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//general helper scripts..

//gets hi-byte of 16 bit arguments
.function _16bit_nextArgument(arg) {
	.if (arg.getType() == AT_IMMEDIATE) .return CmdArgument(arg.getType(), >arg.getValue())
	.if (arg.getType() == AT_IZEROPAGEY || arg.getType() == AT_IZEROPAGEX) .return arg
	.return CmdArgument(arg.getType(), arg.getValue()+1)

//move byte
.pseudocommand mb src;tar {
	lda src
	.if (tar.getType() == AT_INDIRECT) {
		ldy #0
		sta (tar.getValue()),y
	} else {
		sta tar

//move word
.pseudocommand mw src;tar;tar2 {
	:mb src;tar
	.var yInced = false
	.if (src.getType() == AT_IZEROPAGEY) {
		lda tar
		.eval yInced = true
	} else {
		lda _16bit_nextArgument(src)
	.var nextTar
	.if (tar2.getType() != AT_NONE) .eval nextTar = tar2
	else .eval nextTar = _16bit_nextArgument(tar)
	.if (nextTar.getType() == AT_IZEROPAGEY) {
		.if (!yInced) iny
		sta tar
	} else {
		sta nextTar

//add word
.pseudocommand aw src;tar {
	:ab src;tar
	.var nextTar = _16bit_nextArgument(tar)
	.if (src.getType() == AT_IZEROPAGEY || tar.getType() == AT_IZEROPAGEY) {
	.if (src.getType() == AT_IMMEDIATE && src.getValue() < $80 && src.getValue() >= 0
			&& tar.getType() != AT_IZEROPAGEY) {
		bcc !+
		inc nextTar
	} else {
		lda _16bit_nextArgument(src)
		adc nextTar
		sta nextTar

//add byte
.pseudocommand ab src;tar {
	lda src
	adc tar
	sta tar

//scripts for code generation...
.var codeOuts	// list of speedcode outputting places that must be updated on page change
.var offset	// keeps track of where in the code segment we are, and can be used to
		// determine length of the segment
.var codeTarget

.macro startCodeGen(target) {
	.eval codeTarget = target

// starts a new segment of speedcode, in this case lineInit/plasmer
.macro newSegment() {
	.eval codeOuts = List()
	.eval offset = 0
	ldy codePnt+0

.pseudocommand gc arg1; arg2; arg3; relOffset {
/* 	Generates a codegenerator stub for 1-3 bytes of speedcode, based on the arguments.
	The speedcode generator works like:
	[lda source]
	sta target,y
	Which means that the high byte of the sta's have to be incremented each time y rolls over.
	For this purpose, the locations of the sta hi-bytes are stored in a list called codeOuts, which
	can be used for incrementing them when needed.
	In addition the offset is auto-incremented by 1 for every generated byte. The offset is located in 
	a variable called offset, which can be used afterwards to determine the length of the code segment.
	":gc" => no arguments means it will just output the content of the accumulator =>
	sta target,y
	":gc #$ea" => output #$ea =>
	lda #$ea
	sta target,y
	":gc #NOP" => output a nop instruction, which is also $ea => same result as before. The opcode constants
	are built into KickAss.
	":gc #LDX_ZP; #$fe" => generate "ldx $fe" =>
	lda #LDX_ZP
	sta target,y
	lda #$fe
	sta target+1,y
	This will increment the offset by 2, where it was only 1 for the previous examples. Note the # before $fe -
	if this had been left out, the value for the 2nd byte would have been loaded from $fe.
	":gc #LDA_IMM; cnt" => generate "lda $xx" where xx is loaded from the cnt label by the code generator.
	Note the lack of # before cnt =>
	lda #LDA_IMM
	sta target,y
	lda cnt
	sta target+1,y
	All addressing modes can be used for fetching bytes to generate, also indexed.
	":gc #LDY_IMM; colors,x" => generate "ldy $xx" where xx is looked up in the colors table =>
	lda #LDY_IMM
	sta target,y
	lda colors,x
	sta target+1,y
	If the second argument is 16 bits it will result in two generated bytes. E.g.
	":gc #INC_ABS; #$d020" => generate "inc $d020" =>
	lda #INC_ABS
	sta target,y
	lda #$20
	sta target+1,y
	lda #$d0
	sta target+2,y
	This currently only works for immediate values, so if the address had to be looked up you have to
	specify the lo/hi bytes separately:
	":gc #INC_ABS; adrs+0,x; adrs+1,x" =>
	lda #INC_ABS
	sta target,y
	lda adrs+0,x
	sta target+1,y
	lda adrs+1,x
	sta target+2,y
	If more advanced methods of calculating bytes are needed, they can be generated one at a time, like:
	:gc #LDA_IMM
	lda something
	ora somethingElse
	:gc //no args = output accumulator
	Another one...
	:gc #STA_ABS
	lda something
	ora somethingElse
	:gc ; #>address //empty first argument = first output accumulator, then hi-byte of address.
	Or the relOffset argument can be used for altering bytes ahead/behind the current offset. If this is set
	the offset will not be auto incremented. In most cases it's probably easier to use :grc for this though.
	Remember to set the argument that needs to be altered before/after to empty, in order to avoid redundancy.
	If the code bugs, a good way of debugging is to take a look at the generated code generator in a monitor.
	The location can be printed at assembly time with .print "here:" + toHexString(*)
	.eval relOffset = relOffset.getValue()
	.var args = List().add(arg1,arg2,arg3)
	.var progress = 1
	.for (var i=0; i<args.size(); i++) {
		.var arg = args.get(i)
		.if (i==0 || arg.getType() != AT_NONE) {
			.var numBytes = 1
			//16 bit support for 2nd argument...
			.if (i==1 && arg.getValue() >= $100 && arg.getType() == AT_IMMEDIATE)
				.eval numBytes = 2
			.for (var b=0; b<numBytes; b++) {
				//only lda if there's a non-empty argument..
				.if (arg.getType() != AT_NONE) {
					.if (b == 0) lda arg
					else lda #>arg.getValue()
				sta codeTarget + offset + i + b + relOffset,y
				.eval codeOuts.add(* - 1)
				.eval progress = i + numBytes
	.if (relOffset==0) .eval offset = offset + progress
	Generates a byte (the content of the accumulator) with a relative offset.
	Can be used together with an empty param for :gc for 3-byte instructions where the middle one requires
	special handling, e.g. "lda sine,x" with a different lo-byte:
	:gc #LDA_ABSX; ;#>sine	//skips the middle byte
	lda something
	and somethingElse
	:gcr -2			//adds the middle byte
.pseudocommand gcr relOffset {
	:gc ;;;relOffset

.macro setCodeOuts(adrs) {
	.for (var i=0; i<adrs.size(); i++)
		sta adrs.get(i)
base/codegen-scripts.asm.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:30 by