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base:ballon_demo_from_manual [2020-07-01 01:15] (current) ftc
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 +====== Balloon demo from the C64 manual ======
 +By abujok
 +This is the BASIC sprite example from the C64 Manual moved to machine code.
 +This was my first step into the world of sprites :-)
 +Have fun
 +;  DASM Syntax
 + processor 6502
 +CLRSCN = $E544 ; Clear Screen
 +VIC = $D000 ; VIC Basis 53248
 +MIB_X2 = VIC+4 ;
 +MIB_Y2 = VIC+5 ;
 +MIB_Y_MSB = VIC+16
 +MIB_ENABLE = VIC+21 ; register Sprite Enable 53269
 +MIB_POINTER = $07F8 ; Memory pointer Basis 2040
 +MIB_MEM_SP2 = $0340 ; begin memory area sprite2
 + org  $0800
 +; encode SYS 2064 ($0810) line
 +; in BASIC program space
 + dc $00 ,$0c, $08, $0a, $00, $9e, $20, $32 
 + dc $30, $36, $34, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00
 +init lda #$04 ; Sprite 2
 + sta MIB_ENABLE ; Sprite enable register
 + lda #MIB_MEM_SP2/64 ; Store startaddress of Pointer 2
 + sta MIB_POINTER+2 ; to Sprite pointer register
 + ldx #$3e ; max of sprite value => 63
 +x0 lda spr0,x ; load sprite byte
 + sta MIB_MEM_SP2,x; store to spritememory
 + dex ; x--
 + bne x0 ; last byte?
 + dex ; x--
 + stx MIB_X2 ; set Sprite position x to zero minus one
 + stx MIB_Y2 ; set Sprite position y to zero minus one
 + jsr CLRSCN ; C64 ROM Clear Screen
 +y0 inc MIB_X2 ; Sprite position x++
 + inc MIB_Y2 ; Sprite position y++
 + ; delay for sprite move
 + ldx #$05 ; set prescaler outer loop
 +y11 ldy #$ff ; set prescaler inner loop
 +y1 dey ; y--
 + bne y1 ; no reached of zero
 + dex ; x--
 + bne y11 ;
 + lda MIB_X2 ; Sprite position x
 + cmp #$c8 ; Sprite position x are 200?
 + bne y0 ; no, next position
 + rts
 +spr0 byte 0,127,0,1,255,192,3,255,224,3,231,224
 + byte 7,217,240,7,223,240,2,217,240,3,231,224
 + byte 3,255,224,3,255,224,2,255,160,1,127,64
 + byte 1,62,64,0,156,128,0,156,128,0,73,0,0,73,0,0
 + byte 62,0,0,62,0,0,62,0,0,28,0
base/ballon_demo_from_manual.txt · Last modified: 2020-07-01 01:15 by ftc