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base:sprite_fpp [2015-04-17 04:33] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== Sprite FPP ======
 +The basic theory behind a Sprite FPP is quite simple: Change sprite-pointer value every rasterline. Though there are a few things to prepare before it works in reality.
 +First we want to use a bigger graphics area than one sprite. With a normal [[base:stretching_sprites|$d017-stretcher]] we can make the sprites arbitrary high, and at the same time we only use one line of the sprite for graphics. If we then place our 8 sprites beside eachother, increasing the y-position by 1 for each sprite, then our FPP will display different graphics for each sprite. We have a 192 pixels wide sprite-layer with any desired height.
 +Note that all sprite-pointers have to be set each line for the FPP to work as we wish. Since they all use different lines of the sprite, the same value can be set to all sprite pointers. Using all 8 sprites, there will be 44 cycles availible each line for you to do this, and the $d017-stretching. Unrolled code is about the only option. There is no time for badlines here, so mostly you will need to use the $d011 idle-mode, which requires opening the upper/lower borders.
 +In the following code example i have kept it simple by using a loop for the FPP. Thus not all 8 sprites are being updated, only 6, so i save some cycles there to be able to loop the code. "FppCalc" is just a st0pid routine that generates some values to the FPP-table. Here you can do the real beauty of the effect by putting some more effort to it :).
 + *= $0900
 + sei
 + lda #$ff ; Enable sprites
 + sta $d015
 + ldx #14 ; Set some sprite x-positions
 + sec
 + lda #$f0
 + sta $d000,x
 + sbc #$18
 + dex
 + dex
 + bpl *-7
 + ldx #14 ; Set some sprite y-positions
 + clc
 + lda #$40
 + sta $d001,x
 + adc #1
 + dex
 + dex
 + bpl *-7
 + lda #$bd ; Set idle-pattern
 + sta $3fff
 + lda #$f9 ; Remove upper/lower border
 + cmp $d012
 + bne *-3
 + lda #0
 + sta $d011
 + bit $d011
 + bpl *-3
 + lda #8 ; Set $d011 to idle mode -> no badlines
 + sta $d011
 + jsr FppCalc ; Make beautiful FPP.
 + lda #$48 ; Wait for sprite y-position
 + cmp $d012
 + bne *-3
 + ldx #5 ; Wait a few cycles to make the d017-stretch work..
 + dex    ; ..and all sprite pointers update on the same line.
 + bne *-1
 + nop
 + ldx #0
 + dec $d017 ; Do $d017-stretching as we have learned
 + lda FppTab,x ; Get value from table..
 + sta $07f8    ; ..and store to all sprite pointers
 + sta $07f9
 + sta $07fa
 + sta $07fb
 + sta $07fc
 + sta $07fd
 + ; Note: here we should store to $07fe and $07ff also,
 + ; but there are not enough cycles in this loop (44 cycles).
 + ; To make FPP on all sprites, unroll the loop.
 + inc $d017 ; Set back $d017
 + inx
 + bpl loop2
 + jmp loop1
 + lda #0 ; Increase adding value
 + inc *-1
 + sta AddVal
 + clc
 + lda #0 ; Increase starting value
 + adc #3
 + sta *-3
 + sta Value
 + ldy #0
 + clc ; Calculate some obscure values to the FppTable
 + lda AddVal
 + adc #3
 + sta AddVal
 + bpl *+4
 + eor #$ff
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + lsr
 + clc
 + adc Value
 + sta Value
 + sta FppTab,y
 + iny
 + bpl FC_1
 + rts
 +AddVal .byte 0
 +Value .byte 0
 + .align $100 ; Align the table to a new page, this way lda FppTab,x always takes 4 cycles.
 + .dsb 256 ; Reserve 256 bytes for the table
base/sprite_fpp.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:33 by