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The code below sets the TOD 50/60 Hz pre-scaler of CIA. It needs to correspond to the power line frequency which might or might not relate to the video standard.

The idea is to use the horizontal retrace frequency (15.6-16 KHz) as base to measure the TOD tick interval. If it takes longer then a threshold the 50 Hz pre-scaler is used otherwise the 60 Hz one.


  • Independent of CPU clock so it works on SuperCPU
  • Does not hang on DC only powered machines
  • No need to switch off screen or sprites
  • Does not mess with timers or anything else

Of course timer NMIs should be avoided during the measurement. If interrupts are already disabled it can be shortened by 3 bytes.

tod_cia		= $dc08			; or $dd08

tod_calibrate	ldy #255
		jsr tod_prescale	; use 50 Hz

		php			; no interrupts
		sei			; while measuring
		jsr tod_measure
		jsr tod_measure
tod_prescale	lda tod_cia+6
		asl a
		cpy #204		; threshold
		ror a
		sta tod_cia+6		; set pre-scaler

tod_measure	ldy #0
		sty tod_cia
tod_lp2		lda #64
tod_lp		cpx $d012
		beq tod_lp
		ldx $d012
		lsr a
		bne tod_lp
		lda tod_cia
		bne tod_done
		bne tod_lp2
tod_done	rts
base/tod_calibration.1558244949.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019-05-19 07:49 by soci