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base:micropong [2015-04-17 04:32] (current) – created - external edit
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 +It's a bit buggy (and unplayable) but it might show some techniques that may come in handy.
 +The game features 2 player action (???), a real intro and a 8 by 8 pixel playfield. 
 +All of this in 824 bytes.
 +; sourcecrap [c]2005 HMVDVA/HeMa!
 +; do what you like with this. print it out and wipe your ass with it :-/
 +joystick1 = $dc01
 +joystick2 = $dc00
 +UP1 = 254
 +DOWN1 = 253
 +FIRE1 = 239
 +UP2 = 126
 +DOWN2 = 125
 +FIRE2 = 111
 +Gamespeed = 8
 +*= $0800
 +.byte $00,$0c,$08,$0a,$00,$9e,$32,$30,$36,$31,$00,$00,$00,$00
 + sei
 + lda #$31
 + sta $1
 + ldx #0
 + lda $d000,x
 + sta $2000,x
 + lda $d100,x
 + sta $2100,x
 + lda $d200,x
 + sta $2200,x
 + lda $d300,x
 + sta $2300,x
 + lda $d400,x
 + sta $2400,x
 + lda $d500,x
 + sta $2500,x
 + lda $d600,x
 + sta $2600,x
 + lda $d700,x
 + sta $2700,x
 + inx
 + bne copyromchar
 + lda #$37
 + sta $1
 + lda #$0b
 + sta $0286
 + jsr $e544
 + lda #0
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 + sta joystick1pos
 + sta joystick2pos
 + lda #4
 + sta ballx
 + lda #1
 + sta bally
 + lda #$1b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$18
 + sta $d018
 + ldy #0
 + lda #0
 + sta $2000,y
 + iny
 + cpy #8
 + bne setupchar
 + lda #160
 + ldx #0
 + sta $0400,x
 + sta $0500,x
 + sta $0600,x
 + sta $0700,x
 + inx
 + bne clearscreen
 + ; jsr paddle1control
 + ; jsr paddle2control
 + lda #15
 + sta $d814+(12*40)
 + lda #<$2000
 + ldy #>$2000
 + sta $f0
 + sty $f1
 + lda #$23
 + sta $0414+(12*40)
 + lda #$fb
 + cmp $d012
 + bne poll0
 + lda joystick1
 + cmp #fire1
 + beq dogame
 + lda joystick2
 + cmp #fire2
 + beq dogame
 + lda speedcounter
 + beq scrollit
 + dec speedcounter
 + jmp introloop
 + lda #10
 + sta speedcounter
 + clc
 + ldx #0
 + ;clc
 + rol $2000+($24*8),x
 + rol $2000+($23*8),x
 + inx
 + cpx #8
 + bne scroll
 + lda scrollcnt
 + beq newscrchar
 + dec scrollcnt
 + jmp introloop
 + lda #7
 + sta scrollcnt
 + lda scrolltext
 + beq wraptext
 + asl
 + asl
 + asl
 + sta copychar+1
 + ldx #0
 + lda $2000,x
 + sta $2000+($24*8),x
 + inx
 + cpx #8
 + bne copychar
 + inc stext+1
 + jmp introloop
 + lda #<scrolltext
 + ldy #>scrolltext
 + sta stext+1
 + sty stext+2
 + jmp stext
 + lda #0
 + sta $0414+(12*40)
 + lda #$fb
 + cmp $d012
 + bne poll1
 + jsr clearchar
 + jsr collisiondetect
 + jsr paddle1control
 + jsr paddle2control
 + jsr ballmovement
 + jmp gameloop
 + lda ballx
 + beq checkpaddle1
 + cmp #7
 + beq checkpaddle2
 + rts
 + lda bally
 + sec
 + sbc joystick1pos
 + cmp #3
 + bcs paddle1miss
 + jmp newdirection
 + lda #3
 + sta ballx
 + sta bally
 + jmp newdirection
 + lda bally
 + sec
 + sbc joystick2pos
 + cmp #3
 + bcs paddle2miss
 + rts
 + lda #3
 + sta ballx
 + sta bally
 + jsr randomgenerator
 + and #1
 + sta $f2
 + jsr randomgenerator
 + and #1
 + sec
 + sbc $f2
 + beq newdirection
 + cmp #2
 + beq newdirection
 + sta directx
 + ; sta $d020
 + jsr randomgenerator
 + and #1
 + sta $f2
 + jsr randomgenerator
 + and #1
 + sec
 + sbc $f2
 + ; beq tryyagain
 + sta directy
 +; sta $d021
 + rts
 + lda joystick1
 + cmp #up1
 + beq joy1up
 + cmp #down1
 + beq joy1down
 + jmp paddle1update
 + lda joystick1pos
 + beq paddle1update
 + dec joystick1pos
 + jmp paddle1update
 + lda joystick1pos
 + cmp #5
 + beq paddle1update
 + inc joystick1pos
 + ldy joystick1pos
 + lda ($f0),y
 + ora #%10000000
 + sta ($f0),y
 + iny
 + lda ($f0),y
 + ora #%10000000
 + sta ($f0),y
 + iny
 + lda ($f0),y
 + ora #%10000000
 + sta ($f0),y
 + rts
 + lda joystick2
 + cmp #up2
 + beq joy2up
 + cmp #down2
 + beq joy2down
 + jmp paddle2update
 + lda joystick2pos
 + beq paddle2update
 + dec joystick2pos
 + jmp paddle2update
 + lda joystick2pos
 + cmp #5
 + beq paddle2update
 + inc joystick2pos
 + ldy joystick2pos
 + lda ($f0),y
 + ora #%00000001
 + sta ($f0),y
 + iny
 + lda ($f0),y
 + ora #%00000001
 + sta ($f0),y
 + iny
 + lda ($f0),y
 + ora #%00000001
 + sta ($f0),y
 + rts
 + inc speedcounter
 + lda speedcounter
 + cmp #gamespeed
 + bne plotball
 + lda #0
 + sta speedcounter
 + lda ballx
 + beq chdirtoright
 + cmp #7
 + beq chdirtoleft
 + clc
 + adc directx
 + sta ballx
 + lda bally
 + beq chdirdown
 + cmp #7
 + beq chdirup
 + clc
 + adc directy
 + sta bally
 + jmp plotball
 + ldx #1
 + stx directx
 + jmp updateballx
 + ldx #255
 + stx directx
 + jmp updateballx
 + ldx #1
 + stx directy
 + jmp updatebally
 + ldx #255
 + stx directy
 + jmp updatebally
 + ldx ballx
 + lda balldata,x
 + ldy bally
 + ora ($f0),y
 + sta ($f0),y
 + rts
 + lda #0
 + tay
 + sta ($f0),y
 + iny
 + cpy #8
 + bne clearchar0
 + rts
 + LDA $DC04
 + EOR $DC05
 + EOR $DD04
 + ADC $DD05
 + EOR $DD06
 + EOR $DD07
 + rts
 +scrolltext .byte "welcome to micropong  this is the most horrible untested ungamerfriendly bloody crap pong game you ever played   press fire for your worst gamer nightmare     ",0
 +balldata .byte %10000000
 + .byte %01000000
 + .byte %00100000
 + .byte %00010000
 + .byte %00001000
 + .byte %00000100
 + .byte %00000010
 + .byte %00000001
 +speedcounter .byte 0
 +joystick1pos .byte 0
 +joystick2pos .byte 0
 +ballx .byte 0
 +bally .byte 0
 +directx .byte 1
 +directy .byte 1
 +scrollcnt .byte 0
base/micropong.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:32 by