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8bit multiplication with 16bit product

This code aims to be fast, without using tables.

; mul 8x8 16 bit result for when you can't afford big tables
; by djmips 
; inputs are mul1 and X.  mul1 and mul2 should be zp locations
; A should be zero entering but if you want it will factor in as 1/2 A added to the result.
; output is 16 bit in A : mul1   (A is high byte)
; length = 65 bytes 
; total cycles worst case = 113
; total cycles best case = 97
; avg = 105
; inner loop credits Damon Slye CALL APPLE, JUNE 1983, P45-48.

     cpx #$00
     beq zro
     dex          ; decrement mul2 because we will be adding with carry set for speed (an extra one)
     stx mul2	
     ror mul1
     bcc b1
     adc mul2
b1:  ror
     ror mul1
     bcc b2
     adc mul2
b2:  ror
     ror mul1
     bcc b3
     adc mul2
b3:  ror
     ror mul1
     bcc b4
     adc mul2
b4:  ror
     ror mul1
     bcc b5
     adc mul2
b5:  ror
     ror mul1
     bcc b6
     adc mul2
b6:  ror
     ror mul1
     bcc b7
     adc mul2
b7:  ror
     ror mul1
     bcc b8
     adc mul2
b8:  ror
     ror mul1
     inx          ; Optional - this preserves X across the call - could also do inc mul2 or leave out
zro: stx mul1
base/8bit_multiplication_16bit_product_fast_no_tables.txt · Last modified: 2023-03-15 03:25 by djmips