Table of Contents
Cross Development using Makefile
by Burglar/SCS*TRC
GNU Make is a tool used to build executables, libraries and whole applications. You can use it to script all commands you are using to compile your code. Once properly set up, it will automatically resolve dependencies and only rebuild what has changed.
This will drastically speed up your development process for any project, small or large.
Once automated you will never have to do conversions of graphics and sids by hand anymore.
It will also help you think structured about your code and data.
How Makefile works
A basic Makefile is a plaintext file in your working directory consisting of one or more rules to satisfy all dependencies required to build the requested target. A dependency can be another file or another target.
target: dependencies [tab]command
WARNING: The single tab is important, make sure your editor doesn't change them.
The target is what we want, the dependencies what we need and the command is to build the required target.
Let's say we're coding an intro in kickass and to compile it we type:
java -jar /usr/share/java/KickAss.jar intro.s -o intro.prg
To do that with a Makefile:
intro.prg: intro.s java -jar /usr/share/java/KickAss.jar intro.s -o intro.prg
Now you can run “make” or “make intro.prg” to compile.
Implicit Rules
The command to build your sources is probably always the same, so you can use wildcards to make implicit rules.
The automatic variables $< and $@ are used as dependency and target respectively.
# % is a wildcard # $< is the first dependency # $@ is the target # $^ is all dependencies %.prg: %.s java -jar /usr/share/java/KickAss.jar $< -o $@
This enables you to compile any “.s” source file with “make anything.prg”.
Setting up dependencies
We are still working on the intro, and now we're going to add music and a bitmap logo. We add the necessary imports and a LoadSid in our source-file intro.s. Time to add the dependencies in our Makefile:
# our implicit build rule %.prg: %.s java -jar /usr/share/java/KickAss.jar $< -o $@ # default build target all: intro.prg # dependencies for our intro, which files do we need to compile intro.s into intro.prg # the implicit rule will take care of depending on intro.s itself intro.prg: tune.sid logo.prg
Now type “make” twice, it builds, but the second time it won't waste your time like a .bat. If you modify any of the files “intro.s”, “tune.sid” or “logo.prg”, make will rebuild the intro.
Automatic Crunching
To add another rule to our build chain, we need to think of a new file extension for the new target. We'll use exomizer, so “.prg.exo” sounds about right.
exomizer sfx basic -n intro.prg -o intro.prg.exo
Let Makefile handle the thing:
%.prg: %.s java -jar /usr/share/java/KickAss.jar $< -o $@ %.prg.exo: %.prg exomizer sfx basic -n $< -o $@ all: intro.prg.exo intro.prg: tune.sid logo.prg
This same technique can be used for many other things, see the full example below.
You can use variables to define some defaults and locations. It will also clean up your Makefile and make it more readable. It is best explained by example:
JAVA=java KICKASS=$(JAVA) -jar /usr/share/java/KickAss.jar EXOMIZER=exomizer EXOMIZERFLAGS=sfx basic -n SOURCEFILES=intro.s part1.s part2.s OBJECTS=intro.prg part1.prg part2.prg PACKEDOBJECTS=intro.prg.exo part1.prg.exo part2.prg.exo %.prg: %.s $(KICKASS) $< -o $@ %.prg.exo: %.prg $(EXOMIZER) $(EXOMIZERFLAGS) $< -o $@ all: $(PACKEDOBJECTS) $(OBJECTS): tune.sid logo.prg
Btw, this demo sucks, same tune and logo in every part ;)
Cleaning up your working directory
Sometimes you may want to get rid of every object to be able to explicately rebuild everything. Or you want to give your source to someone else, you'll only want to give the source, not pre-built objects.
The common way to do that is to add a “make clean” target:
clean: rm -f *.exo rm -f intro.prg rm -f part?.prg
Building in Parallel
Most people have a cpu with more than 1 core. Makefile can transparently utilize them to speed up your compiles even more. It is important you have all your dependencies correctly mapped out or strange things might happen.
# build using up to 4 cores in parallel make -j4 all
Full Example
Combining the things we learned, we can now write a Makefile capable of:
- compiling kickass source code
- compiling 64tass source code
- packing with exomizer
- bitmap to sprite conversion
- building a d64 with all files
- autostarting vice with “make vice” (6581, press f7 at start to avoid cartridge).
We already have java, kickassembler, 64tass, exomizer, cc1541, and vice installed and in our path.
Source Files
Makefile intro.s # uses LoadSid to include the .sid lib.s # contains macros and stuff part1.s # uses LoadSid and .import c64 "gfx/picture.prg" part2.s # uses LoadSid and .import c64 "gfx/spritelogo.spr" part3.asm # has no dependencies gfx/picture.s # calls a macro to convert the .png to .prg gfx/picture.png gfx/spritelogo.bmp sid/introtune.sid sid/part1.sid sid/part2.sid
JAVA=java KICKASS=$(JAVA) -jar /usr/share/java/KickAss.jar TASS64=64tass EXOMIZER=exomizer EXOMIZERFLAGS=sfx basic -n CC1541=cc1541 VICE=x64 VICEFLAGS=-sidenginemodel 1803 -keybuf "\88" SOURCEFILES=intro.s part1.s part2.s part3.asm gfx/picture.s OBJECTS=intro.prg.exo part1.prg.exo part2.prg.exo part3.prg.exo %.prg: %.s $(KICKASS) $< -o $@ %.prg: %.asm $(TASS64) $< -o $@ %.spr: %.bmp $(BITMAP2SPR) $< $@ %.prg.exo: %.prg $(EXOMIZER) $(EXOMIZERFLAGS) $< -o $@ all: demo.d64 vice: demo.d64 $(X64) $(X64FLAGS) $< intro.prg: lib.s sid/introtune.sid gfx/spritelogo.spr part1.prg: lib.s sid/part1.sid gfx/picture.prg gfx/picture.prg: lib.s gfx/picture.png part2.prg: lib.s sid/part2.sid gfx/spritelogo.spr demo.d64: $(OBJECTS) $(CC1541) -f "DEMO" -w intro.prg.exo \ -f "PART1" -w part1.prg.exo \ -f "PART2" -w part2.prg.exo \ -f "PART3" -w part3.prg.exo \ $@ clean: rm -f demo.d64 rm -f *.prg rm -f *.exo rm -f gfx/*.spr rm -f gfx/*.prg rm -f gfx/*.exo
Questions and Comments
Please refer to the thread on CSDb.
You can also check the official GNU Make Manual.