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Classic distance formula is d= SQR( (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2)) and it is well known that if you are comparing the magnitude of two distances you can avoid doing the square root operation as the square of the distances sort in the same order. However, to avoid the square root and the multiplication is the intent of this approximation.

The following approximation is based on a combination of linear components of the min and max functions.

Note that for 6502 we can take the approximation even further by noting the coefficient for max is close to one and the coefficient for min is close enough to 1/2 to use that as a faster calculation that's acceptable for a lot of game use.

; gives approximate distance from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
; with only overestimations, and then never by more
; than (9/8) + one bit uncertainty.

 lda x1          ; x1 - x2
 sbc x2
 sta xd
 bpl .posxdiff   ; abs()
 lda #00         ;
 sbc xd
 sta xd
 lda y1          ; y1 - y2
 sbc y2
 sta yd
 bpl .posydiff   ; abs()
 lda #00
 sbc yd
 cmp xd
 bcs .ygreater
 lsr              ; ydelta / 2
 adc xd           ; + xdelta

 sta yd
 lda xd
 lsr              ; xdelta / 2
 adc yd           ; + ydelta

derivation: A FAST APPROXIMATION TO THE HYPOTENUSE page 427 of Graphics Gems 1

base/approximation_to_distance.1581255597.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-02-09 14:39 by djmips