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Requires tables or a generator routine such as

;World's fastest 16×16 unsigned mult for 6502 ;you can go faster, but not without more code and/or data ;and being less elegant and harder to follow. ;by Repose 2017

;tables of squares ;sqr(x)=x^2/4 ;negsqr(x)=(255-x)^2/4 sqrlo=$c000;511 bytes sqrhi=$c200;511 bytes negsqrlo=$c400;511 bytes negsqrhi=$c600;511 bytes

;pointers to square tables above p_sqr_lo=$8b;2 bytes p_sqr_hi=$8d;2 bytes p_invsqr_lo=$8f;2 bytes p_invsqr_hi=$91;2 bytes

;the inputs and outputs x0=$fb;multiplier, 2 bytes x1=$fc y0=$fd;multiplicand, 2 bytes y1=$fe z0=$80;product, 4 bytes z1=$81 z2=$82 z3=$83

;not shown is a routine to make the tables ;also you need to init the pointers' high bytes to the tables

umult16: ;set multiplier as x0 lda x0 sta p_sqr_lo sta p_sqr_hi eor #$ff sta p_invsqr_lo sta p_invsqr_hi;17

ldy y0 sec lda (p_sqr_lo),y sbc (p_invsqr_lo),y;note these two lines taken as 11 total sta z0;x0*y0l lda (p_sqr_hi),y sbc (p_invsqr_hi),y sta c1a+1;x0*y0h;31 ;c1a means column 1, row a (partial product to be added later)

ldy y1 ;sec ;notice that the high byte of sub above is always +ve lda (p_sqr_lo),y sbc (p_invsqr_lo),y sta c1b+1;x0*y1l lda (p_sqr_hi),y sbc (p_invsqr_hi),y sta c2a+1;x0*y1h;31

;set multiplier as x1 lda x1 sta p_sqr_lo sta p_sqr_hi eor #$ff sta p_invsqr_lo sta p_invsqr_hi;17

ldy y0 ;sec lda (p_sqr_lo),y sbc (p_invsqr_lo),y sta c1c+1;x1*y0l lda (p_sqr_hi),y sbc (p_invsqr_hi),y sta c2b+1;x1*y1h;31

ldy y1 ;sec lda (p_sqr_lo),y sbc (p_invsqr_lo),y sta c2c+1;x1*y1l lda (p_sqr_hi),y sbc (p_invsqr_hi),y sta z3;x1*y1h;31

;4*31+2*17 so far=158 ;add partials ;-add first two numbers in column 1 ;jmp do_adds;put in zp to save 3 cycles :) do_adds: clc c1a lda #0 c1b adc #0;add first two rows of column 1 sta z1;9 ;-continue to first two numbers in column 2 c2a lda #0 c2b adc #0 sta z2;7 bcc c1c;3 taken/9 not taken, avg 6 inc z3 clc ;-add last number of column 1 (row c) c1c lda #0 adc z1 sta z1;8 ;-add last number of column 2 c2c lda #0 adc z2 sta z2;8 bcc fin;3/7 avg 5 inc z3 ;9+7+6+8+8+5=43 fin rts

base/fastest_multiplication.1492423821.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017-04-17 12:10 by repose