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16-Bit Absolute Value Comparison

Skate & Eins Method

N1 = 16-bit signed number at zeropage

N2 = 16-bit signed number at zeropage

Here we compare;

|N1| and |N2|

in other representation

abs(N1) and abs(N2)

So, if N1 = 2000, N2 = -3000, N2 should be bigger since we compare the distance from zero.

Please note that equality is neglected here. Equal absolute values may end up in any of the two conditions.

	lda N1+1
	eor N2+1
	bmi differentSigns
// sameSigns:
	lda N1
	cmp N2
	lda N1+1
	sbc N2+1
	eor N1+1
	bmi num1IsBigger
	jmp num2IsBigger
	lda N1
	adc N2
	lda N1+1
	adc N2+1
	eor N1+1
	bmi num1IsBigger
	// ...add your code here for |N1| < |N2|...
	jmp endOfAbsCompare
	//...add your code here for |N1| > |N2|...
base/16-bit_absolute_comparison.txt · Last modified: 2020-10-22 20:31 by tww