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base:fli-fpp-scroller [2015-04-17 04:31] (current) – created - external edit
Line 1: Line 1:
 + ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 + ;
 + ; afli-fpp-scroll
 + ; ----------------------
 + ;
 + ; coding: testicle/payday
 + ; logo: fabu/payday
 + ; musik: anvil/topaz beerline
 + ; afli-char: tts/oxyron
 + ;
 + ;
 + ; contact and payday-releases:
 + ; ------------------------------------
 + ;
 + ;
 + ;
 + ;
 + ;
 + ; this sourcecode is best view with the font "tahoma", font size 9.
 + ; you can compile this code using the ACME crossassembler. get the complete
 + ; package including resource files at
 + ;
 + ; the code was written with Relaunch64, the c64-crossassembler-tool
 + ; for windows-pc. grab it at!
 + ;
 + ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; globale variablen
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +!to "flifpp-scroll.prg"
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; includes der roh-daten
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +;*= $0800
 +;!byte $00,$0c,$08,$0a, $00,$9e,$33,$32,$37,$36,$38,$00,$00,$00,$00
 +*= $1000
 +!bin "music.bin"
 +*= $2000
 +!bin "pic-bmp.bin"
 +*= pic_char
 +!bin "pic-data.bin"
 +*= fli_sinen
 +!bin "fliscroll-sinen.bin"
 +*= $c000
 +!bin "fli-char.bin"
 +*= $3800
 +!bin "fastload.bin"
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; start des haupt-sourcecodes
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +*= $8000
 + lda #0
 + jsr $e536
 + sei
 + lda #<firq
 + sta $0314
 + lda #>firq
 + sta $0315
 + lda #1
 + sta $d01a
 + lda #$7f
 + sta $dc0d
 + lda #$38
 + sta $d012
 + lda #$1b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #0
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 + sta $dc0e
 + ;most zeropage-adresses are used as counter-variables
 + ;for the fpp-effects
 + sta $50
 + sta $52
 + sta $53
 + sta $55
 + sta $56
 + sta $45
 + sta $46
 + sta $35
 + sta $36
 + sta $60
 + sta $62
 + sta $64
 + sta $63
 + sta $68
 + sta $d001
 + jsr $1000
 + lda #16
 + sta $65
 + lda #text
 + sta $51
 + lda #8
 + sta $27
 + sta $34
 + sta $37
 + sta $54
 + sta $57
 + sta $44
 + sta $47
 + ldx #0
 +.loop1 lda #0
 +.cnt1 sta $4000,x
 + inx
 + bne .loop1
 + inc .cnt1+2
 + lda .cnt1+2
 + cmp #$80
 + bne .loop1
 + lda #$40
 + sta .cnt1+2
 + ldx #0
 +.loop2 lda #$cc ;bitmap or "pattern" of the flichar
 + sta $6140,x
 + sta $6240,x
 + inx
 + bne .loop2
 + ldx #0
 +.loop3 lda pic_char+$28,x ;payday-logo init
 + sta $0450,x
 + lda pic_farb+$28,x
 + sta $d850,x
 + lda pic_char+$0128,x
 + sta $0550,x
 + lda pic_farb+$0128,x
 + sta $d950,x
 + inx
 + bne .loop3
 + cli
 +loading lda #0
 + beq loading
 + jsr $c800
 + ldx #8
 + ldy #1
 + jsr $ffba
 + lda #2
 + ldx #<.fname
 + ldy #>.fname
 + jsr $ffbd
 + lda #0
 + jsr $ffd5
 + jmp nextpart
 +!ct pet
 +!tx "4*"
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; dummy-irq: short break before start
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +firq inc $d019
 + lda #$7b
 + sta $d011
 +.wait lda #50
 + dec .wait+1
 + lda .wait+1
 + bne .weiter
 + lda #<irq1
 + sta $0314
 + lda #>irq1
 + sta $0315
 + lda #$3a
 + sta $d012
 +.weiter jmp $ea7e
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; first irq: afli-routine (display afli-scroller)
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +irq1 inc $d019
 +save lda #$c7 ;soft-position of scroller
 + sta $d016
 + lda #2
 + sta $dd00
 + ldy #$3c
 + lda #$7c
 + cpy $d012
 + bne *-3
 +!set m=0
 +!do {
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$3d
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+1+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$3e
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+2+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$3f
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+3+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$38
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+4+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$39
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+5+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$3a
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+6+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$3b
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+7+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$3c
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+8+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$3d
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+9+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$3e
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+10+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$3f
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+11+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$38
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+12+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$39
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+13+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$3a
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+14+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$3b
 + sta $d011
 + lda chartab+15+m
 + sta $d018
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #$3c
 +!set m=m+16
 +} until m=96
 + lda #$7b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$9f
 + sta $d012
 + lda #$1b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #<irq2
 + sta $0314
 + lda #>irq2
 + sta $0315
 + jmp $ea7e
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; second irq: calculate afli-scroller
 +; this irq displays the payday-logo.
 +; furthermore, the different fpp-effects are
 +; calculated and the scroll-routine is run
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +irq2 inc $d019
 + lda #3
 + sta $dd00
 + lda #$19
 + sta $d018
 + lda #$3b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$d8
 + sta $d016
 + cmp ($00,x)
 + lda #15
 + ldy $d012
 + cpy $d012
 + beq *-3
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 + lda #0
 + ldy $d012
 + cpy $d012
 + beq *-3
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 +showlogo lda #$7b ;logo off in the beginning
 + sta $d011
 + jsr clear ;clear chartab (the $d018-value)
 + ;these values are used by the afli-scrollers, and set by the fpp-effects
 + lda $65 ;check out, which effect is currently activated
 + cmp #1
 + bne .boot1
 + jsr fpp1
 + jmp back
 +.boot1 cmp #2
 + bne .boot2
 + jsr fpp2
 + jmp back
 +.boot2 cmp #3
 + bne .boot3
 + jsr fpp3
 + jmp back
 +.boot3 cmp #4
 + bne .boot4
 + jsr fpp4
 + jmp back
 +.boot4 cmp #5
 + bne .boot5
 + jsr fpp5
 + jmp back
 +.boot5 cmp #6
 + bne .boot6
 + jsr fpp6
 + jmp back
 +.boot6 cmp #7
 + bne .boot7
 + jsr fpp7
 + jmp back
 +.boot7 cmp #8
 + bne .boot8
 + jsr fpp8
 + jmp back
 +.boot8 cmp #9
 + bne .boot9
 + jsr fpp9
 + jmp back
 +.boot9 cmp #10
 + bne .boot10
 + jsr fpp10
 + jmp back
 +.boot10 cmp #11
 + bne .boot11
 + jsr fpp11
 + jmp back
 +.boot11 cmp #12
 + bne .boot12
 + jsr fpp12
 + jmp back
 +.boot12 cmp #13
 + bne .boot13
 + jsr fpp13
 + jmp back
 +.boot13 cmp #14
 + bne .boot14
 + jsr fpp14
 + jmp back
 +.boot14 cmp #15
 + bne .boot15
 + jsr fpp15
 + jmp back
 +.boot15 cmp #16
 + bne .boot16
 + jsr fpp16
 + jmp back
 +.boot16 cmp #17
 + bne .boot17
 + jsr fpp17
 + jmp back
 +.boot17 cmp #18
 + bne .boot18
 + jsr fpp18
 + jmp back
 +.boot18 cmp #19
 + bne .boot19
 + jsr fpp19
 + jmp back
 +.boot19 cmp #20
 + bne .boot20
 + jsr fpp20
 + jmp back
 +.boot20 cmp #21
 + bne .boot21
 + jsr fpp21
 + jmp back
 +.boot21 cmp #22
 + bne .boot22
 + jsr fpp22
 + jmp back
 +.boot22 jsr fpp4
 +; ------------------------------------------------------------
 +; after setting up the fpp-effect
 +; continue with fli-scroller
 +; ------------------------------------------------------------
 +back lda save+1
 + sec:sbc .speed
 + sta save+1 ;softscroll done?
 + cmp #$c0
 + bcc .copy
 + jmp backy ;if no hardscroll, go on
 +.copy lda #$c7
 + sta save+1
 + ldx #0
 +.loop1 lda $4029,x ;if softscroll done, move all chars to the left
 + sta $4028,x
 + lda $4429,x
 + sta $4428,x
 + lda $4829,x
 + sta $4828,x
 + lda $4c29,x
 + sta $4c28,x
 + lda $5029,x
 + sta $5028,x
 + lda $5429,x
 + sta $5428,x
 + lda $5829,x
 + sta $5828,x
 + lda $5c29,x
 + sta $5c28,x
 + lda $6029,x
 + sta $6028,x
 + lda $6429,x
 + sta $6428,x
 + lda $6829,x
 + sta $6828,x
 + lda $6c29,x
 + sta $6c28,x
 + lda $7029,x
 + sta $7028,x
 + lda $7429,x
 + sta $7428,x
 + lda $7829,x
 + sta $7828,x
 + inx:cpx #40
 + bne .loop1
 +.fadeout jmp .nofade
 +.nofade lda $52 ;check out if new char is to be set or the rest of 
 + beq .out1 ;an old char is to be displayed
 + jmp out2
 +.out1 ldy #0 ;read new sign
 + lda ($50),y
 + tax
 + cmp #$a0 ;sign for activating the space-key?
 + bcc .slogo
 + lda #$dc ;if yes, free space-key
 + sta backy+2
 + lda #$20
 + tax
 +.slogo txa ;sign for activating logo?
 + cmp #$80
 + bcc .yoyo
 + lda #$3b ;if so, activate logo
 + sta showlogo+1
 + lda #$20
 + tax
 +.yoyo txa ;the chars from $60 to $68 in the scroller
 + cmp #$60 ;are responsible for the different scrollspeeds
 + bcc .yoyo1
 + and #15
 + sta .speed
 + lda #$20
 + tax
 +.yoyo1 txa ;the chatrs from $41 to $5f are responsible
 + cmp #$40 ;for activating the different fpp-effects
 + bcc .yoyo2
 + sec
 + sbc #$40
 + sta $65 ;store current fpp-effect-number in fpp-value ($65 zeropage)
 + lda #$20
 + tax
 +.yoyo2 txa
 + bne .weiter2 ;if char was 0, reset text-vector
 + lda #$00
 + sta $50
 + lda #text
 + sta $51
 + lda #$20
 +.weiter2 sta byte ;store current char and 
 + jsr textout ;display on screen
 + jsr charl ;read the length of the new char (e.g.,
 + ;"w" is much wider than "i".
 + inc $52 ;and update counter for char-length
 + inc $50 ;increase textcounter/vector
 + bne backy
 + inc $51
 +backy lda $d001 ;don't change $d001! this is set via the
 + cmp #$ef ;scroller (this is the space-key-check)
 + bne .serve2
 + lda #<.serve3 ;space was pressed...
 + sta .fadeout+1
 + lda #>.serve3
 + sta .fadeout+2
 +.serve2 jsr $1003 ;play sound
 + lda #<irq3
 + sta $0314
 + lda #>irq3
 + sta $0315
 + lda #$30
 + sta $d012
 + jmp $ea7e
 +; fadeout
 +.serve3 jsr $1003
 + dec .warten+1
 +.warten lda #45
 + bne .nix
 + lda #<.serve4
 + sta .fadeout+1
 + lda #>.serve4
 + sta .fadeout+2
 + lda #$7b
 + sta showlogo+1
 +.nix lda #<irq3
 + sta $0314
 + lda #>irq3
 + sta $0315
 + lda #$30
 + sta $d012
 + jmp $ea7e
 +.serve4 jsr $1003
 +.leiser lda #15
 + sta $d418
 + dec .leiser+1
 + lda .leiser+1
 + cmp #$ff
 + bne .nix2
 + sei
 + lda #$7b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #0
 + sta $d418
 + sta $d015
 + lda #$31
 + sta $0314
 + lda #$ea
 + sta $0315
 + lda #0
 + sta $d01a
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 + jsr $e536
 + lda #$81
 + sta $dc0d
 + ldx #0
 +.fload lda $3800,x
 + sta $c800,x
 + lda $3900,x
 + sta $c900,x
 + lda $3a00,x
 + sta $ca00,x
 + lda $3b00,x
 + sta $cb00,x
 + lda $3c00,x
 + sta $cc00,x
 + lda $3d00,x
 + sta $cd00,x
 + lda $3e00,x
 + sta $ce00,x
 + lda $3f00,x
 + sta $cf00,x
 + inx:bne .fload
 + lda #1
 + sta loading+1
 + cli
 + jmp $ea7e
 +.nix2 lda #<irq3
 + sta $0314
 + lda #>irq3
 + sta $0315
 + lda #$30
 + sta $d012
 + jmp $ea7e
 +.speed ;scroll-speed
 +!byte 2
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; third  irq: upper rasterline
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +irq3 inc $d019
 + ldy $d012
 + cpy $d012
 + beq *-3
 + lda #15
 + ldy $d012
 + cpy $d012
 + beq *-3
 + sta $d020
 + lda #0
 + ldy $d012
 + cpy $d012
 + beq *-3
 + sta $d020
 + lda #$3a
 + sta $d012
 + lda #$1b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #<irq1
 + sta $0314
 + lda #>irq1
 + sta $0315
 + jmp $ea7e
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; text-out
 +; this routine reads the afli-data of
 +; a new char and writes it in the afli-matrix/pattern
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +textout lda byte ;read char
 + asl:asl:asl ;hi-byte of char
 + sta $53 ;needs to be stored
 + tax
 +textit lda $c000,x ;load char-data and write
 + sta $404f ;it into the afli-matrix
 + lda $c100,x
 + sta $444f
 + lda $c200,x
 + sta $484f
 + lda $c300,x
 + sta $4c4f
 + lda $c400,x
 + sta $504f
 + lda $c500,x
 + sta $544f
 + lda $c600,x
 + sta $584f
 + lda $c700,x
 + sta $5c4f
 + lda $c800,x
 + sta $604f
 + lda $c900,x
 + sta $644f
 + lda $ca00,x
 + sta $684f
 + lda $cb00,x
 + sta $6c4f
 + lda $cc00,x
 + sta $704f
 + lda $cd00,x
 + sta $744f
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; out2
 +; this routine does not set a new char, but
 +; reads the remaining parts of the current char
 +; and writes it in the afli-matrix
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +out2 inc $53 ;position of current char-value
 + ldx $53
 + jsr textit ;out chatr
 + inc $52 ;increase charlength-counter
 + lda $52
 +leng cmp #5 ;char finished?
 + bne .weiter
 + lda #0 ;if yes, reset
 + sta $52
 +.weiter jmp backy
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; charl
 +; this routine calculates the length of a char
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +charl ldx byte
 + lda chle,x
 + sta leng+1
 + rts
 +!byte 2,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,2,4,4,4,6,4,4,4,4
 +!byte 4,4,4,4,4,6,4,4,4,2,2,2,2,2,3
 +!byte 0
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; clear
 +; this routine clears the chartable,
 +; the $d018-values of the afli-routine
 +; of the first irq.
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +clear ldx #0
 + lda #$f8 sta chartab,x
 + inx:bpl .ooo
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; start of the fpp-effects
 +; the fpp-effectsare activated in the scroll-text.
 +; $40+effectnumber activates the effect.
 +; byte $46 in the scrolltext means,
 +; fpp6 will be activated.
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp1: stretch mit pixellines
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +.sinz ldx #0
 + ldy #0
 +.setp lda #$e8
 + sta chartab,y
 + iny
 + tya
 + clc
 + adc sinus,x
 + tay
 + inx
 + lda .setp+1
 + clc:adc #$10
 + sta .setp+1
 + cmp #$e8
 + beq .ready
 + jmp .setp
 +.ready lda #$e8
 + sta .setp+1
 + sta chartab,y
 + inc .sinz+1
 + lda .sinz+1
 + cmp #95
 + bcc .serve
 + lda #0
 + sta .sinz+1
 +.serve rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp2: sourround
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp2 ldy $62
 +.loop ldx fli_sinen+$0200,y
 +.incr lda #8
 + sta chartab+3,x
 + cpx #8
 + bcc .weiter
 + cpx #$4c
 + bcs .weiter
 + sta chartab+4,x
 +.weiter iny
 + lda .incr+1:clc
 + adc #$10:sta .incr+1
 + bcc .loop
 + lda #8
 + sta .incr+1
 + inc $62
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp3: swing
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp3 ldy $63
 + ldx fli_sinen+$0300,y
 +.loop lda #8
 + sta chartab+1,x
 + inx
 + lda .loop+1:clc
 + adc #$10:sta .loop+1
 + bcc .loop
 + lda #8
 + sta .loop+1
 + inc $63
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp4: normal
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp4 ldx #32
 +.loop lda #8
 + sta chartab,x
 + inx
 + lda .loop+1:clc
 + adc #$10:sta .loop+1
 + bcc .loop
 + lda #8
 + sta .loop+1
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp5: normaler scroll, der sourrounded wird
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp5 lda $62
 + cmp #$20
 + bcc .first
 + cmp #$60
 + bcc .second
 + cmp #$a0
 + bcc .first
 + cmp #$e0
 + bcc .second
 +.first jsr fpp4
 + jsr fpp2
 + jsr mirror
 + rts
 +.second jsr fpp2
 + jsr fpp4
 + jsr mirror
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp6: swing über pixel-stretsch, gespiegelt
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp6 jsr fpp1
 + jsr fpp3
 + jsr mirror
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp7: stretch full
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +.sinz ldx #0
 + ldy #0
 +.setp lda #$e8
 + sta chartab+0,y
 + sta chartab+1,y
 + sta chartab+2,y
 + sta chartab+3,y
 + sta chartab+4,y
 + sta chartab+5,y
 + sta chartab+6,y
 + sta chartab+7,y
 + sta chartab+8,y
 + sta chartab+9,y
 + sta chartab+10,y
 + iny
 + tya
 + clc
 + adc sinus2,x
 + tay
 + inx
 + lda .setp+1
 + clc:adc #$10
 + sta .setp+1
 + cmp #$e8
 + beq .ready
 + jmp .setp
 +.ready lda #$e8
 + sta .setp+1
 + sta chartab+0,y
 + sta chartab+1,y
 + sta chartab+2,y
 + sta chartab+3,y
 + sta chartab+4,y
 + sta chartab+5,y
 + sta chartab+6,y
 + sta chartab+7,y
 + sta chartab+8,y
 + sta chartab+9,y
 + sta chartab+10,y
 + inc .sinz+1
 + lda .sinz+1
 + cmp #95
 + bcc .serve
 + lda #0
 + sta .sinz+1
 +.serve rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp8: stretch full, gespiegelt
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp8 jsr fpp7
 + jsr mirror
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp9: normaler-scroll, half-surround
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp9 ldy $64
 + lda fli_sinen+$0100,y
 + sta $62
 + jsr fpp4
 + jsr fpp5
 + jsr mirror
 + inc $64
 + lda $64
 + cmp #$af
 + bcc .serve
 + lda #0
 + sta $64
 +.serve rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp10: stretch full, gespiegelt, mit swing drüber
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp10 jsr fpp7
 + jsr mirror
 + jsr fpp3
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp11: swingende rolle
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp11 ldy $68
 + ldx fli_sinen,y
 +fpprolle lda aa
 + sta chartab,x
 + lda aa+5
 + sta chartab+1,x
 + lda aa+9
 + sta chartab+2,x
 + lda aa+12
 + sta chartab+3,x
 + lda aa+13
 + sta chartab+4,x
 + lda aa+14
 + sta chartab+5,x
 + lda aa+15
 + sta chartab+6,x
 + sta chartab+7,x
 + lda aa+16
 + sta chartab+8,x
 + sta chartab+9,x
 + sta chartab+10,x
 + lda aa+17
 + sta chartab+11,x
 + sta chartab+12,x
 + sta chartab+13,x
 + sta chartab+14,x
 + lda aa+18
 + sta chartab+15,x
 + sta chartab+16,x
 + sta chartab+17,x
 + sta chartab+18,x
 + sta chartab+19,x
 + lda aa+19
 + sta chartab+20,x
 + sta chartab+21,x
 + sta chartab+22,x
 + sta chartab+23,x
 + sta chartab+24,x
 + sta chartab+25,x
 + lda aa+20
 + sta chartab+26,x
 + sta chartab+27,x
 + sta chartab+28,x
 + sta chartab+29,x
 + sta chartab+30,x
 + lda aa+21
 + sta chartab+31,x
 + sta chartab+32,x
 + sta chartab+33,x
 + sta chartab+34,x
 + lda aa+22
 + sta chartab+35,x
 + sta chartab+36,x
 + sta chartab+37,x
 + lda aa+23
 + sta chartab+38,x
 + sta chartab+39,x
 + lda aa+24
 + sta chartab+40,x
 + lda aa+25
 + sta chartab+41,x
 + lda aa+27
 + sta chartab+42,x
 + lda aa+30
 + sta chartab+43,x
 + lda aa+34
 + sta chartab+44,x
 + lda aa+39
 + sta chartab+45,x
 + lda $68
 + and #1
 + bne .ende
 + ldx #0
 + ldy aa
 +.loop lda aa+1,x
 + sta aa,x
 + inx:cpx #$2a
 + bne .loop
 + sty aa+$29
 +.ende inc $68
 + rts
 +!byte $08,$18,$28,$38,$48,$58,$68,$78
 +!byte $88,$98,$a8,$b8,$c8,$d8,$08,$18
 +!byte $28,$38,$48,$58,$68,$78,$88,$98
 +!byte $a8,$b8,$c8,$d8,$08,$18,$28,$38
 +!byte $48,$58,$68,$78,$88,$98,$a8,$b8
 +!byte $c8,$d8
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp12: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp12 jsr fpp11
 + jsr mirror
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp13: swingende rolle, gespiegelt, mit swing drüber
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp13 jsr fpp11
 + jsr mirror
 + jsr fpp3
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp14: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +.sinz ldx #0
 + ldy #0
 +.setp lda $27
 + sta chartab,y
 + iny
 + tya
 + adc sinus3,x
 + tay
 + inx
 + lda $27
 + adc #$10
 + sta $27
 + cmp #$e8
 + beq .ready
 + jmp .setp
 +.ready lda #$08
 + sta $27
 + sta chartab,y
 + inc .sinz+1
 + lda .sinz+1
 + cmp #99
 + bcc .serve
 + lda #0
 + sta .sinz+1
 +.serve rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp15: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp15 jsr fpp17
 + jsr mirror
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp16: rolle mit surround
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp16 lda $62
 + cmp #$24
 + bcc .w1
 + cmp #$60
 + bcc .w2
 + cmp #$a0
 + bcc .w1
 + cmp #$e0
 + bcc .w2
 +.w1 ldx #$13
 + jsr fpprolle
 + jsr fpp2
 + rts
 +.w2 jsr fpp2
 + ldx #$13
 + jsr fpprolle
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp17: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +.sinz ldx #0
 + ldy #0
 +.setp lda #$e8
 + sta chartab+0,y
 + sta chartab+1,y
 + sta chartab+2,y
 + sta chartab+3,y
 + sta chartab+4,y
 + sta chartab+5,y
 + sta chartab+6,y
 + sta chartab+7,y
 + sta chartab+8,y
 + sta chartab+9,y
 + sta chartab+10,y
 + iny
 + tya
 + clc
 + adc sinus4,x
 + tay
 + inx
 + lda .setp+1
 + clc:adc #$10
 + sta .setp+1
 + cmp #$e8
 + beq .ready
 + jmp .setp
 +.ready lda #$e8
 + sta .setp+1
 + sta chartab+0,y
 + sta chartab+1,y
 + sta chartab+2,y
 + sta chartab+3,y
 + sta chartab+4,y
 + sta chartab+5,y
 + sta chartab+6,y
 + sta chartab+7,y
 + sta chartab+8,y
 + sta chartab+9,y
 + sta chartab+10,y
 + inc .sinz+1
 + lda .sinz+1
 + cmp #99
 + bcc .serve
 + lda #0
 + sta .sinz+1
 +.serve rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp18: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp18 lda $54
 + pha
 + lda $56
 + pha
 +.cnt ldx $56
 +.loop ldy sinus6,x
 + beq .nichts
 + ldx $55
 + lda $54
 +.loop2 sta chartab,x
 + inx
 + dey
 + bne .loop2
 + stx $55
 +.nichts lda $54
 + adc #$10
 + sta $54
 + inc $56
 + lda $55
 + cmp #96
 + bcc .cnt
 + pla
 + tax
 + inc .wait+1
 +.wait lda #1
 + and #1
 + bne .w3
 + inx
 +.w3 cpx #72
 + bne .w2
 + ldx #0
 +.w2 stx $56
 + pla
 + adc #$10
 + sta $54
 + lda #0
 + sta $55
 +.weiter rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp19: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +.sinz ldx #0
 + ldy #0
 +.setp lda #$e8
 + sta chartab+0,y
 + sta chartab+1,y
 + sta chartab+2,y
 + sta chartab+3,y
 + sta chartab+4,y
 + sta chartab+5,y
 + sta chartab+6,y
 + sta chartab+7,y
 + sta chartab+8,y
 + sta chartab+9,y
 + sta chartab+10,y
 + iny
 + tya
 + clc
 + adc sinus5,x
 + tay
 + inx
 + lda .setp+1
 + clc:adc #$10
 + sta .setp+1
 + cmp #$e8
 + beq .ready
 + jmp .setp
 +.ready lda #$e8
 + sta .setp+1
 + sta chartab+0,y
 + sta chartab+1,y
 + sta chartab+2,y
 + sta chartab+3,y
 + sta chartab+4,y
 + sta chartab+5,y
 + sta chartab+6,y
 + sta chartab+7,y
 + sta chartab+8,y
 + sta chartab+9,y
 + sta chartab+10,y
 + inc .sinz+1
 + lda .sinz+1
 + cmp #66
 + bcc .serve
 + lda #0
 + sta .sinz+1
 +.serve rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp20: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp20 lda $44
 + pha
 + lda $46
 + pha
 +.cnt ldx $46
 +.loop ldy sinus6,x
 + beq .nichts
 + ldx $45
 + lda $44
 +.loop2 sta chartab,x
 + inx
 + dey
 + bne .loop2
 + stx $45
 +.nichts lda $44
 + adc #$10
 + sta $44
 + inc $46
 + lda $45
 + cmp #96
 + bcc .cnt
 + pla
 + tax
 + inc .wait+1
 +.wait lda #1
 + and #1
 + bne .w3
 + inx
 +.w3 cpx #72
 + bne .w2
 + ldx #0
 +.w2 stx $46
 + pla
 + sbc #$10
 + sta $44
 + lda #0
 + sta $45
 +.weiter rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp21: swingende rolle, gespiegelt
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp21 lda $34
 + pha
 +.cnt ldx $36
 +.loop ldy sinus6,x
 + beq .nichts
 + ldx $35
 + lda $34
 +.loop2 sta chartab,x
 + inx
 + dey
 + bne .loop2
 + stx $35
 +.nichts lda $34
 + adc #$10
 + sta $34
 + inc $36
 + lda $35
 + cmp #96
 + bcc .cnt
 + inc .wait+1
 +.wait lda #1
 + and #1
 + bne .w3
 + inx
 +.w3 cpx #72
 + bne .w2
 + ldx #0
 +.w2 stx $36
 + pla
 + sbc #$10
 + sta $34
 + lda #0
 + sta $35
 +.weiter rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; fpp22: sourround-schlange
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +fpp22 ldy $62
 +.cnt lda #5
 +.loop ldx fli_sinen+$0200,y
 +.incr lda #8
 + sta chartab+3,x
 + cpx #8
 + bcc .weiter
 + cpx #$4c
 + bcs .weiter
 + sta chartab+4,x
 +.weiter iny
 + lda .incr+1:clc
 + adc #$10:sta .incr+1
 + bcc .loop
 + lda #8
 + sta .incr+1
 + dec .cnt+1
 + lda .cnt+1
 + bne .loop
 + lda #5
 + sta .cnt+1
 + inc $62
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; mirror: dieser effekt spiegelt
 +; die fpp-effekte
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +mirror ldx #65
 + ldy #65
 +.loop lda chartab,x
 + sta chartab+1,y
 + dex:iny
 + cpy #93
 + bne .loop
 + lda #$f8
 +.coco ldx #0
 + sta chartab+65
 + rts
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; char-tabelle.
 +; hier liegen die $d018-werte der
 +; afli-routine
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +*= $8f00
 +!fill 255,0
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; sinen.
 +; hier liegen die sinen für die
 +; verschiedenen fpp-effekte
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +*= $9000
 +!fill 40,0
 +!byte 1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,3,3
 +!byte 3,2,2,1
 +!fill 90,00
 +*= $9100
 +!fill 40,0
 +!byte 1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,5,5,5,4,4,4
 +!byte 3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1
 +!fill 90,00
 +*= $9200
 +!byte 0,0,0
 +!byte 1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,5
 +!byte 5,5,6,6,5,5,5,4,4,4
 +!byte 4,3,3,3,2,2,1,0,0,1
 +!byte 2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,3
 +!byte 3,3,2,2,1,0,0,1,1,2
 +!byte 2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5
 +!byte 5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,6,6
 +!byte 5,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,3
 +!byte 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,5,5,4
 +!byte 4,3,3,2,2,1,0,0,0
 +!byte 1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,3,3
 +!byte 3,2,2,1,0,0,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,3,3,3,2,2
 +*= $9300
 +!byte 0,0,0
 +!byte 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4
 +!byte 5,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,3
 +!byte 3,3,2,2,1,1,1,0,0,0
 +!byte 1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4
 +!byte 4,3,3,3,2,2,1,1,1,2
 +!byte 2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5
 +!byte 5,5,5,6,6,6,5,5,5,4
 +!byte 4,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,3,3
 +!byte 3,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,4
 +!byte 4,3,3,2,2,1,0,0,0
 +!byte 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,4
 +!byte 5,5,5,5,5,4,4,4,4,3
 +!byte 3,3,2,2,1,1,1,0,0,0
 +*= $9400
 +!byte 0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3
 +!byte 3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6
 +!byte 6,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3
 +!byte 2,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,3
 +!byte 3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6
 +!byte 6,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3
 +!byte 2,2,2,1,1,1
 +!byte 0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3
 +!byte 3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6
 +!byte 6,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3
 +!byte 2,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,3
 +!byte 3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6
 +!byte 6,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3
 +!byte 2,2,2,1,1,1
 +!byte 0,0,0,1,1,1,2,2,2,3
 +!byte 3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6
 +!byte 6,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3
 +!byte 2,2,2,1,1,1,2,2,2,3
 +!byte 3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6
 +!byte 6,5,5,5,4,4,4,3,3,3
 +!byte 2,2,2,1,1,1
 +*= $9500
 +!byte 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1
 +!byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
 +!byte 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2
 +!byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3
 +!byte 3,3,3,3,3,4,4,5
 +!byte 4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3
 +!byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
 +!byte 2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1
 +!byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
 +!byte 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1
 +!byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
 +!byte 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2
 +!byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3
 +!byte 3,3,3,3,3,4,4,5
 +!byte 4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3
 +!byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
 +!byte 2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1
 +!byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
 +!byte 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1
 +!byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
 +!byte 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2
 +!byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3
 +!byte 3,3,3,3,3,4,4,5
 +!byte 4,4,3,3,3,3,3,3
 +!byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
 +!byte 2,2,2,2,1,1,1,1
 +!byte 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +; der scroll-text
 +; endmarke: $00
 +; logo aktivieren: $80
 +; space: $a0
 +; speed: $61-$68
 +; effekte: $41-$55
 +; --------------------------------------------------
 +*= $9600
 +!ct scr
 +!tx " "
 +!byte $44
 +!tx "          welcome to another part presented by testicle of"
 +!byte $64
 +!text "   "
 +!byte $68
 +!tx "                 "
 +!byte $43
 +!tx "payday"
 +!byte $80
 +!byte $61
 +!tx "            "
 +!byte $62
 +!byte $41
 +!tx "   this time with a very nice afli fpp scroller"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $42
 +!tx "the credits go as following"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $52
 +!tx "the incredible coding was done by"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $61
 +!byte $53
 +!tx "testicle of payday"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $62
 +!byte $54
 +!tx "the old but still beautiful logo you see was painted by"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $61
 +!byte $56
 +!tx "fabu of payday"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $62
 +!byte $55
 +!tx "the sound you can hear was composed by"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $61
 +!byte $4b
 +!tx "anvil of topaz beerline"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $62
 +!byte $46
 +!tx "and this nice afli charset was painted by"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $61
 +!byte $50
 +!tx "tts of oxyron"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $62
 +!byte $a0
 +!byte $4e
 +!tx "now that you have seen some nice effects you can use space to continue"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $48
 +!tx "or you take some time to watch all remaining effects"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $64
 +!byte $45
 +!tx "at this point i want to thank fabu for being lazy and not supporting any new stuff for this demo   he he he"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $62
 +!byte $4f
 +!tx "but anyway   the old grafix i found were good enough though"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $4c
 +!tx "i really would like to send some greetings"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $4a
 +!tx "but payday actually knows no one to greet because we were away from scene for over eight years"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $54
 +!tx "and now we suddenly decided to release another issue of our great discmag"
 +!byte $68
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $61
 +!byte $51
 +!tx "popelganda"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $62
 +!byte $49
 +!tx "i hope we will gather some fans around us with the new issue"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $53
 +!tx "well at least i hope we will release this issue at all   he he he"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $4d
 +!tx "ok   all effects were shown i think"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $50
 +!tx "it is time to restart this text"
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte $47
 +!tx "have a nice day   "
 +!tx "              "
 +!byte 0
base/fli-fpp-scroller.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:31 by