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base:racked_off [2015-04-17 04:33] (current) – created - external edit
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 +==== Racked Off ====
 +===By Richard Bayliss===
 +==Programmed in ACME cross assembler==
 +This is the improved source that uses IRQs outside the Kernal, unlike the version of this game I wrote and released on to CSDB when I used $0314 and $0315 for interrupts. The game data + source was done in realaunch64 and was assembled in ACME cross assembler. I thought I kindly contribute this piece of source code to the C64 Codebase and also a link for you to grab the binaries and source code (in .a format).
 +For this source, you'll need the following tools:
 +- ACME cross assembler
 +- Pucrunch/Exomizer
 +- WinVice/CCS64/Hoxs64
 +Assemble with:
 +acme -v3 game.a
 +then compress with either of the two crunchers:
 +pucrunch racked_off.prg -s rackedoff.prg -x $3000
 +exomizer sfx $3000 racked_off.prg -o rackedoff.prg -n
 +Please feel free to improve and modify this source code, to make the game work better if you have to. If you do, please let me know via email or via PM on the CSDB. Thanks
 + [[|Download source and binaries]]
 +Here's the source code:
 +;Racked Off by Richard Bayliss
 +;ACME cross assembler
 +;some logical labels 
 +objpos = $0370 ;Expanded position for sprite object
 +sync = $0340      ;Synchronized delay to get routines working outside IRQ
 +colstore = $03f0 ;sprite to sprite collision table
 +enemy1_direction = $02 ;Direction pointer for enemy 1
 +enemy2_direction = $03 ;Direction pointer for enemy 2
 +enemy3_direction = $04 ;Direction pointer for enemy 3
 +enemy4_direction = $05 ;Direction pointer for enemy 4
 +enemy1_released = $06  ;Release pointer for enemy 1
 +enemy2_released = $07  ;Release pointer for enemy 2
 +enemy3_released = $08  ;Release pointer for enemy 3
 +enemy4_released = $09  ;Release pointer for enemy 4
 +enemy_anim_pointer = $0a ;Sprite animation pointer
 +enemy_anim_delay = $0b ;Sprite animation duration 
 +player_anim_delay = $0c ;Player sprite animation duration
 +player_anim_pointer = $0d ;Animation pointer for player
 +food_counter = $0e ;Amount of food 
 +level_screen = $0f ;The level counter
 +levelcolour1 = $10 ;Background colour 1
 +levelcolour2 = $11 ;Background colour 2
 +levelcolour3 = $12 ;Background colour 3
 +dirface = $13 ;Direction of player
 +xpause = $15 ; Smooth scroll pointer for title screen
 +bgrdelay = $16 ;Background delay
 +foodstore = $03e0 ; Value of food 
 + !to "racked_off.prg",cbm
 +;set up the title screen, initialize scroll text and much more
 + ;Import Richard's font/gfx char
 + * = $0800
 + !binary "char.chr"
 + ;Import Richard's game music
 + * = $1000-2
 + !binary "music.prg"
 + ;Import Richard's game sprite
 + * = $2000
 + !binary "sprites.spr"
 + ;Code and game jump address is here
 + * = $3000
 + jsr $c6dc ; Execute Jon Wells MSCK screen
 + jsr $c708 ; data and code
 + lda #$08  ;
 + jsr $ffd2 ;
 +;Title screen code
 +title sei 
 + lda #$37 ;Turn Kernal back on
 + sta $01
 + lda #$00
 + sta bgrdelay
 + lda #$00 ;Silence
 + sta $d418
 + sta $d01a ;No IRQ running
 + lda #$81
 + sta $dc0d
 + ;Initialize the title scroll text
 + lda #<scrolltext
 + sta read+1
 + lda #>scrolltext
 + sta read+2
 + lda #$00
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 + sta xpause ; Reset smooth pointer
 + lda #$12
 + sta $d018  ; Game charset
 + lda #$18
 + sta $d016  ; Multicolour is on
 + lda #$0a
 + sta $d022
 + lda #$08
 + sta $d023
 + lda #$0a
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$08
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$09
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #$00
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 +;Clear screen and add bitmap colours
 + ldx #$00
 +clearscreen lda #$20
 + sta $0400,x
 + sta $0500,x
 + sta $0600,x
 + sta $06e8,x
 + lda $5800,x
 + sta $d800,x
 + lda $5900,x
 + sta $d900,x
 + lda $5a00,x
 + sta $da00,x
 + lda $5ae8,x
 + sta $dae8,x
 + inx
 + bne clearscreen
 + ldx #$00
 +pastecredits lda titletext1,x
 + sta $0590,x
 + lda titletext2,x
 + sta $0590+40,x
 + lda titletext3,x
 + sta $0590+80
 + lda titletext4,x
 + sta $0590+120,x
 + lda titletext5,x
 + sta $0590+160,x
 + lda titletext6,x
 + sta $0590+200,x
 + lda titletext7,x
 + sta $0590+240,x
 + lda titletext8,x
 + sta $0590+280,x
 + lda titletext9,x
 + sta $0590+320,x
 + lda titletext10,x
 + sta $0590+360,x
 + lda titletext11,x
 + sta $0590+400,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$28
 + bne pastecredits
 + ldx #$00
 +colourize lda #$01
 + sta $d990,x
 + sta $d990+40,x
 + lda #$07
 + sta $d990+120,x
 + sta $d990+160,x
 + lda #$0d
 + sta $d990+240,x
 + sta $d990+280,x
 + lda #$0a
 + sta $d990+360,x
 + sta $d990+400,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$28
 + bne colourize
 + lda #$08
 + sta $d016
 + lda #$0b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$00
 + sta $02
 + sta $03
 +wait_delay inc $02
 + lda $02
 + cmp #$fc
 + bne wait_delay
 + lda #$00
 + sta $02
 + inc $03
 + lda $03
 + cmp #$fc
 + bne wait_delay
 + lda #$1b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$35 ;Switch kernal on
 + sta $01
 + lda #$00 ;Title music initialized
 + jsr $9000
 + lda #<tirq
 + sta $fffe
 + lda #>tirq
 + sta $ffff
 + lda #$7f
 + sta $dc0d
 + sta $dd0d
 + lda $dc0d
 + lda $dd0d
 + lda #$01
 + sta $d01a
 + lda #$00
 + sta $d012
 + lda #$1b
 + sta $d011
 + lda $dc0d
 + lsr $d019
 + cli
 + ;jmp *
 +titleloop lda #0
 + sta sync
 + lda sync
 +syncwaittit cmp sync
 + beq syncwaittit
 + jsr scroller
 + lda $dc90
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + bcs me
 + jmp game
 +me lda $dc91
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + bcs maintit
 + jmp game
 +maintit jmp titleloop
 +;Routine for the smooth scroller and scroll text
 +scroller lda xpause
 + sec
 + sbc #$01
 + and #$07
 + sta xpause
 + bcs endscroll
 + ldx #$00
 +wrapscreen lda $0799,x
 + sta $0798,x
 + lda #$0e
 + sta $db98,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$28
 + bne wrapscreen
 +read lda $07bf
 + cmp #$00
 + bne nowrap
 + lda #<scrolltext
 + sta read+1
 + lda #>scrolltext
 + sta read+2
 + jmp read
 +nowrap sta $07bf
 + inc read+1
 + lda read+1
 + cmp #$00
 + bne endscroll
 + inc read+2
 +endscroll rts
 +;Main multiple IRQ for the title screen
 +tirq pha
 + txa
 + pha
 + tya
 + pha
 + lda $d019
 + sta $d019
 + lda #$2e
 + sta $d012
 + ldx #$0c
 +time1 dex
 + bne time1
 + lda #$03
 + sta $dd00
 + lda #$1b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$12
 + sta $d018
 + lda xpause
 + sta $d016
 + ;inc $d020
 + lda #<tirq2
 + sta $fffe
 + lda #>tirq2
 + sta $ffff
 + lda #$01
 + sta sync
 + jsr $9003
 + pla
 + tay
 + pla
 + tax
 + pla
 + rti
 +tirq2 pha
 + txa
 + pha
 + tya
 + pha
 + lda $d019
 + sta $d019
 + lda #$72
 + sta $d012
 + ldx #$0c
 +time2 dex
 + bne time2
 + lda #$02
 + sta $dd00
 + lda #$3b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$78
 + sta $d018
 + lda #$18
 + sta $d016
 + lda #<tirq3
 + sta $fffe
 + lda #>tirq3
 + sta $ffff
 + pla
 + tay
 + pla
 + tax
 + pla
 + rti
 +tirq3 pha 
 + tya
 + pha
 + txa
 + pha
 + lda $d019
 + sta $d019
 + lda #$e4
 + sta $d012
 + ldx #$03
 +time3 dex
 + bne time3
 + lda #$03
 + sta $dd00
 + lda #$1b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$12
 + sta $d018
 + lda #$08
 + sta $d016
 + lda #<tirq
 + sta $fffe
 + lda #>tirq
 + sta $ffff
 + pla
 + tay
 + pla
 + tax
 + pla
 + rti
 + ;jsr $e544
 + jmp game ;jump to game for the timebeing
 +;we start to play the game so set up the levels and sprites priorities,
 +;start positions, colour, etc.
 +game sei
 + lda #$37
 + sta $01
 + lda #$81
 + sta $dc0d
 + lda #0
 + sta $d01a
 + sta $d418
 + ldx #$00
 +copystat lda statusdefault,x
 + sta statusstore,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$28
 + bne copystat
 + lda #00
 + sta level_screen
 + lda #<level1ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level1ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 +gameloop sei
 + lda #$37
 + sta $01
 + lda #$00
 + sta $d01a
 + lda #$81
 + sta $dc0d
 + ldx #$00
 +clearscrn lda #$20
 + sta $0400,x
 + sta $0500,x
 + sta $0600,x
 + sta $06e8,x
 + inx
 + bne clearscrn
 + lda #$1b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$12
 + sta $d018
 + lda #$18
 + sta $d016
 + ldx level_screen
 + jsr $ce02
 + lda levelcolour3
 + sta $d021
 + sta $d020
 + lda levelcolour1
 + sta $d022
 + lda levelcolour2
 + sta $d023
 + ldx #$00
 +levelcount lda level1ctr,x
 + sta foodstore,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$03
 + bne levelcount
 + lda #$07
 + sta $d027
 + lda #$01
 + sta $d025
 + lda #$00
 + sta $d026
 + lda #$80
 + sta $07f8
 + lda #$18
 + sta objpos+$00
 + lda #$60
 + sta objpos+$01
 + lda #$ff
 + sta $d015
 + sta $d01c
 + lda #$86
 + sta $07f9
 + lda #$84
 + sta $07fa
 + lda #$88
 + sta $07fb
 + lda #$8a
 + sta $07fc
 + lda #$0a
 + sta $d028
 + lda #$0d
 + sta $d029
 + lda #$03
 + sta $d02a
 + lda #$0f
 + sta $d02b
 + lda #$0c
 + sta objpos+$02
 + lda #$90
 + sta objpos+$03
 + lda #$a0
 + sta objpos+$04
 + lda #$90
 + sta objpos+$05
 + lda #$58
 + sta objpos+$06
 + lda #$e0
 + sta objpos+$07
 + lda #$40
 + sta objpos+$09
 + lda #$58
 + sta objpos+$08
 + lda #$00
 + sta objpos+$0a
 + sta objpos+$0b
 + sta objpos+$0c
 + sta objpos+$0d
 + sta objpos+$0e
 + sta objpos+$0f
 + lda #$00
 + sta enemy1_released
 + sta enemy2_released
 + sta enemy3_released
 + sta enemy4_released
 + lda #$00
 + sta enemy1_direction
 + sta enemy3_direction
 + lda #$01
 + sta enemy2_direction
 + sta enemy4_direction
 + lda #$00
 + sta enemy_anim_pointer
 + sta enemy_anim_delay
 + sta player_anim_pointer
 + sta player_anim_delay
 + ldx #$00
 +whitetext lda #1
 + sta $d800,x
 + lda statusstore,x
 + sta $0400,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$28
 + bne whitetext
 + lda #$35
 + sta $01
 + lda #<irq
 + sta $fffe
 + lda #>irq
 + sta $ffff
 + lda #<nmi
 + sta $fffa
 + lda #>nmi
 + sta $fffb
 + lda #$7f
 + sta $dc0d
 + lda #$01
 + sta $d01a
 + lda #$00
 + jsr $1000
 + lda #$36
 + sta $0424
 + lda #$30
 + sta $0425
 + sta $0426
 + sta $0427
 + lda level_screen
 + cmp #12
 + beq fixscreen
 + jmp clrflag
 +fixscreen lda #$4f
 + sta $0727
 + sta $0727+$28
 + lda #$00
 + sta $db27
 + sta $db27+$28
 + lda $dd0d
 + lsr $d019
 +clrflag cli
 +mainloop lda #$00
 + sta sync
 + lda sync
 +syncwait cmp sync
 + beq syncwait
 + jsr expand
 + jsr joyread
 + jsr backcollision
 + jsr enemy1_routine
 + jsr enemy2_routine
 + jsr enemy3_routine
 + jsr enemy4_routine
 + jsr animate_enemies
 + jsr arealldone
 + jsr collision
 + jsr animate_background
 + jsr time
 + jsr time
 + jmp mainloop
 +irq pha
 + txa
 + pha
 + tya
 + pha
 + lda $d019
 + sta $d019
 + lda #0
 + sta $d012
 + lda #1
 + sta sync
 + jsr $1003
 + jsr colroll
 + pla
 + tay
 + pla
 + tax
 + pla
 +nmi rti
 +;expand the size of the play field for all the game sprites
 +expand ldx #$00
 +expandloop lda objpos+$01,x
 + sta $d001,x
 + lda objpos+$00,x
 + asl
 + ror $d010
 + sta $d000,x
 + inx
 + inx
 + cpx #$10
 + bne expandloop
 + rts
 + lda $dc90
 + lsr
 + bcs down
 +mu jsr animate_player
 + lda #$01
 + sta dirface
 + ldx objpos+$01
 + dex
 + dex
 + cpx #$52
 + bcs setup
 + ldx #$52
 +setup stx objpos+$01
 + rts
 +down lsr
 + bcs left
 +md jsr animate_player
 + lda #$02
 + sta dirface
 + ldx objpos+$01
 + inx
 + inx
 + cpx #$ce
 + bcc setdown
 + ldx #$ce
 +setdown stx objpos+$01
 + rts
 +left lsr
 + bcs right
 +ml jsr animate_player
 + lda #$03
 + sta dirface
 + ldx objpos+$00
 + dex
 + cpx #$12
 + bcs setleft
 + ldx #$12
 +setleft stx objpos+$00
 + rts
 +right lsr
 + bcs nojoy
 +mr jsr animate_player
 + lda #$04
 + sta dirface
 + ldx objpos+$00
 + inx
 + cpx #$9c
 + bcc setright
 + ldx #$9c
 +setright stx objpos+$00
 +nojoy rts
 +colroll lda colours+$00
 + sta colours+$28
 + ldx #$00
 +wrapcols lda colours+$01,x
 + sta colours+$00,x
 + lda colours+$00,x
 + sta $d800,x
 + lda colours+$10
 + sta $dbc0,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$28
 + bne wrapcols
 + rts
 +;player sprite to background collision routines
 +backcollision: lda objpos+$01
 + sec
 + sbc #$32
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + tay
 + lda scrlo,y
 + sta $70
 + lda scrhi,y
 + sta $71
 + lda objpos+$00
 + sec
 + sbc #$0a
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + tay
 + ldx #3
 + sty _selfmod+1
 +_l1: ;piny
 + lda ($70),y
 + cmp #65
 + beq _hit
 + lda ($70),y
 + cmp #65 ;player touches the food,
 + beq _hit; if touched the food is off screen
 + cmp #66;
 + beq _hit;
 + cmp #67;
 + beq _hit;
 + cmp #68;
 + beq _hit;
 + iny
 + lda ($70),y
 + cmp #65
 + beq _hit
 + cmp #67
 + beq _hit
 + cmp #66
 + beq _hit
 + cmp #68
 + beq _hit
 + cmp #$56 ;player touches the switch char
 + beq _switch ;if touched, the switch will turn
 + cmp #$57 ;all the water into food
 + beq _switch
 + cmp #$58
 + beq _switch
 + cmp #$59
 + beq _switch
 + cmp #$4a ;player touches the water chars
 + beq _water ;if the player touches the water
 + cmp #$4b ;he will drown
 + beq _water
 + cmp #$4c
 + beq _water
 + cmp #$4d
 + beq _water
 + cmp #$4e
 + beq _water
 + cmp #$52 ;player touches the rock chars
 + beq _rock ;if touched, then the player
 + cmp #$53 ;will stop according to the
 + beq _rock ;direction he moves
 + cmp #$54
 + beq _rock
 + cmp #$55
 + beq _rock
 + ;iny
 + jmp _selfmod
 + lda ($70),y
 + cmp #16
 + bpl _hit
 +mode2: ldy #$00
 + lda $70
 + clc
 + adc #$28 ;next row
 + sta $70
 + bcc _l2
 + inc $71
 +_l2: dex
 + bne _l1
 + rts
 +_water: jsr player_drown ;because player touched water, he drowns
 + rts
 +_hit: lda #73
 + sta ($70),y
 + jsr score
 + jsr addfood
 + ;cmp #$00
 + ;beq leveldone
 +no: rts
 +_switch jsr water_to_food ;turn water into food
 + rts
 +_rock jsr stop_at_rock ;stop player moving
 + rts
 +stop_at_rock lda dirface
 + cmp #$01
 + beq stopatup
 + cmp #$02
 + beq stopatdown
 + cmp #$03
 + beq stopatleft
 + cmp #$04
 + beq stopatright
 + rts
 +stopatup ldx objpos+$01
 + inx
 + inx
 +stopatbgrd stx objpos+$01
 + rts
 +stopatdown ldx objpos+$01
 + dex
 + dex
 + stx objpos+$01
 + rts
 +stopatleft ldx objpos+$00
 + inx
 + ;inx
 + stx objpos+$00
 + rts
 +stopatright ldx objpos+$00
 + dex
 + ;dex
 + stx objpos+$00
 + rts
 +player_drown ldx #$00
 +showd1 lda deathtext1,x
 + sta $07c0,x
 + lda #$02
 + sta $dbc0,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$28
 + bne showd1
 + jmp player_is_hit
 +addfood ;player eats food
 + dec foodstore+2
 + lda foodstore+2
 + cmp #$2f
 + beq nextbit
 + rts
 +nextbit lda #$39
 + sta foodstore+2
 + dec foodstore+1
 + lda foodstore+1
 + cmp #$2f
 + beq lastbit
 + rts
 +lastbit lda #$39
 + sta foodstore+1
 + dec foodstore+0
 + rts
 +arealldone lda foodstore+2
 + cmp #$30
 + bne endcheck
 + lda foodstore+1
 + cmp #$30
 + bne endcheck
 + lda foodstore+0
 + cmp #$30
 + bne endcheck
 +levelisdone lda #$02
 + jsr $1000
 + ldx #$00
 +showmess7 lda message2,x
 + sta $07c0,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$28
 + bne showmess7
 + lda #$00
 + sta $d015
 +loopit lda $dc90
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + bcs loopit2
 + jmp nextlev
 +loopit2 lda $dc01
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + bcs loopit
 +nextlev inc level_screen
 + inc $041d
 + lda $041d
 + cmp #$3a
 + bne good
 + lda #$30
 + sta $041d
 + inc $041c
 +good ldx #$00
 +copybit2 lda $0400,x
 + sta statusstore,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$28
 + bne copybit2
 + jsr checklevel
 +endcheck rts
 +checklevel lda level_screen
 + cmp #$01 ;level 2
 + bne notlev2
 + lda #$04
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$03
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$06
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level2ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level2ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev2 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$02
 + bne notlev3
 + lda #$08
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$09
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$0b
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level3ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level3ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev3 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$03
 + bne notlev4
 + lda #$0f
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$0c
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$0b
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level4ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level4ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev4 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$04
 + bne notlev5
 + lda #$07
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$0a
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$02
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level5ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level5ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev5 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$05
 + bne notlev6
 + lda #$01
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$0d
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$05
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level6ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level6ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev6 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$06
 + bne notlev7
 + lda #$03
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$0e
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$04
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level7ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level7ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev7 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$07
 + bne notlev8
 + lda #$0c
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$0f
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$0b
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level8ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level8ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev8 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$08
 + bne notlev9
 + lda #$0a
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$08
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$09
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level9ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level9ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev9 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$09
 + bne notlev10
 + lda #$0e
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$03
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$09
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level10ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level10ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev10 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$0a
 + bne notlev11
 + lda #$0f
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$0c
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$0b
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level11ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level11ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev11 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$0b
 + bne notlev12
 + lda #$02
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$08
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$09
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level12ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level12ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev12 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$0c
 + bne notlev13
 + lda #$0d
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$03
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$02
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level13ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level13ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev13 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$0d
 + bne notlev14
 + lda #$0f
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$0e
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$0b
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level14ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level14ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev14 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$0e
 + bne notlev15
 + lda #$0d
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$05
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$09
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level15ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level15ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +notlev15 lda level_screen
 + cmp #$0f
 + bne gamefinished
 + lda #$03
 + sta levelcolour1
 + lda #$0e
 + sta levelcolour2
 + lda #$0b
 + sta levelcolour3
 + lda #<level16ctr
 + sta levelcount+1
 + lda #>level16ctr
 + sta levelcount+2
 + jmp gameloop
 +gamefinished sei
 + lda #$37
 + sta $01
 + jmp game_complete
 +water_to_food ldx #$00
 +showmessage lda message,x
 + sta $07c0,x
 + lda #$07
 + sta $dbc0,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$28
 + bne showmessage
 + ldx #$00
 +convloop jsr waterloop1
 + jsr waterloop2
 + jsr waterloop3
 + jsr waterloop4
 + jsr switchgone1
 + jsr switchgone2
 + jsr switchgone3
 + jsr switchgone4
 + inx
 + bne convloop
 + rts
 + lda $0400,x
 + cmp #$4a
 + beq conv1
 + cmp #$4b
 + beq conv2
 + cmp #$4c
 + beq conv3
 + cmp #$4d
 + beq conv4
 + cmp #$4e
 + beq conv1
 + rts
 +conv1 lda #$41
 + sta $0400,x
 + rts
 +conv2 lda #$42
 + sta $0400,x
 + rts
 +conv3 lda #$43
 + sta $0400,x
 + rts
 +conv4 lda #$44
 + sta $0400,x
 + rts
 +waterloop2 lda $0500,x
 + cmp #$4a
 + beq conv1b
 + cmp #$4b
 + beq conv2b
 + cmp #$4c
 + beq conv3b
 + cmp #$4d
 + beq conv4b
 + cmp #$4e
 + beq conv1b
 + rts
 +conv1b lda #$41
 + sta $0500,x
 + rts
 +conv2b lda #$42
 + sta $0500,x
 + rts
 +conv3b lda #$43
 + sta $0500,x
 + rts
 +conv4b lda #$44
 + sta $0500,x
 + rts
 +waterloop3 lda $0600,x
 + cmp #$4a
 + beq conv1c
 + cmp #$4b
 + beq conv2c
 + cmp #$4c
 + beq conv3c
 + cmp #$4d
 + beq conv4c
 + cmp #$4e
 + beq conv1c
 + rts
 +conv1c lda #$41
 + sta $0600,x
 + rts
 +conv2c lda #$42
 + sta $0600,x
 + rts
 +conv3c lda #$43
 + sta $0600,x
 + rts
 +conv4c lda #$44
 + sta $0600,x
 + rts
 +waterloop4 lda $06e8,x
 + cmp #$4a
 + beq conv1d
 + cmp #$4b
 + beq conv2d
 + cmp #$4c
 + beq conv3d
 + cmp #$4d
 + beq conv4d
 + cmp #$4e
 + beq conv1d
 + rts
 +conv1d lda #$41
 + sta $06e8,x
 + rts
 +conv2d lda #$42
 + sta $06e8,x
 + rts
 +conv3d lda #$43
 + sta $06e8,x
 + rts
 +conv4d lda #$44
 + sta $06e8,x
 + rts
 +leveldone jmp $3000 ;next level
 +score inc $040a
 + ldx #$05
 +scloop lda $0407,x
 + cmp #$3a
 + bne scok
 + lda #$30
 + sta $0407,x
 + inc $0406,x
 +scok dex
 + bne scloop
 + rts
 +switchgone1 lda $0400,x
 + cmp #$56
 + beq isblank1
 + cmp #$57
 + beq isblank1
 + cmp #$58
 + beq isblank1
 + cmp #$59
 + beq isblank1
 + rts
 +isblank1 lda #$20
 + sta $0400,x
 + rts
 +switchgone2 lda $0500,x
 + cmp #$56
 + beq isblank2
 + cmp #$57
 + beq isblank2
 + cmp #$58
 + beq isblank2
 + cmp #$59
 + beq isblank2
 + rts
 +isblank2 lda #$20
 + sta $0500,x
 + rts
 +switchgone3 lda $0600,x
 + cmp #$56
 + beq isblank3
 + cmp #$57
 + beq isblank3
 + cmp #$58
 + beq isblank3
 + cmp #$59
 + beq isblank3
 + rts
 +isblank3 lda #$20
 + sta $0600,x
 + rts
 +switchgone4 lda $06e8,x
 + cmp #$56
 + beq isblank4
 + cmp #$57
 + beq isblank4
 + cmp #$58
 + beq isblank4
 + cmp #$59
 + beq isblank4
 + rts
 +isblank4 lda #$20
 + sta $06e8,x
 + rts
 +;the routines for enemy 1 (the enemy on the right of the screen)
 + lda enemy1_released
 + cmp #$01
 + bne not_released1
 + jmp release_enemy
 +not_released1: lda objpos+$03
 + cmp objpos+$01
 + bne contmove1
 + lda #$01
 + sta enemy1_released 
 + rts
 +contmove1: lda enemy1_direction
 + cmp #$00
 + beq enemy1_up
 + cmp #$01
 + beq enemy1_down
 + rts
 +;because the enemy spots player 1. make it move across the screen
 +;to the right
 +release_enemy lda objpos+$02
 + clc
 + adc #$01
 + cmp #$b2
 + bcc notoffset
 + lda #$0c
 + sta objpos+$02
 + lda #$e0
 + sta objpos+$03
 + lda #$00
 + sta enemy1_released
 + rts
 +notoffset sta objpos+$02
 + rts
 +enemy1_up lda objpos+$03
 + sec
 + sbc #$01
 + cmp #$40
 + bcs set_eup1
 + lda #$3f
 + sta objpos+$03
 + lda #$01
 + sta enemy1_direction
 + rts
 +set_eup1 sta objpos+$03
 + rts
 +enemy1_down lda objpos+$03
 + clc
 + adc #$01
 + cmp #$e2
 + bcc set_edown1
 + lda #$00
 + sta enemy1_direction
 + rts
 +set_edown1 sta objpos+$03
 + rts
 + lda enemy2_released
 + cmp #$01
 + bne not_released2
 + jmp release_enemy2
 +not_released2 lda objpos+$05
 + cmp objpos+$01
 + bne not_release2
 + lda #$01
 + sta enemy2_released
 + rts
 +not_release2 lda enemy2_direction
 + cmp #$00
 + beq enemy2_up
 + cmp #$01
 + beq enemy2_down
 + rts
 + lda objpos+$04
 + sec
 + sbc #$01
 + cmp #$02
 + bcs contmove2
 + lda #$48
 + sta objpos+$05
 + lda #$a0
 + sta objpos+$04
 + lda #$00
 + sta enemy2_released
 + rts
 +contmove2 sta objpos+$04
 + rts
 +enemy2_up lda objpos+$05
 + sec
 + sbc #$01
 + cmp #$48
 + bcs set_eup2
 + lda #$01
 + sta enemy2_direction
 + rts
 +set_eup2 sta objpos+$05
 + rts
 +enemy2_down lda objpos+$05
 + clc
 + adc #$01
 + cmp #$e2
 + bcc set_edown2
 + lda #$00
 + sta enemy2_direction
 + rts
 +set_edown2 sta objpos+$05
 + rts
 + lda enemy3_released
 + cmp #$01
 + bne not_released3
 + jmp release_enemy3
 +not_released3 lda objpos+$06
 + cmp objpos+$00
 + bne cont_enemy3
 + lda #$01
 + sta enemy3_released
 + rts
 +cont_enemy3 lda enemy3_direction
 + cmp #$00
 + beq enemy3_left
 + cmp #$01
 + beq enemy3_right
 + rts
 +enemy3_left lda objpos+$06
 + sec
 + sbc #$01
 + cmp #$0c
 + bcs setleft3
 + lda #$01
 + sta enemy3_direction
 + rts
 +setleft3 sta objpos+$06
 + rts
 +enemy3_right lda objpos+$06
 + clc
 + adc #$01
 + cmp #$a0
 + bcc setright3
 + lda #$00
 + sta enemy3_direction
 + rts
 +setright3 sta objpos+$06
 + rts
 +;the player has been spotted by enemy 3, so this enemy will move upscreen
 + lda objpos+$07
 + sec
 + sbc #$01
 + cmp #$02
 + bcs offset3
 + lda #$e0
 + sta objpos+$07
 + lda #$98
 + sta objpos+$06
 + lda #$00
 + sta enemy3_released
 + rts
 +offset3 sta objpos+$07
 + rts
 + lda enemy4_released
 + cmp #$01
 + bne not_released4
 + jsr release_enemy4
 + rts
 +not_released4 lda objpos+$08
 + cmp objpos+$00
 + bne contene4
 + lda #$01
 + sta enemy4_released
 + rts
 +contene4 lda enemy4_direction
 + cmp #$00
 + beq enemy4_left
 + cmp #$01
 + beq enemy4_right
 + rts
 +enemy4_left lda objpos+$08
 + sec
 + sbc #$01
 + cmp #$0c
 + bcs setleft4
 + lda #$01
 + sta enemy4_direction
 + rts
 +setleft4 sta objpos+$08
 + rts
 +enemy4_right lda objpos+$08
 + clc
 + adc #$01
 + cmp #$a0
 + bcc setright4
 + lda #$00
 + sta enemy4_direction
 + rts
 +setright4 sta objpos+$08
 + rts
 +;the player has been spotted by enemy 4, so this enemy will move downscreen
 + lda objpos+$09
 + clc
 + adc #$01
 + cmp #$e0
 + bcc offset4
 + lda #$48
 + sta objpos+$09
 + lda #$92
 + sta objpos+$08
 + lda #$00
 + sta enemy4_released
 + rts
 +offset4 sta objpos+$09
 + rts
 +;animate those moving enemies
 + inc enemy_anim_delay
 + lda enemy_anim_delay
 + cmp #$04
 + beq reset_delay_pointer
 + rts
 + lda #$00
 + sta enemy_anim_delay
 + ldx enemy_anim_pointer
 + lda enemy1_frame,x
 + sta $07fa
 + lda enemy2_frame,x
 + sta $07f9
 + lda enemy4_frame,x
 + sta $07fc
 + lda enemy3_frame,x
 + sta $07fb
 + inx
 + cpx #$04
 + beq reset_anim
 + inc enemy_anim_pointer
 + rts
 +reset_anim ldx #$00
 + stx enemy_anim_pointer
 + rts
 + inc player_anim_delay
 + lda player_anim_delay
 + cmp #$08
 + beq do_anim
 + rts
 +do_anim lda #$00
 + sta player_anim_delay
 + ldx player_anim_pointer
 + lda player_frame,x
 + sta $07f8
 + inx
 + cpx #$04
 + beq reset_panim
 + inc player_anim_pointer
 + rts
 +reset_panim ldx #$00
 + stx player_anim_pointer
 + rts
 +;enemy to player sprite collision 
 +collision lda objpos+$00
 + sec
 + sbc #$06
 + sta colstore+$00
 + clc
 + adc #$0c
 + sta colstore+$01
 + lda objpos+$01
 + sec
 + sbc #$0c
 + sta colstore+$02
 + clc
 + adc #$18
 + sta colstore+$03
 + ldx #$00
 +enemycolloop lda objpos+$02,x
 + cmp colstore+$00
 + bcc noenemycollision
 + cmp colstore+$01
 + bcs noenemycollision
 + lda objpos+$03,x
 + cmp colstore+$02
 + bcc noenemycollision
 + cmp colstore+$03
 + bcs noenemycollision
 + ldx #$00
 +showd2 lda deathtext2,x
 + sta $07c0,x
 + lda #$02
 + sta $dbc0,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$28
 + bne showd2
 + jmp player_is_hit
 + inx
 + inx
 + cpx #$0e
 + bne enemycolloop
 + rts
 +;the player is hit by one of the enemy creatures. one way to solve this
 +;problem. player loses a life. 
 +player_is_hit lda #$01
 + sta $d015
 + lda #$8d
 + sta $07f8
 + lda #$01
 + jsr $1000
 +awit lda #$00
 + sta $fd
 + lda #$00
 + sta $fe
 +pause inc $fd
 + lda $fd
 + cmp #$fd
 + bne pause
 + lda #$00
 + sta $fd
 + inc $fe
 + lda $fe
 + cmp #$fd
 + bne pause
 + dec $0414
 + lda $0414
 + cmp #$30
 + beq game_over
 + ldx #$00
 +copystat2 lda $0400,x
 + sta statusstore,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$28
 + bne copystat2
 + jmp gameloop
 +game_over lda #$04
 + jsr $1000
 + lda #$00
 + sta $d015
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 + ldx #$00
 +goclr lda #$20
 + sta $0428,x
 + sta $0500,x
 + sta $0600,x
 + sta $06e8,x
 + lda #$01
 + sta $d828,x
 + sta $d900,x
 + sta $da00,x
 + sta $dae8,x
 + inx
 + bne goclr
 +;show message
 + ldx #$00
 +gomess lda gameoverscreen,x
 + sta $05e0,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$78
 + bne gomess
 +waitfire lda $dc90
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + bcs waitfire2
 + jmp title
 +waitfire2 lda $dc01
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + bcs waitfire
 + jmp title
 +time dec $0427
 + ldx #$03
 +timeloop lda $0424,x
 + cmp #$2f
 + bne timeok
 + lda #$39
 + sta $0424,x
 + dec $0423,x
 +timeok dex
 + bne timeloop
 + lda $0424
 + cmp #$2f
 + bne nox
 + lda #$30
 + sta $0427
 + sta $0426
 + sta $0425
 + sta $0424
 + ldx #$00
 +messagemad lda deathtext3,x
 + sta $07c0,x
 + inx
 + cpx #$28
 + bne messagemad
 + jmp player_is_hit
 +nox rts
 +;The game is complete so now we show the end screen
 +;Yeah I know. It is just something simple :)
 +game_complete sei
 + lda #$37
 + sta $01
 + lda #$00
 + sta $d418
 + sta $d01a
 + lda #$81
 + sta $dc0d
 + lda #$00
 + sta $d020
 + sta $d021
 + sta $d015
 + ldx #$00
 +clearscreen2 lda endtext,x
 + sta $0400,x
 + lda endtext+$100,x
 + sta $0500,x
 + lda endtext+$200,x
 + sta $0600,x
 + lda endtext+$2e8,x
 + sta $06e8,x
 + lda #$0d
 + sta $d800,x
 + sta $d900,x
 + sta $da00,x
 + sta $dae8,x
 + inx
 + bne clearscreen2
 + sei
 + lda #$7f
 + sta $dc0d
 + sta $dd0d
 + lda $dc0d
 + lda $dd0d
 + lda #$01
 + sta $d01a
 + ldx #$00
 + sta $d012
 + lda #$1b
 + sta $d011
 + lda #$35
 + sta $01
 + lda #<endirq
 + sta $fffe
 + lda #>endirq
 + sta $ffff
 + lda #$03
 + jsr $1000
 + lda #$08
 + sta $d016
 + lda $dc0d
 + lsr $d019
 + cli
 +endwait lda $dc01
 + cmp #$ef
 + bne endwait
 + jmp title
 +endirq pha
 + txa
 + pha
 + tya
 + pha
 + lda $d019
 + sta $d019
 + lda #$00
 + sta $d012
 + jsr $1003
 + lda #$01
 + sta sync
 + pla
 + tay
 + pla
 + tax
 + pla
 + rti
 +;Animate the water chars, so it looks as if the water in the game
 +;is flowing. Use a slow speed, because if it is too fast, it would
 +;look crap. Water must go downwards, so reverse the char positions :)
 + inc bgrdelay
 + lda bgrdelay
 + cmp #$04
 + beq waterflow
 + rts
 +waterflow lda #$00
 + sta bgrdelay
 + ldx #6
 +wrapwaterchar lda $0a50,x
 + sta $0a51,x
 + lda $0a58,x
 + sta $0a59,x
 + lda $0a60,x
 + sta $0a61,x
 + lda $0a68,x
 + sta $0a69,x
 + lda $0a70-1,x
 + sta $0a70,x
 + dex
 + bne wrapwaterchar
 + lda $0a57
 + sta $0a51
 + lda $0a5f
 + sta $0a59
 + lda $0a67
 + sta $0a61
 + lda $0a7f
 + sta $0a79
 + lda $0a77
 + sta $0a71
 + rts
 +;The score status & a copy of the same status for
 +;after a level is complete or a life is lost.
 +statusdefault !scr "score:000000 lives:03 level:01 time:6000"
 +statusstore !scr "score:000000 lives:03 level:01 time:6000"
 +;All the text for the game over screen
 + !scr "             g a m e  o v e r           "
 + !scr "                                        " 
 + !scr "        press fire to play again        "
 +;All the text for the intro/title screen
 +titletext1 !scr "    copyright 2007 the new dimension    "
 +titletext2 !scr "          all rights reserved           "  
 +titletext3 !scr "                                        "
 +titletext4 !scr "   programming, graphics and music by   "
 +titletext5 !scr "             richard bayliss            "
 +titletext6 !scr "                                        "
 +titletext7    !scr "      bitmap logo graphics done by      "
 +titletext8 !scr "              johan janssen             "
 +titletext9 !scr "                                        "
 +titletext10 !scr "      use joystick in port 2, and       "
 +titletext11 !scr "           press fire to play           "
 +;Various 1 line text messages depending on what happens
 +;in the game
 +deathtext2 !scr "  ouch! i bet that hurt. they got you!  "
 +deathtext1 !scr "oh, come on, silly fool. you can't swim!"
 +deathtext3 !scr "don't wait so long. you ran out of time!"
 +message !scr "  nice, you have hit the magic switch   "
 +message2 !scr "well done, level cleared.        -fire!-"
 +;Text for the end screen
 +endtext !scr "                                        "
 + !scr "                                        "
 + !scr "                                        "
 + !scr "congratulations. you have completed all "
 + !scr "16 levels of =racked off=. barry is not "
 + !scr "racked off with your hard efforts to    "
 + !scr "finally help him get all the fruit from "
 + !scr "the 16 gardens.                         "
 + !scr "                                        "
 + !scr "barry finds himself to be literally     "
 + !scr "bloated and can't eat any more. so he   "
 + !scr "sets of back home and rests in his cosy "
 + !scr "bed once more.                          "
 + !scr "                                        "
 + !scr "we do hope you have enjoyed playing this"
 + !scr "fun game, courtesey with:               "
 + !scr "                                        "
 + !scr "           the new dimension            "
 + !scr "                                        "
 + !scr "      "
 + !scr "                                        "
 + !scr "                                        "
 + !scr "                                        "
 + !scr "                                        "
 + !scr "                                        "
 +;Table for the famous Richy Bayliss colour washing
 +colours !byte $00,$00,$02,$02,$06,$06,$04,$04
 + !byte $05,$05,$07,$07,$01,$01,$01,$01
 + !byte $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01
 + !byte $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$07,$07
 + !byte $05,$05,$04,$04,$06,$06,$02,$02
 + !byte $00
 +xtmp  !byte $00
 +killerchars:      !byte $10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$1a,$1b,$1c,$1d,$1e,$1f
 +     !byte $20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$29,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35
 + !byte $36,$37,$38,$39,$3a,$3b,$3c,$3d,$3e,$3f,$40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45
 + !byte $46,$47,$48,$49,$4a,$4b,$4c,$4d,$4e,$4f,$50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55
 + !byte $56,$57,$58,$59,$5a,$5b,$5c,$5d,$5e,$5f,$60,$61,$62,$63,$64,$65
 + !byte $66,$67,$68,$69,$6a,$6b,$6c,$6d,$6e,$6f,$70,$71,$72,$73,$74,$75
 + !byte $76,$77,$78,$79,$7a,$7b,$7c,$7d,$7e,$7f,$80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85
 + !byte $86,$87,$88,$90,$8a,$8b,$8c,$8d,$8e,$8f,$90,$91,$92,$93,$94,$95
 + !byte $96,$97,$98,$99,$9a,$9b,$9c,$9d,$9e,$9f,$a0,$a1,$a2,$a3,$a4,$a5
 + !byte $a6,$a7,$a8,$a9,$aa,$ab,$ac,$ad,$ae,$af,$b0,$b1,$b2,$b3,$b4,$b5
 + !byte $b6,$b7,$b8,$b9,$ba,$bb,$bc,$bd,$be,$bf,$c0,$c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5
 + !byte $c6,$c7,$c8,$c9,$ca,$cb,$cc,$cd,$ce,$cf,$d0,$d1,$d2,$d3,$d4,$d5
 + !byte $d6,$d7,$d8,$d9,$da,$db,$dc,$dd,$de,$df,$e0,$e1,$e2,$e3,$e4,$e5
 + !byte $e6,$e7,$e8,$e9,$ea,$eb,$ec,$ed,$ee,$ef,$f0,$f1,$f2,$f3,$f4,$f5
 + !byte $f6,$f7,$f8,$f9,$fa,$fb,$fc,$fd,$fe,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff
 +;Data tables for the screen data for sprite to char collision
 +;all chars from $0400-$07e7
 +scrhi !byte $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07
 +scrlo !byte $00,$28,$50,$78,$a0,$c8,$f0,$18,$40,$68,$90,$b8,$e0,$08,$30,$58,$80,$a8,$d0,$f8,$20,$48,$70,$98,$c0,$e0
 + !byte $00
 +;Sprite animation frames
 +enemy1_frame !byte $83,$83,$84,$84
 + !byte $00
 +enemy2_frame !byte $86,$86,$85,$85
 + !byte $00
 +enemy3_frame !byte $88,$87,$87,$88
 + !byte $00
 +enemy4_frame !byte $89,$8a,$8a,$89
 + !byte $00
 +player_frame !byte $80,$81,$82,$81
 + !byte $00
 +;The amount of food to eat per level
 +level1ctr !scr "260"
 +level2ctr !scr "160"
 +level3ctr !scr "264"
 +level4ctr !scr "240"
 +level5ctr !scr "144"
 +level6ctr !scr "256"
 +level7ctr !scr "176"
 +level8ctr !scr "182"
 +level9ctr !scr "144"
 +level10ctr !scr "288"
 +level11ctr !scr "504"
 +level12ctr !scr "464"
 +level13ctr !scr "258"
 +level14ctr !scr "564"
 +level15ctr !scr "180"
 +level16ctr !scr "500"
 +;The scroll text for the title screen
 +scrolltext !scr "... hi there and be warmly welcomed to "
 + !scr "... racked off ... copyright (c)2007 th"
 + !scr "e new dimension ... all programming by "
 + !scr "richard bayliss ... game graphics by ri"
 + !scr "chard bayliss ... bitmap logo by johan "
 + !scr "janssen (jsl) ... music arranged and co"
 + !scr "mposed by richard bayliss ... use a joy"
 + !scr "stick plugged in port 2 when playing .."
 + !scr ". help barry the bear safely around the "
 + !scr "screen, chomping all the fruit, planted "
 + !scr "in 16 different gardens ... only one pr"
 + !scr "oblem though ... mutant bugs do not like"
 + !scr " barry scoffing the fruit, as they want "
 + !scr "it first, therefore they are racked off"
 + !scr " ... if one of those bugs spot exactly "
 + !scr "where you are, they will try and stop y"
 + !scr "ou from gobbling the fruit ... one way "
 + !scr "to avoid those mutant bugs is by moving"
 + !scr " out their way, else there will be more"
 + !scr " trouble ... because if you get caught "
 + !scr "at any time by those bugs, you will los"
 + !scr "e a life ... you also will need to keep"
 + !scr " an eye out for time as well, because i"
 + !scr "f by any chance you are too slow, you wi"
 + !scr "ll risk losing a life ... not good is i"
 + !scr "t? ... heheh, i thought not ... also if"
 + !scr " a mutant bug hits you, you will also l"
 + !scr "ose a life ... can you complete all 16 "
 + !scr "of the crazy levels before barry gets e"
 + !scr "ven more racked off and give up on his "
 + !scr "quest to scoff the scrummy fruit? ... t"
 + !scr "here is only one way to find out ... pr"
 + !scr "ess the fire button or the spacebar to "
 + !scr "play ... good luck, you will need it!  "
 + !scr "                                       "
 + !byte 0
 + * = $5800-2
 + !binary "colram.prg"
 + * = $5c00-2
 + !binary "vidram.prg"
 + * = $6000-2
 + !binary "bitmap.prg"
 + * = $8ffe
 + !binary "titletune2.prg"
 + * = $9ffe
 +!binary "levels.prg"
base/racked_off.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:33 by