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How to code for the EasyFlash cart

(a Quick-Start, see EasySDK Guide for detailed information)

EasyFlash consists of 2 Flash memory chips of 512 KB each.
It has a total of 1MB.
One Flash chip for low bank (at $8000),
one for high bank (at $a000 or $e000 in UMAX mode).

8 kb per chip can be banked into c64 memory at a time.
There is a total of 64 Banks.
The active bank is selected via $de00.
$de00 always selects low and high bank simultaneously.

$de02 selects the configuration:

  • bit 7: toggle board LED
  • bit 6: reserved
  • bit 5: reserved
  • bit 4: reserved
  • bit 3: reserved
  • bit 2: GAME MODE /1: controlled via bit0 /0: from jumper
  • bit 1: EXROM state /0: high
  • bit 0: GAME state (if bit 2 set) /0: high

In practice this means:

lda #%00000100 ;Cartridge ROM off (256 Bytes of RAM still available at $dfxx)
lda #%00000101 ;Ultimax Mode (low bank at $8000, high bank at $e000)
lda #%00000110 ; 8 Kb cart (low bank at $8000)
lda #%00000111 ;16 Kb cart  (low bank at $8000, high bank at $a000)
sta $de02

To access 8Kb low and 8Kb high of Bank 0:

lda #$37 ;enable CART ROM
sta $01

lda #$00 ;select bank
sta $de00

lda #%00000111 ;select 16 Kb configuration, low at $8000, high at $a000
sta $de02

ldx #00
lda $8000,x ;access data from EasyFlash ($8000-$bfff in this case)

$de00 and $de02 are WRITE ONLY, so you can not use INC or DEC to change banks or settings.

Naturally the memory configuration via $01 remains valid,
i.e. #$37 or #$33 to enable CART ROM.

Note, that the additional RAM is always visible in I/O space at $dfxx.

EasyFlash always starts up in Ultimax mode after Reset,
hence you have to provide some startup code if you write your own crt.
The following snippet provides a commented working framework (ACME Assembler format) by skoe.

; EasyFlashSDK sample code
; see README for a description details

* = $0000

EASYFLASH_16K     = $07

; =============================================================================
; 00:0:0000 (LOROM, bank 0)
    ; This code resides on LOROM, it becomes visible at $8000
    !pseudopc $8000 {

        ; === the main application entry point ===
        ; copy the main code to $C000 (or whereever) - we don't run it here
        ; since the banking would make it invisible
        ; it may be a good idea to let exomizer do this in real life
        ldx #0
        lda main,x
        sta $c000,x
        bne lp1
        jmp $c000

        !pseudopc $C000 {
            ; Switch to bank 1, get a byte from LOROM and HIROM
            lda #1
            sta EASYFLASH_BANK
            lda $8000
            ldx $a000
            ; and put them to the screen, we should see "A" and "B" there
            sta $0400
            stx $0401

            ; Switch to bank 2, get a byte from LOROM and HIROM
            lda #2
            sta EASYFLASH_BANK
            lda $8000
            ldx $a000
            ; and put them to the screen, we should see "C" and "D" there
            sta $0400 + 40
            stx $0401 + 40

            ; effect!
            dec $d020
            jmp lp2

        ; fill the whole bank with value $ff
        !align $ffff, $a000, $ff

; =============================================================================
; 00:1:0000 (HIROM, bank 0)
    ; This code runs in Ultimax mode after reset, so this memory becomes
    ; visible at $E000..$FFFF first and must contain a reset vector
    !pseudopc $e000 {
        ; === the reset vector points here ===
        ldx #$ff

        ; enable VIC (e.g. RAM refresh)
        lda #8
        sta $d016

        ; write to RAM to make sure it starts up correctly (=> RAM datasheets)
        sta $0100, x
        bne startWait

        ; copy the final start-up code to RAM (bottom of CPU stack)
        ldx #(startUpEnd - startUpCode)
        lda startUpCode, x
        sta $0100, x
        bpl l1
        jmp $0100

        !pseudopc $0100 {
            ; === this code is copied to the stack area, does some inits ===
            ; === scans the keyboard and kills the cartridge or          ===
            ; === starts the main application                            ===
            lda #EASYFLASH_16K + EASYFLASH_LED
            sta EASYFLASH_CONTROL

            ; Check if one of the magic kill keys is pressed
            ; This should be done in the same way on any EasyFlash cartridge!

            ; Prepare the CIA to scan the keyboard
            lda #$7f
            sta $dc00   ; pull down row 7 (DPA)

            ldx #$ff
            stx $dc02   ; DDRA $ff = output (X is still $ff from copy loop)
            stx $dc03   ; DDRB $00 = input

            ; Read the keys pressed on this row
            lda $dc01   ; read coloumns (DPB)

            ; Restore CIA registers to the state after (hard) reset
            stx $dc02   ; DDRA input again
            stx $dc00   ; Now row pulled down

            ; Check if one of the magic kill keys was pressed
            and #$e0    ; only leave "Run/Stop", "Q" and "C="
            cmp #$e0
            bne kill    ; branch if one of these keys is pressed

            ; same init stuff the kernel calls after reset
            ldx #0
            stx $d016
            jsr $ff84   ; Initialise I/O

            ; These may not be needed - depending on what you'll do
            jsr $ff87   ; Initialise System Constants
            jsr $ff8a   ; Restore Kernal Vectors
            jsr $ff81   ; Initialize screen editor

            ; start the application code
            jmp $8000

            lda #EASYFLASH_KILL
            sta EASYFLASH_CONTROL
            jmp ($fffc) ; reset

        ; fill it up to $FFFA to put the vectors there
        !align $ffff, $fffa, $ff

        !word reti        ; NMI
        !word coldStart   ; RESET

        ; we don't need the IRQ vector and can put RTI here to save space :)
        !byte 0xff

; =============================================================================
; 01:0:0000 (LOROM, bank 1)
        ; fill the whole bank with value 1 = 'A'
        !fill $2000, 1

; =============================================================================
; 01:1:0000 (HIROM, bank 1)
        ; fill the whole bank with value 2 = 'B'
        !fill $2000, 2

; =============================================================================
; 02:0:0000 (LOROM, bank 2)
        ; fill the whole bank with value 3 = 'C'
        !fill $2000, 3

; =============================================================================
; 02:1:0000 (HIROM, bank 2)
        ; fill the whole bank with value 4 = 'D'
        !fill $2000, 4
base/code_sample.txt · Last modified: 2018-03-12 13:37 by theryk