt · Last modified: 2024-11-04 15:41 by richard