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base:proportional-charset-noter_with_plasma-effect [2015-04-17 04:33] (current) – created - external edit
Line 1: Line 1:
 +; Proportional-Charset-Noter with Plasma Effect
 +; Coding: Testicle/Payday
 +; Logo: Zeitgeist/Civitas
 +; Musik: Dalezy/Creators
 +; Contact:
 +; For fast and easy navigation through the source,
 +; make intensive use of the paragraph-function,
 +; if you are using the Relaunch64 Crosseditor!
 +; Get Relaunch64 at 
 +;----- Paragraph @Globale Variablen@ -----
 +!to "noter.prg"
 +pscreen=$05b8 ;screen-coordinates for plasma effect
 +charset=$4800 ;original-charset
 +bitmap=$2dc0 ;adress/offset of bitmap for prop-char, i.e. hi-res-bmp for text
 +clearanz=$12 ;number * $100. shows how much of the bitmap must be cleared.
 +chardest=$4000 ;prepeared charset
 +stext=$6000 ;adress/offset for note text
 +start=$c000 ;start of main code
 +plasmasinus=$9e00 ;plasma-data
 +pixelcounter=$40 ;counts, how many pixels of a char still have to be "printed"
 +charcounter=$41 ;checks for new chars to be set
 +linecounter=$42 ;counts the lines already set
 +maxpage=$44 ;is set, when last page is reached
 +text=$50 ;text-counter in zeropage ($50/$51)
 +bmpoffset=$60 ;saves the offset of the bitmap in zeropage. tells, where to print in the bitmap
 +z1=$52 ;variables for plasma effect
 +koalabmp=$2000 ;data for koala logo
 +PZEILEN=14 ;number of lines of plasma effects
 +PSPALTEN=40 ;number of rows of plasma effects
 +;----- Paragraph @Includes@ -----
 +*= $0800
 +!byte $00,$0c,$08,$0a,$00,$9e,$34,$39,$31,$35,$32,$00,$00,$00,$00
 +*= charset
 +!bin "../sonstiges/prop-noter/char.bin"
 +*= koalabmp
 +!bin "../sonstiges/prop-noter/pay-bmp.bin"
 +*= koalascr
 +!bin "../sonstiges/prop-noter/pay-scr.bin"
 +*= koalacol
 +!bin "../sonstiges/prop-noter/pay-col.bin"
 +*= soundinit
 +!bin "../sonstiges/prop-noter/music.bin"
 +; sourcecode start
 +;----- Paragraph @Start of Maiscode@ -----
 +*= start
 + lda #0
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 + jsr $e536
 + sei
 + lda #<irq1
 + sta $0314
 + lda #>irq1
 + sta $0315
 + lda #0
 + sta $dc0e
 + jsr soundinit
 + lda #1
 + sta $d01a
 + lda #$7f
 + sta $dc0d
 + lda #$2d
 + sta $d012
 + lda #$7b
 + sta $d011
 + ldx #0
 +.loop1 lda #$bf ;hires-screen: $0b (darkgray) for textcolor,
 + sta screen+$200,x ;defined in screen-area.
 + sta screen+$300,x
 + inx
 + bne .loop1
 + ldx #$b8
 + lda #$bf
 +.loop11 sta screen+$100,x
 + inx
 + bne .loop11
 +;----- Paragraph @Init: Koala-Logo@ -----
 + ldx #0
 +.loopk1 lda koalascr,x
 + sta $0400,x
 + lda koalacol,x
 + sta $d800,x
 + inx
 + bne .loopk1
 +.loopk2 lda koalascr+$100,x
 + sta $0500,x
 + lda koalacol+$100,x
 + sta $d900,x
 + inx
 + cpx #104
 + bne .loopk2
 + ldx #79
 + lda #$20
 +.loopk3 sta $0568,x
 + dex
 + bpl .loopk3
 +; "empty dummy screen" for fade in
 + lda #$20
 + ldx #0
 +.clears sta $0c00,x
 + sta $0d00,x
 + sta $0e00,x
 + sta $0f00,x
 + inx
 + bne .clears
 + jsr .clearbitmap
 + ;--------------------------------------------------
 + ; here the charset is being prepared.
 + ; the pixelrows of each char are not
 + ; stored in 8 succeeded on another byte
 + ; ($3000-$3008), but each at $3000, $3100,
 + ; $3200 to $3800. now you can more easily
 + ; read the single pixellines by simply storing
 + ; the char in the x-reg. and use
 + ;
 + ; lda $3000,x
 + ; lda $3100,x
 + ; lda $3200,x
 + ; ...
 + ; lda $3700,x
 + ;
 + ; for getting the 8 pixelows of a char.
 + ;
 + ;--------------------------------------------------
 +;----- Paragraph @Prepare Charset@ -----
 + ldx #0
 + ldy #0
 +.loop4 lda charset,x
 + sta chardest,y
 + inx
 + lda charset,x
 + sta chardest+$100,y
 + inx
 + lda charset,x
 + sta chardest+$200,y
 + inx
 + lda charset,x
 + sta chardest+$300,y
 + inx
 + lda charset,x
 + sta chardest+$400,y
 + inx
 + lda charset,x
 + sta chardest+$500,y
 + inx
 + lda charset,x
 + sta chardest+$600,y
 + inx
 + lda charset,x
 + sta chardest+$700,y
 + iny
 + inx
 + bne .loop4
 +.loop5 lda charset+$100,x
 + sta chardest,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$100,x
 + sta chardest+$100,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$100,x
 + sta chardest+$200,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$100,x
 + sta chardest+$300,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$100,x
 + sta chardest+$400,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$100,x
 + sta chardest+$500,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$100,x
 + sta chardest+$600,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$100,x
 + sta chardest+$700,y
 + iny
 + inx
 + bne .loop5
 +.loop6 lda charset+$200,x
 + sta chardest,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$200,x
 + sta chardest+$100,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$200,x
 + sta chardest+$200,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$200,x
 + sta chardest+$300,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$200,x
 + sta chardest+$400,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$200,x
 + sta chardest+$500,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$200,x
 + sta chardest+$600,y
 + inx
 + lda charset+$200,x
 + sta chardest+$700,y
 + iny
 + inx
 + bne .loop6
 +; small break at the beginning
 + ldx #200
 +.p1 ldy #255
 +.p2 bit $ea
 + nop
 + dey
 + bne .p2
 + dex
 + bne .p1
 + lda #0
 + sta pixelcounter
 + sta charcounter
 + sta linecounter
 + sta neuchar
 + sta maxpage
 + lda #<stext
 + sta text
 + lda #>stext
 + sta text+1
 + lda #<bitmap
 + sta bmpoffset
 + lda #>bitmap
 + sta bmpoffset+1
 + cli
 +;----- Paragraph @Wait for Keypress@ -----
 +WARTEN lda #0
 + beq WARTEN
 +;----------------- ende -------------------------
 +;----- Paragraph @Read Char@ -----
 +.newpage ldy #0
 + lda (text),y ;read text-char
 + cmp #254
 + bne .los ;end-sign?
 + lda #TRUE
 + sta maxpage
 + jmp .vortaste ;if yes, finish
 +.los cmp #$20 ;if space, override rol-code
 + bne .next ;and increase char- and pixelcounter
 + ldx #$20 ;immediately
 + jsr .bende
 + jmp .space
 + cmp #255 ;new line?
 + bne .next2
 + jsr .neuereihe ;if yes, set new line and read
 + jmp .newpage ;new char
 +.next2 cmp #253 ;new page?
 + bne .putit
 + inc text
 + bne .weiter
 + inc text+1
 +.weiter jmp .vortaste ;if yes, goto waiting-loop
 +.putit tax
 + jsr .putchar ;put char.
 + lda neuchar ;is a new char "started" in the bitmap?
 + beq .weiter1
 + lda #0 ;if yes, reset variable
 + sta neuchar
 + lda bmpoffset ;and set bitmap-vector to next char
 + clc
 + adc #8
 + sta bmpoffset
 + bcc .weiter1
 + inc bmpoffset+1
 +.weiter1 inc text ;textcounter to next char in the text
 + lda text
 + bne .weiter2
 + inc text+1
 +.weiter2 jmp .newpage ;and back to beginning
 +.vortaste lda #AN
 + sta PAUSE+1
 +TASTE lda #0
 + jsr plasma ;run plasma while in waiting-loop
 + lda TASTE+1
 + beq TASTE
 + lda #AUS
 + sta PAUSE+1 ;don't allow space-key
 + lda #AUS
 + sta TASTE+1 ;activate waiting-loop above
 + lda maxpage ;all pages shown?
 + beq .weiter3
 + lda #<stext ;if yes, reset textvector
 + sta text
 + lda #>stext
 + sta text+1
 + lda #FALSE
 + sta maxpage
 +.weiter3 jsr .neueseite
 + jmp .newpage
 +;----------------- ende -------------------------
 +;----- Paragraph @New Textrow@ -----
 +.neuereihe lda #<bitmap ;first reset to original-bitmap-offsets
 + sta bmpoffset
 + lda #>bitmap
 + sta bmpoffset+1
 + ldx linecounter ;how many lines do we have?
 +.matheloop inc bmpoffset+1 ;number of lines multiplicated with 320
 + lda bmpoffset ;is the new offset for the bitmap
 + clc
 + adc #64
 + sta bmpoffset
 + bcc .mathe
 + inc bmpoffset+1
 +.mathe dex
 + bpl .matheloop
 + inc linecounter ;increase linecounter
 + lda #0 ;re-initiate pixel- and charcounter-variables
 + sta pixelcounter
 + sta charcounter
 + sta neuchar
 + inc text ;increase textcounter
 + lda text
 + bne .matheweiter
 + inc text+1
 +.matheweiter rts ;go back
 +;----------------- ende -------------------------
 +;----- Paragraph @New Textpage@ -----
 +.neueseite lda #<bitmap ;first reset to original-bitmap-offsets
 + sta bmpoffset
 + lda #>bitmap
 + sta bmpoffset+1
 + jsr .clearbitmap
 + lda #0
 + sta pixelcounter
 + sta charcounter
 + sta linecounter
 + sta neuchar
 + rts
 +;----------------- ende -------------------------
 +;----- Paragraph @Clear Bitmap@ -----
 +.clearbitmap lda #0 ;clear bitmap
 + ldx #0
 +!set m=0
 +!do {
 + sta bitmap+m*$100,x
 +!set m=m+1
 +} until m=clearanz
 + inx
 + bne .loop2
 + ldx #0
 +.loopc1 lda #$bf ;hires-screen: $0b (darkgray) for textcolor
 + sta screen+$200,x
 + sta screen+$300,x
 + inx
 + bne .loopc1
 + ldx #$b8
 + lda #$bf
 +.loopc11 sta screen+$100,x
 + inx
 + bne .loopc11
 + rts
 +;----------------- ende -------------------------
 +;----- Paragraph @Put char@ -----
 +.putchar lda chardest,x ;get first pixelrow
 + sta charbuffer+1 ;and buffer it
 + lda chardest+$100,x ;and so on...
 + sta charbuffer+3
 + lda chardest+$200,x
 + sta charbuffer+5
 + lda chardest+$300,x
 + sta charbuffer+7
 + lda chardest+$400,x
 + sta charbuffer+9
 + lda chardest+$500,x
 + sta charbuffer+11
 + lda chardest+$600,x
 + sta charbuffer+13
 + lda chardest+$700,x
 + sta charbuffer+15
 +;----- Paragraph @Move char@ -----
 + lda pixelcounter ;load pixel-counter. this variable stores the remaining amount of pixel
 + and #7 ;in the old char, so we know how many pixel the new char must be moved
 + eor #7
 + tay
 +.nloop1 clc ;move char
 + rol charbuffer+1
 + rol charbuffer
 + clc
 + rol charbuffer+3
 + rol charbuffer+2
 + clc
 + rol charbuffer+5
 + rol charbuffer+4
 + clc
 + rol charbuffer+7
 + rol charbuffer+6
 + clc
 + rol charbuffer+9
 + rol charbuffer+8
 + clc
 + rol charbuffer+11
 + rol charbuffer+10
 + clc
 + rol charbuffer+13
 + rol charbuffer+12
 + clc
 + rol charbuffer+15
 + rol charbuffer+14
 + dey
 + bpl .nloop1
 + ldy #0
 +;----- Paragraph @Char to Bitmap@ -----
 + lda (bmpoffset),y ;and now copy the moved char with ORA
 + ora charbuffer ;into the bitmap
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny
 + lda (bmpoffset),y
 + ora charbuffer+2
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny
 + lda (bmpoffset),y
 + ora charbuffer+4
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny
 + lda (bmpoffset),y
 + ora charbuffer+6
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny
 + lda (bmpoffset),y
 + ora charbuffer+8
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny
 + lda (bmpoffset),y
 + ora charbuffer+10
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny
 + lda (bmpoffset),y
 + ora charbuffer+12
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny
 + lda (bmpoffset),y
 + ora charbuffer+14
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny ;from here the rest of the just copied chars (i.e. the remaining pixels)
 + ;are being copied into the next char of the bitmap. 2x iny, because the counter
 + lda charbuffer+1 ;is in pixel-row 8 at the moment, i.e. at the "bottom". with the 2. iny the next offset 
 + sta (bmpoffset),y ;starts at the top of the 1. pixelrow of the next char in the bitmap
 + iny
 + lda charbuffer+3
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny
 + lda charbuffer+5
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny
 + lda charbuffer+7
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny
 + lda charbuffer+9
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny
 + lda charbuffer+11
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny
 + lda charbuffer+13
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 + iny
 + lda charbuffer+15
 + sta (bmpoffset),y
 +;----- Paragraph @End: Put char@ -----
 +.bende lda pixelcounter ;get pixelcounter
 + clc
 + adc chartable,x ;add length of current char
 + sta pixelcounter ;and save it. the pixelcounter contains the whole amount of pixels, which
 + ;already have been set in the current row.
 + lda charcounter ;update charcounter.
 + clc
 + adc chartable,x ;add length of current char
 + cmp #8 ;is a new char "started" in the bitmap?
 + bcc .kein
 + sbc #8
 + sta charcounter
 + lda #1 ;if yes, set remember-variable
 + sta neuchar
 + jmp .zurueck
 +.kein sta charcounter
 +.zurueck ldx #17
 + lda #0
 +.clearbuf sta charbuffer,x ;clear buffer
 + dex
 + bpl .clearbuf
 + rts
 +;----------------- ende -------------------------
 +; here the chars are being set, 
 +; which should be stored with ROL
 +; into the bitmap-matrix.
 +!fill 18,0
 +;----------------- ende -------------------------
 +; char-table, storing the length
 +; of each char (measured in pixel)
 +;----- Paragraph @Chartable@ -----
 +!byte 7,7,7,6,7,7,6,7,7,5,6,7,5,8,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,8,7,7,7,5,7,5,7,7
 +!byte 4,4,7,8,7,7,8,5,5,5,9,7,4,7,4,8,7,7,7,7,8,7,7,7,7,7,5,4,5,6,5,7
 +!byte 1,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,3,7,7,7,8,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,8,7,7,7
 +;----------------- ende -------------------------
 +;----- Paragraph @Irq1: Koala fadein@ -----
 +irq1 inc $d019
 + lda #$3b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$19
 + sta $d018
 + lda #$d8
 + sta $d016
 +.wait lda $d012
 +.zeile cmp #$31
 + bcc .wait
 + lda $d011
 + ora #$40
 + ldy $d012
 + cpy $d012
 + beq *-3
 + sta $d011
 + inc .zeile+1
 + lda .zeile+1
 + cmp #$7c
 + bne .ende
 + lda #<irq2
 + sta $0314
 + lda #>irq2
 + sta $0315
 + lda #$2e
 + sta $d012
 +.ende jsr soundplay
 + jmp $ea7e
 +;----------------- ende -------------------------
 +;----- Paragraph @Irq2: Koala Display@ -----
 +irq2 inc $d019
 + lda #$3b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$19
 + sta $d018
 + lda #$d8
 + sta $d016
 + jsr soundplay
 +IRQC1 lda #<irq3
 + sta $0314
 +IRQC2 lda #>irq3
 + sta $0315
 + lda #$80
 + sta $d012
 + jmp $ea7e
 +;----------------- ende -------------------------
 +;----- Paragraph @Irq3: Fadein Gray@ -----
 +irq3 inc $d019
 +.farbe lda #0
 + ldy $d012
 + cpy $d012
 + beq *-3
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 + lda #$1b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$c8
 + sta $d016
 + lda #$35
 + sta $d018
 +.wait lda $d012
 + cmp #$fe
 + bcc .wait
 + ldx #7
 +.warten ldy $d012
 + cpy $d012
 + beq *-3
 + nop:nop:nop
 + dex
 + bne .warten
 + lda #0
 + ldy $d012
 + cpy $d012
 + beq *-3
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 + dec .pause+1
 +.pause lda #4
 + bne .weiter
 + lda #2
 + sta .pause+1
 +.cnt ldx #0
 + lda .fcol,x
 + sta .farbe+1
 + inc .cnt+1
 + lda .cnt+1
 + cmp #8
 + bne .weiter
 + lda #<irq4
 + sta IRQC1+1
 + lda #>irq4
 + sta IRQC2+1
 + ldx #79
 + lda #$ff
 +.loop sta $0568,x
 + dex
 + bpl .loop
 + lda #AN
 + sta WARTEN+1
 +.weiter lda #<irq2
 + sta $0314
 + lda #>irq2
 + sta $0315
 + lda #$2e
 + sta $d012
 + jmp $ea7e
 +!byte $00,$0b,$09,$02,$08,$0a,$0f,$0f
 +;----------------- ende -------------------------
 +;----- Paragraph @Irq4: Fadein Gray finished@ -----
 +irq4 inc $d019
 + lda #15
 + ldy $d012
 + cpy $d012
 + beq *-3
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 + lda #$3b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$c8
 + sta $d016
 + lda #$19
 + sta $d018
 +.wait2 lda $d012
 + cmp #$fe
 + bcc .wait2
 + ldx #7
 +.warten ldy $d012
 + cpy $d012
 + beq *-3
 + nop:nop:nop
 + dex
 + bne .warten
 + lda #0
 + ldy $d012
 + cpy $d012
 + beq *-3
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 + dec .wait+1
 +.wait lda #4
 + bne .ende
 + lda #4
 + sta .wait+1
 +PAUSE lda #1
 + beq .ende
 + lda $dc01
 + cmp #$ef
 + bne .ende
 + lda #AN
 + sta TASTE+1
 +.ende lda #<irq2
 + sta $0314
 + lda #>irq2
 + sta $0315
 + lda #$30
 + sta $d012
 + jmp $ea7e
 +;----------------- ende -------------------------
 +;----- Paragraph @Sub-Route: Plasma-Effect@ -----
 +plasma lda .pcounter
 + sta .sincnt+1
 +.zeile ldy #0 ;row-counter
 +.sincnt ldx #0 ;sinus-counter
 + jsr .effekt ;call plasma sub routine
 + inc .sincnt+1
 + inc .zeile+1
 + lda .zeile+1
 + cmp #PZEILEN ;all 14 rows done?
 + bne .zeile
 + lda .pcounter
 + clc:adc #3
 + sta .pcounter
 + inc .pcounter+1
 + lda #0
 + sta .zeile+1
 + rts
 +.effekt lda .pcounter+1
 + sta .weiter+1
 + lda #<pscreen
 + sta z1
 + lda #>pscreen
 + sta z2
 + ;set row of the color ram
 +.loop1 cpy #0 ;in y we stored the current line.
 + beq .weiter ;if equal zero, start plasma
 + lda z1 ;else add 40 chars to row-counter...
 + clc:adc #40
 + sta z1
 + bcc .loop2
 + inc z2
 +.loop2 dey ;...repeat this until counter for color ram
 + bne .loop1 ;is set to current row.
 + ;here we go!
 +.weiter ldy #0
 + lda plasmasinus,x
 + clc
 + adc plasmasinus,y
 + adc .pcounter
 + adc .pcounter+1
 + and #$7f
 + lsr
 + tay
 + lda plasmacolors,y
 +.charcnt ldy #0 ;counter for columns (i.e. width of plasma in chars)
 + sta (z1),y
 + inc .weiter+1
 + inc .charcnt+1
 + lda .charcnt+1
 + cmp #PSPALTEN ;number of columns
 + bne .weiter
 + lda #0
 + sta .charcnt+1
 + rts
 +!byte 0,0
 +;----------------- ende -------------------------
 +;----- Paragraph @Plasma-Colors@ -----
 +*= plasmacolors
 +;!byte $bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf
 +;!byte $bf,$9f,$2f,$cf,$af,$ff,$7f,$1f
 +;!byte $7f,$ff,$af,$cf,$2f,$9f,$bf,$bf
 +;!byte $bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf
 +;!byte $bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf
 +;!byte $bf,$6f,$4f,$ef,$5f,$3f,$df,$1f
 +;!byte $df,$3f,$5f,$ef,$4f,$6f,$bf,$bf
 +;!byte $bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf
 +!byte $bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf
 +!byte $bf,$9f,$2f,$cf,$af,$7f,$1f,$7f
 +!byte $af,$cf,$2f,$9f,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf
 +!byte $bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf
 +!byte $bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf
 +!byte $bf,$6f,$4f,$ef,$5f,$3f,$df,$1f
 +!byte $df,$3f,$5f,$ef,$4f,$6f,$bf,$bf
 +!byte $bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf,$bf
 +;----- Paragraph @Plasma-Sinus@ -----
 +*= plasmasinus
 +!byte $1f,$1f,$1f,$1f,$1f,$20,$20,$21
 +!byte $21,$22,$23,$25,$26,$27,$29,$2a
 +!byte $2b,$2d,$2e,$2f,$30,$30,$30,$30
 +!byte $30,$2f,$2e,$2c,$2a,$28,$25,$22
 +!byte $1f,$1c,$18,$15,$12,$0e,$0b,$09
 +!byte $06,$04,$02,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00
 +!byte $01,$02,$04,$06,$08,$0b,$0e,$10
 +!byte $13,$15,$18,$1a,$1c,$1d,$1e,$1f
 +!byte $1f,$1f,$1e,$1d,$1c,$1a,$18,$15
 +!byte $13,$10,$0e,$0b,$08,$06,$04,$02
 +!byte $01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$02,$04
 +!byte $06,$09,$0b,$0e,$12,$15,$18,$1c
 +!byte $1f,$22,$25,$28,$2a,$2c,$2e,$2f
 +!byte $30,$30,$30,$30,$30,$2f,$2e,$2d
 +!byte $2b,$2a,$29,$27,$26,$25,$23,$22
 +!byte $21,$21,$20,$20,$1f,$1f,$1f,$1f
 +!byte $1f,$1f,$1f,$1f,$1f,$1e,$1e,$1d
 +!byte $1d,$1c,$1b,$19,$18,$17,$15,$14
 +!byte $13,$11,$10,$0f,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0e
 +!byte $0e,$0f,$10,$12,$14,$16,$19,$1c
 +!byte $1f,$22,$26,$29,$2c,$30,$33,$35
 +!byte $38,$3a,$3c,$3d,$3e,$3e,$3e,$3e
 +!byte $3d,$3c,$3a,$38,$36,$33,$30,$2e
 +!byte $2b,$29,$26,$24,$22,$21,$20,$1f
 +!byte $1f,$1f,$20,$21,$22,$24,$26,$29
 +!byte $2b,$2e,$30,$33,$36,$38,$3a,$3c
 +!byte $3d,$3e,$3e,$3e,$3e,$3d,$3c,$3a
 +!byte $38,$35,$33,$30,$2c,$29,$26,$22
 +!byte $1f,$1c,$19,$16,$14,$12,$10,$0f
 +!byte $0e,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0f,$10,$11
 +!byte $13,$14,$15,$17,$18,$19,$1b,$1c
 +!byte $1d,$1d,$1e,$1e,$1f,$1f,$1f,$1f
 +; scrolltext
 +;----- Paragraph @Text@ -----
 +*= stext
 +;ä = ^
 +;ö = \h
 +;ü = _
 +;255 = new line
 +;253 = new page
 +;254 = end
 +!ct scr
 +!tx "Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the short note!"
 +!by 255, 255
 +!tx "First of all the credits for this note:"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "----------------------------------"
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "Coding by Testicle/Payday"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "Logo by Zeitgeist/Civitas"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "Music by Dalezy/Creators"
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "This charset is a slight modified version of the"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "original C64-charset. Modifications done by me,"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "Testicle."
 +!by 253
 +!tx "I think, the credits for the demo Oedipus Complex"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "are not necessary to mention, because you can (or"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "must, hehe), read them in the scrollers of each"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "part."
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "All I want to say, is that all coding was done by"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "Testicle/Payday and all graphics where made by"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "Fabu/Payday. I think, that's important! ;-)"
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "Now some words to the demo..."
 +!by 253
 +!tx "Well, the effects in this demo are quite old. Most"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "of them were done short before the Payday-break"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "in 1995. But it was a lot of work to me and that's"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "why I wanted to release these parts as a demo."
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "The small competition at the"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "gave me the motivation to complete my goal! :-)"
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "I don't think, we in Payday will release another"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "demo, because the main-reason why we started"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "our 'comeback' was our beloved discmag..."
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "                              POPELGANDA!"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "(Applause)"
 +!by 253
 +!tx "I hope, we will manage to release the next issue"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "within this year, but i'm am quite confident, that"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "issue #6 of Popelganda is released in the near"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "future!"
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "Now to some more future-plans of Payday. Beside"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "Popelganda we are also developing a crossdevelop-"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "ment-tool for windows."
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "It's a very useful text-editor for ml-coding and"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "can be used with many common assemblers like"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "ACME, DAsm, C64Asm or Ca65."
 +!by 253
 +!tx "Now you might ask yourself, where to get all this"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "funky stuff? simply take a look at our website!"
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "       "
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "Our homepage is currently being redesigned and the"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "editor is not ready for download yet. I'll announce"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "new releases at the well-known scene-news-sites,"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "ofcourse."
 +!by 253
 +!tx "In case you want to contact Payday:"
 +!by 255
 +!tx "--------------------------------------"
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "Testicle/Payday"
 +!by 255
 +!tx ""
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "Fabu/Payday"
 +!by 255
 +!tx ""
 +!by 255,255,255,255
 +!tx "Thank you for your attention!"
 +!by 255,255
 +!tx "                                                     Testicle/Payday."
 +!by 254
base/proportional-charset-noter_with_plasma-effect.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:33 by