8bit * 8bit = 16bit multiply
Extended from here
;------------------------ ; 8bit * 8bit = 16bit multiply ; By White Flame ; Multiplies "num1" by "num2" and stores result in .A (low byte, also in .X) and .Y (high byte) ; uses extra zp var "num1Hi" ; .X and .Y get clobbered. Change the tax/txa and tay/tya to stack or zp storage if this is an issue. ; idea to store 16-bit accumulator in .X and .Y instead of zp from bogax ; In this version, both inputs must be unsigned ; Remove the noted line to turn this into a 16bit(either) * 8bit(unsigned) = 16bit multiply. lda #$00 tay sty num1Hi ; remove this line for 16*8=16bit multiply beq enterLoop doAdd: clc adc num1 tax tya adc num1Hi tay txa loop: asl num1 rol num1Hi enterLoop: ; accumulating multiply entry point (enter with .A=lo, .Y=hi) lsr num2 bcs doAdd bne loop ; 26 bytes
base/8bit_multiplication_16bit_product.txt · Last modified: 2017-10-26 06:58 by white_flame