Scanning the keyboard without joysticks interfere
Converts keycode ($00-$3F) to $DC00-$DC01 values and scans without interfering from joysticks at port 1 or 2. Also keeps history, to detect key press & hold.
;64tass format ;with default $dc02 - $dc03 values ($ff and $00) ;taken from Platoon game, shortened and key history integrated. ;code to key conversion table below, from ;to use inside irq, below code is enough : ; lda #$keycode ; jsr keyscan ; bcc + ; inc $d020 ;+ rts ;$00 Inst/Del $10 5 $20 9 $30 £ ;$01 Return $11 R $21 I $31 * ;$02 Crsr ←→ $12 D $22 J $32 ] ;$03 F7/F8 $13 6 $23 0 $33 Clr/Home ;$04 F1/F2 $14 C $24 M $34 R.Shift ;$05 F3/F4 $15 F $25 K $35 = ;$06 F5/F6 $16 T $26 O $36 ↑ ;$07 Crsr ↑↓ $17 X $27 N $37 ? ;$08 3 $18 7 $28 + $38 1 ;$09 W $19 Y $29 P $39 ← ;$0A A $1A G $2A L $3A Ctrl ;$0B 4 $1B 8 $2B − $3B 2 ;$0C Z $1C B $2C > $3C Space ;$0D S $1D H $2D [ $3D Commodore ;$0E E $1E U $2E @ $3E Q ;$0F L.Shift $1F V $2F < $3F Run/Stop * = $1000 lda #$3e ;scan for key "Q" jsr keyscan bcc + inc $d020 ;C=1, this code executed if key is pressed + - lda $d011 bpl - - lda $d011 bmi - jmp $1000 keyscan ; sty backy+1 ;remove comment if you need .Y preserved pha lsr lsr lsr tay lda row,y sta $dc00 pla and #$07 tay lda $dc01 and column,y bne nokey lda #$ff ;key is checked 2nd time, to be sure of sta $dc00 ;joy #1 and #2 are not interfering lda $dc01 and column,y beq nokey cmp histv ;history value ? bne + clc ;case #3, key is held down. keep history & set C=0 bcc backy nokey asl ;case #1, no keypress, update history value 2x & set C=0 clc .byte $24 + sec ;case #2, key pressed&released. update history & set C=1 sta histv backy ; ldy #$00 ;remove comment if you need .Y preserved lda #$ff sta $dc00 ;set default value lda #$7f sta $dc01 ;set default value rts row .byte $fe,$fd,$fb,$f7,$ef,$df,$bf,$7f column .byte $01,$02,$04,$08,$10,$20,$40,$80 histv .byte $00
base/scanning_the_keyboard_without_joysticks_interfere.txt · Last modified: 2022-03-11 22:40 by erhan