;------------------------------------------------------------------------- RasterRow = $2d ; May not be a line with sprites or a badline _rx = $03 _ry = $04 _pageflip = $05 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- * = $0801 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;- SYS $0810 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- .byte $0c, $08, $00, $00, $9e, $20, $32, $30 .byte $36, $34, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- * = $0810 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- sei ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Turn all sprites off ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- lda #$00 sta $d021 sta $d020 sta $d015 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Wait for VBLANC ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- bit $d011 bpl * - 3 bit $d011 bmi * - 3 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Perform halfvariance polling ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- .page ldx $d012 inx cpx $d012 bne * - 3 ldy #$0a dey bne * - 1 inx cpx $d012 nop beq Time_1 nop bit $24 Time_1 ldy #$09 dey bne * - 1 nop nop inx cpx $d012 nop beq Time_2 bit $24 Time_2 ldy #$0a dey bne * - 1 inx cpx $d012 bne Time_3 Time_3 nop nop nop nop nop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Raster is stable here. ; Launch a continous timer which a count of 63. ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- lda #$3e sta $dc04 sty $dc05 lda #$11 sta $dc0e .endp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Initialize everything needed to be inited here ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set multicolor-mode and turn on the bitmap, in the process set ; the high end of the raster to 0, point the screenmemory to ; $0000 - $3fff, allocated positions are: ; Bitmap @ $4000 ; Screen 1 = $6000 ; Screen 2 = $6400 ; Screen 3 = $6800 (For doublebuffering) ; Screen 4 = $6c00 (For doublebuffering) lda #$3b sta $d011 lda $d016 ora #%00010000 sta $d016 lda $dd00 and #%11111100 ora #%00000010 sta $dd00 ldx #0 stx _pageflip lda #%10100101 FillScreen sta $4000, x sta $4100, x sta $4200, x sta $4300, x sta $4400, x sta $4500, x sta $4600, x sta $4700, x sta $4800, x sta $4900, x sta $4a00, x sta $4b00, x sta $4c00, x sta $4d00, x sta $4e00, x sta $4f00, x sta $5000, x sta $5100, x sta $5200, x sta $5300, x sta $5400, x sta $5500, x sta $5600, x sta $5700, x sta $5800, x sta $5900, x sta $5a00, x sta $5b00, x sta $5c00, x sta $5d00, x sta $5e00, x sta $5f00, x inx bne FillScreen SetColorloop lda #$9e sta $6000, x lda #$2f sta $6400, x lda #$57 sta $6100, x lda #$8a sta $6500, x lda #$c1 sta $6200, x lda #$bd sta $6600, x lda #$10 sta $6300, x lda #$f6 sta $6700, x lda #$69 sta $6000 + $800, x lda #$2b sta $6400 + $800, x lda #$58 sta $6100 + $800, x lda #$83 sta $6500 + $800, x lda #$f1 sta $6200 + $800, x lda #$be sta $6600 + $800, x lda #$10 sta $6300 + $800, x lda #$a6 sta $6700 + $800, x inx bne SetColorloop ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Setup irq-code ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- lda #$7f sta $dc0d sta $dd0d lda #1 sta $d01a sta $d019 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Setup interrupt position ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- lda #RasterRow sta $d012 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- lda #$35 sta $01 lda #<irq sta $fffe lda #>irq sta $ffff lda $dc0d lda $dd0d asl $d019 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Setup the nmi-irq ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- lda #<nmiirq sta $fffa lda #>nmiirq sta $fffb ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Setup the timer adjusted to work every eight row, (63 * 8) - 1 cycles ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- lda #$f7 sta $dd04 lda #$01 sta $dd05 cli ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Here is the maincode executed ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- MainCode lda _pageflip eor #$ff sta _pageflip jmp MainCode ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- irq ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Save the registers ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- pha php stx _rx sty _ry ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Stabilize the raster ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- lda $dc04 and #7 sta Time_4 + 1 lda #7 sec Time_4 sbc #4 sta Time_5 + 1 .page Time_5 bpl * + 2 cmp #$c9 cmp #$c9 cmp #$c9 cmp #$24 nop .endp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Stable raster here, start the nmi-irq if the raster is on the beginning of the screen ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- .page lda $d012 cmp #RasterRow + 8 bcs StopNMI lda _pageflip ;3 3 bmi _page_2 ;2 3 5 6 lda #$81 ;2 7 sta _p_2 + 1 ;4 11 lda #$91 ;2 13 sta _p_1 + 1 ;4 17 nop ;2 19 jmp start_nmi ;3 22 _page_2 lda #$a1 ; 2 8 sta _p_2 + 1 ; 4 12 lda #$b1 ; 2 14 sta _p_1 + 1 ; 4 18 nop ; 2 20 nop ; 2 22 start_nmi bit $ea ;3 3 25 25 .endp lda #$11 sta $dd0e lda #$81 sta $dd0d lda $dd0d ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set raster-row for ending the NMI here ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- lda #$f8 sta $d012 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Restore all registers ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- plp pla ldx _rx ldy _ry ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Return from irq here ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- asl $d019 rti ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Stop the NMI-irq, play music and stuff ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- StopNMI lda _p_2 + 1 ; Restore $d018 for the first row sta $d018 lda #RasterRow sta $d012 lda #$00 sta $dd0e ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Restore all registers ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- plp pla ldx _rx ldy _ry ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Return from irq here ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- asl $d019 rti nmiirq ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Stabilize the raster ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- sta reg_a + 1 lda $dd04 eor #$e7 sta time_6 + 1 .page time_6 bpl * cmp #$c9 cmp #$c9 cmp #$24 nop .endp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Stable raster here, create badline for fli and restore to next badline ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- _p_1 lda #$91 sta $d018 lda #$3f sta $d011 _p_2 lda #$81 sta $d018 lda #$3b sta $d011 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Trigger new NMI, restore A and return from IRQ here ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- lda $dd0d reg_a lda #0 rti ; .byte $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9 ; .byte $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9 ; .byte $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9 ; .byte $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9 ; .byte $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9 ; .byte $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9, $c9 ; bit $ea
by Bitbreaker/Oxyron* (the code example is not mine, it was here before, i just added some rant)
isn't it a bad idea to do the following, as the asl clobbers the carry:
plp pla asl $d019 rti
So better pull P and A after asl $d019. However the processor status is anyway pushed to the stack on an interrupt and restored by the rti.
Also the NMIIRQ does not work with both CIA types, one might use two different NMI-handlers: In case of using a new CIA you better waste an additional cycle by:
sta $06 nop lda $dd04 eor #$e7 ... lda $06 rti
base/4x4_fli_chunky_mode.txt · Last modified: 2016-07-19 12:40 by bitbreaker