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Circle Routine

Circle routine, on the bitmap screen, based on algorithm at: Draws the Circle with 8 symmetric arcs.

_Vic = $d000
_Vmem= $2000
pY = $2
pX = $3
pX1 = $5
pY1 = $52
pXR = $a8
pYR = $a6
dA  = $a3
wOffs = $fb

; ************************************************
;       Circle
;       input: pX1 (word 0-319**), center x-coord
;              pY1 (byte 0-199**), center y-coord
;              pXR (word 0-320**), radius
;       **values can in fact be larger: Y can be up to 255
;       while X and R can be up to 65535 (X in 0-32767 for 
;       circles centered outside the video on the right, 
;       32768-65535 for circles outside on the left)         
; 0       circle (x0, y0, r)
; 1           x=r;
; 2           y=0;
; 3           a=x;
; 4           while (true) {
; 5                plot(x0+x,y0+y);
; 6                plot(x0+x,y0-y);
; 7                plot(x0-x,y0-y);
; 8                plot(x0-x,y0+y);
; 9                plot(x0+y,y0+x);
; 10               plot(x0+y,y0-x);
; 11               plot(x0-y,y0-x);
; 12               plot(x0-y,y0+x);
; 13             if (x>y) break;
; 14             y=y+1;
; 15             a=a-y;
; 16             if (a<0) { 
; 17                x=x-1;
; 18                a=a+x;
; 19             }
; 20          }       
;       algo:
;       draws the circle plotting 8 arcs 
;                         arc8 - - arc1
;                       arc7 /     \ arc2
;                       arc6 \     / arc3
;                         arc5 - - arc4
; ************************************************

xoPx= $61 ; byte 0,0
xoPy= $63 ; byte 0,0
xoMx= $65 ; byte 0,0
xoMy= $69 ; byte 0,0
yoPx= $6b ; byte 0
yoPy= $6c ; byte 0
yoMx= $6d ; byte 0
yoMy= $6e ; byte 0

        lda #0          ; ****** 2. YR=0
        sta pYR
        sta pYR+1
        lda pXR         ; ****** 3. dA=X (=R)
        sta dA
        lda pXR+1        
        sta dA+1
                        ; ****** 5-12: preparation
_cb     clc        ;x0+x
        lda pXR
        adc pX1
        sta xoPx
        lda pXR+1
        adc pX1+1
        sta xoPx+1

        sec        ;x0-x
        lda pX1
        sbc pXR
        sta xoMx
        lda pX1+1
        sbc pXR+1
        sta xoMx+1

        clc        ;x0+y
        lda pYR
        adc pX1
        sta xoPy
        lda pYR+1
        adc pX1+1
        sta xoPy+1

        sec        ;x0-y
        lda pX1
        sbc pYR
        sta xoMy
        lda pX1+1
        sbc pYR+1
        sta xoMy+1

        clc        ;y0+x
        lda pXR
        adc pY1
        bcs _noY1       ; if Y+XR>255 then won't plot it
        sta yoPx
        lda pXR+1
        beq _2yoMX 
_noY1   lda #201        ; if outside the video, sets Y=201
        sta yoPx

_2yoMX  sec        ;y0-x
        lda pY1
        sbc pXR
        bcc _noY2       ; if XR > Y then it's outside the video
        sta yoMx
        lda pXR+1
        beq _2yoPy
_noY2   lda #201        ; if outside the video, sets Y=201
        sta yoMx

_2yoPy  clc        ;y0+y
        lda pYR
        adc pY1
        bcs _noY3       ; if Y+YR>255 then won't plot it
        sta yoPy
        lda pYR+1
        beq _2yoMy
_noY3   lda #201        ; if outside the video, sets Y=201
        sta yoPy

_2yoMy  sec        ;y0-y
        lda pY1
        sbc pYR
        bcc _noY4       ; if YR > Y then it's outside the video
        sta yoMy
        lda pYR+1
        beq Plot8
_noY4   lda #201        ; if outside the video, sets Y=201
        sta yoMy

Plot8   lda xoPx        ; ****** 5. ESE, arc 3
        sta pX
        lda xoPx+1
        sta pX+1
        lda yoPy
        sta pY 
        jsr CheckPlot

        lda yoMy        ; ****** 6. SSW, arc 5
        sta pY 
        jsr CheckPlot
        lda xoMx        ; ****** 7. WSW, arc 6
        sta pX 
        lda xoMx+1
        sta pX+1
        jsr CheckPlot

        lda yoPy        ; ****** 8. SSE, arc 4
        sta pY 
        jsr CheckPlot

        lda xoPy        ; ****** 9. WNW, arc 7
        sta pX 
        lda xoPy+1
        sta pX+1
        lda yoPx
        sta pY 
        jsr CheckPlot

        lda yoMx        ; ****** 10. NNE, arc 1
        sta pY 
        jsr CheckPlot

        lda xoMy        ; ****** 11. ENE, arc 2
        sta pX 
        lda xoMy+1
        sta pX+1
        jsr CheckPlot

        lda yoPx        ; ****** 12. NNW, arc 8
        sta pY 
        jsr CheckPlot

        lda pYR         ; ****** 13. y<=x ?
        cmp pXR
        lda pYR+1
        sbc pXR+1
        bcc over        ; if YR<=XR go on
        rts             ; end
over    inc pYR         ; ****** 14. YR=YR+1
        bne noYRhi
        inc pYR+1
noYRhi  sec             ; ****** 15. dA=dA-YR
        lda dA
        sbc pYR
        sta dA
        lda dA+1
        sbc pYR+1
        sta dA+1
        bpl noX         ; ****** 16. dA<0 ?
        lda pXR         ; ****** 17. XR=XR-1
        bne noXRhi
        dec pXR+1
noXRhi  dec pXR
        clc             ; ****** 18. dA=dA+XR
        lda dA
        adc pXR
        sta dA
        lda dA+1
        adc pXR+1
        sta dA+1
noX     jmp _cb

; ************************************************
;       Plot
;       input: pX (word 0-319**)
;              pY (byte 0-200**)
;       **boundary check via CheckPlot
; offset = BaseAddr + 320*int(Y/8)+(Y and 7) + 8*int(X/8)
; pixel  = 2^(7-(X and 7))
; ************************************************
        lda pY
        cmp #200
        bcs _CPRet      ; <
        lda pX
        cmp #<320
        lda pX+1
        sbc #>320
        bcs _CPRet
;       jmp _Plot

        ldy #0          ; 2     ; comput. dY
        sty wOffs       ; 3     ; reset lobyte
        lda pY          ; 3
        lsr             ; 2
        lsr             ; 2
        lsr             ; 2     ; int(Y/8)
        sta wOffs+1     ; 3     ; 256*int(Y/8) hibyte (lobyte=0)
        lsr             ; 2
        ror wOffs       ; 5
        lsr             ; 2     ; 64*int(Y/8)  hibyte
        ror wOffs       ; 5     ; 64*int(Y/8)  lobyte  (= 320*int(Y/8) lobyte)
        adc wOffs+1     ; 3     ; 256*int(Y/8) + 64*int(Y/8)  hibyte
        sta wOffs+1     ; 3     ; =320*int(Y/8) hibyte
        lda pY          ; 3     ; add (Y and 7)
        and #7          ; 2
        ora wOffs       ; 3     ; lobyte [xx000xxx]
        sta wOffs       ; 3  48   

        lda pX          ; 3     ; dX + dY + BaseAddr
        and #248        ; 2
        adc wOffs       ; 3
        sta wOffs       ; 3
        lda wOffs+1     ; 3
        adc pX+1        ; 3
        adc #>_Vmem     ; 2
        sta wOffs+1     ; 3  22
        lda pX          ; 3     ; set pixel-bit
        and #7          ; 2
        tax             ; 2
        lda (wOffs),y   ; 5     
        ora ortab,x     ; 4
        sta (wOffs),y   ; 6  22

_CPRet  rts

        byte 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1
base/circle_routine.1586710647.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020-04-12 18:57 by verz