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base:agsp_any_given_screen_position [2023-07-19 00:34] (current) groepaz
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Any Given Screen Positioning (AGSP) VSP with a line crunch ======
 +A VSP (Wanker/DMA delay) is used for the horizontal position and a line crunch is used for the vertical position.
 +This code is for PAL machines. To make it work for NTSC you have to do some minor timing modifications for each scan-line.
 +The code is in ACME assembler format.
 +; This demonstrates AGSP (any given screen position). This uses VSP (Variable Screen Positioning) (DMA delay)
 +; with a stable raster plus a line crunch to scroll the screen vertically to any position.
 +; Use a joystick in port two to move the screen around.
 +; The top five and a bit lines are "wasted" by the line crunch, if you see any demos with the top
 +; few lines blanked out and the screen below is moving at a fast rate then you can probably guess
 +; it is using a similar method.
 +!to "RasterTest.prg", cbm
 +!cpu 6510
 +!ct pet
 +ZPProcessorPortDDR = $00
 +ProcessorPortDDRDefault = %101111
 +ZPProcessorPort = $01
 +ProcessorPortAllRAMWithIO = %100101
 +CIA1InterruptControl = $dc0d
 +CIA1TimerAControl = $dc0e
 +CIA1TimerBControl = $dc0f
 +CIA2InterruptControl = $dd0d
 +CIA2TimerAControl = $dd0e
 +CIA2TimerBControl = $dd0f
 +VIC2InteruptControl = $d01a
 +VIC2InteruptStatus = $d019
 +VIC2BorderColour = $d020
 +VIC2ScreenColour = $d021
 +VIC2ScreenControlV = $d011
 +VIC2SpriteEnable = $d015
 +VIC2Raster = $d012
 +CIA1KeyboardColumnJoystickA = $dc00
 +KERNALNMIServiceRoutineLo = $fffa
 +KERNALNMIServiceRoutineHi = $fffb
 +KERNALIRQServiceRoutineLo = $fffe
 +KERNALIRQServiceRoutineHi = $ffff
 +VIC2Colour_Black = 0
 +VIC2Colour_Red = 2
 +VIC2Colour_Green = 5
 +!macro MACROAckRasterIRQ_A {
 + lda #1
 + sta VIC2InteruptStatus ; Ack Raster interupt
 +!macro MACROAckAllIRQs_A {
 + ; Ack any interrupts that might have happened from the CIAs
 + lda CIA1InterruptControl
 + lda CIA2InterruptControl
 + ; Ack any interrupts that have happened from the VIC2
 + lda #$ff
 + sta VIC2InteruptStatus
 +*= $0801
 +!byte $0b,$08,$01,$00,$9e ; Line 1 SYS2061
 +!convtab pet
 +!tx "2061" ; Address for sys start in text
 +!byte $00,$00,$00
 +.theLine = 45
 + ; Stop interrupts, clear decimal mode and backup the previous stack entries
 + lda #ProcessorPortAllRAMWithIO
 + sei
 + cld
 + ; Grab everything on the stack
 + ldx #$ff
 + txs
 + ; Init the processor port
 + ldx #ProcessorPortDDRDefault
 + stx ZPProcessorPortDDR
 + ; Set the user requested ROM state
 + sta ZPProcessorPort
 + ; Clear all CIA to known state, interrupts off.
 + lda #$7f
 + sta CIA1InterruptControl
 + sta CIA2InterruptControl
 + lda #0
 + sta VIC2InteruptControl
 + sta CIA1TimerAControl
 + sta CIA1TimerBControl
 + sta CIA2TimerAControl
 + sta CIA2TimerBControl
 + ; Setup kernal and user mode IRQ vectors to point to a blank routine
 + lda #<.initIRQ
 + sta KERNALIRQServiceRoutineLo
 + lda #>.initIRQ
 + sta KERNALIRQServiceRoutineHi
 + lda #<.initNMI
 + sta KERNALNMIServiceRoutineLo
 + lda #>.initNMI
 + sta KERNALNMIServiceRoutineHi
 + ; Turn off various bits in the VIC2 and SID chips
 + ; Screen, sprites and volume are disabled.
 + lda #0
 + sta VIC2ScreenColour
 + sta VIC2BorderColour
 + sta VIC2ScreenControlV
 + sta VIC2SpriteEnable
 + ; Setup raster IRQ
 + lda #<IrqTopOfScreen
 + sta KERNALIRQServiceRoutineLo
 + lda #>IrqTopOfScreen
 + sta KERNALIRQServiceRoutineHi
 + lda #1
 + sta VIC2InteruptControl
 + lda #.theLine
 + sta VIC2Raster
 + lda #$1b
 + sta VIC2ScreenControlV
 + lda #VIC2Colour_Red
 + sta VIC2BorderColour
 + ldx #39
 + lda #$30
 + sta $400 + 00*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 10*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 20*40 ,x
 + lda #$31
 + sta $400 + 01*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 11*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 21*40 ,x
 + lda #$32
 + sta $400 + 02*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 12*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 22*40 ,x
 + lda #$33
 + sta $400 + 03*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 13*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 23*40 ,x
 + lda #$34
 + sta $400 + 04*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 14*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 24*40 ,x
 + lda #$35
 + sta $400 + 05*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 15*40 ,x
 + lda #$36
 + sta $400 + 06*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 16*40 ,x
 + lda #$37
 + sta $400 + 07*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 17*40 ,x
 + lda #$38
 + sta $400 + 08*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 18*40 ,x
 + lda #$39
 + sta $400 + 09*40 ,x
 + sta $400 + 19*40 ,x
 + dex
 + bpl .fs1
 + cli
 + ; Wait for the top IRQ to be triggered
 + lda .topIRQDone
 + beq .mainLine
 + lda #0
 + sta .topIRQDone
 + lda #%00001
 + bit CIA1KeyboardColumnJoystickA
 + bne .notUp
 + ldx .yPosOffset
 + inx
 + cpx #26
 + bne .s1
 + ldx #25
 + stx .yPosOffset
 + lda #%00010
 + bit CIA1KeyboardColumnJoystickA
 + bne .notDown
 + ldx .yPosOffset
 + dex
 + bpl .s2
 + ldx #0
 + stx .yPosOffset
 + ; If fire is not pressed then don't update the counter
 + lda #%01000
 + bit CIA1KeyboardColumnJoystickA
 + bne .notLeft
 + ldx .xPosOffset
 + inx
 + cpx #40
 + bne .o1
 + ldx #39
 + stx .xPosOffset
 + lda #%00100
 + bit CIA1KeyboardColumnJoystickA
 + bne .notRight
 + ldx .xPosOffset
 + dex
 + bpl .o2
 + ldx #0
 + stx .xPosOffset
 + jmp .mainLine
 +.topIRQDone !by 0
 +.xPosOffset !by 0
 +.yPosOffset !by 0
 +; Remove all possibility that the timings will change due to previous code
 +!align 255,0
 + ; Line 45
 + pha
 + txa
 + pha
 + tya
 + pha
 + inc .topIRQDone
 + lda #<.irq2
 + ldx #>.irq2
 + sta KERNALIRQServiceRoutineLo
 + stx KERNALIRQServiceRoutineHi
 + inc VIC2Raster
 + +MACROAckRasterIRQ_A
 + ; Begin the raster stabilisation code
 + tsx
 + cli
 + ; These nops never really finish due to the raster IRQ triggering again
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + ; Line 46
 + txs
 + ; Delay for a while
 + ldx #8
 + dex
 + bne .l1
 + bit $ea
 + ; Final cycle wobble check.
 + lda VIC2Raster
 + cmp VIC2Raster
 + beq .start
 + ; The raster is now stable
 + ; Line 47
 + lda #$11
 + sta VIC2ScreenControlV
 + ; Waste some time
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + bit $ea
 + ; Still in line 47
 + ; Calculate a variable offset to delay by branching over nops
 + lda #39
 + sec
 + sbc .xPosOffset
 + ; divide by 2 to get the number of nops to skip
 + lsr
 + sta .sm1+1
 + ; Force branch always
 + clv
 + ; Line 48
 + ; Introduce a 1 cycle extra delay depending on the least significant bit of the x offset
 + bcc .sm1
 + bvc *
 + ; The above branches somewhere into these nops depending on the x offset position
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + nop
 + ; Show the raster position is stable and varies as a function of x offset
 + ; If these border colour changes are removed then they need to be replaced with the same
 + ; cycle count of nops
 + inc VIC2BorderColour
 + dec VIC2BorderColour
 + ; Do the VSP by tweaking the VIC2ScreenControlV register at the correct time
 + lda #%01111011 ; Plus ECM/Bitmap to disable the screen output
 +; lda #%00011011 ; Enable this line to see what is going on at the top of the screen
 + dec VIC2ScreenControlV
 + inc VIC2ScreenControlV
 + sta VIC2ScreenControlV
 + ; Change the below to "!if 0" to turn off the line crunch
 +!if 1 {
 + ; Display a red border at the start of this routine
 + lda #VIC2Colour_Red
 + sta VIC2BorderColour
 + ; The number of lines to crunch
 + ldy .yPosOffset
 + beq .s3
 + ; The raster line to start crunching on
 + ldx #67
 + ; Load the next screen value
 + lda .table-67,x
 + ; Wait for the line...
 + cpx VIC2Raster
 + bne *-3
 + ; Produces a one line crunch
 + ; The timing of this store is quite critical, hence why the load is done before the raster line test
 + sta VIC2ScreenControlV
 + inx
 + dey
 + bne .crunchLoop
 + ; Display green until the screen is enabled
 + lda #VIC2Colour_Green
 + sta VIC2BorderColour
 + ; Turn off ECM/Bitmap to enable the screen
 + lda VIC2ScreenControlV
 + and #%00011111
 + ; Wait for this raster line
 + ldx #67+26
 + cpx VIC2Raster
 + bne *-3
 + ; Enable the screen
 + sta VIC2ScreenControlV
 + lda #VIC2Colour_Black
 + sta VIC2BorderColour
 +} else {
 + lda #%00011011
 + sta VIC2ScreenControlV
 + ; Restart the IRQ chain
 + lda #<IrqTopOfScreen
 + ldx #>IrqTopOfScreen
 + ldy #.theLine
 + sta KERNALIRQServiceRoutineLo
 + stx KERNALIRQServiceRoutineHi
 + sty VIC2Raster
 + +MACROAckRasterIRQ_A
 + ; Exit the IRQ
 + pla
 + tay
 + pla
 + tax
 + pla
 + rti
 +; With ECM + bitmap enabled to turn off the top of the screen
 +!by %01111100
 +!by %01111101
 +!by %01111110
 +!by %01111111
 +!by %01111000
 +!by %01111001
 +!by %01111010
 +!by %01111011
 +!by %01111100
 +!by %01111101
 +!by %01111110
 +!by %01111111
 +!by %01111000
 +!by %01111001
 +!by %01111010
 +!by %01111011
 +!by %01111100
 +!by %01111101
 +!by %01111110
 +!by %01111111
 +!by %01111000
 +!by %01111001
 +!by %01111010
 +!by %01111011
 +!by %01111100
 +!by %01111101
 +!by %01111110
 +!by %01111111
 +!by %01111000
 +!by %01111001
 +!by %01111010
 +!by %01111011
base/agsp_any_given_screen_position.txt · Last modified: 2023-07-19 00:34 by groepaz