Different CPU types
The Rockwell data booklet 29651N52 (technical information about R65C00 microprocessors, dated October 1984), lists the following differences between NMOS R6502 microprocessor and CMOS R65C00 family:
1. Indexed addressing across page boundary. NMOS: Extra read of invalid address. CMOS: Extra read of last instruction byte. 2. Execution of invalid op codes. NMOS: Some terminate only by reset. Results are undefined. CMOS: All are NOPs (reserved for future use). 3. Jump indirect, operand = XXFF. NMOS: Page address does not increment. CMOS: Page address increments and adds one additional cycle. 4. Read/modify/write instructions at effective address. NMOS: One read and two write cycles. CMOS: Two read and one write cycle. 5. Decimal flag. NMOS: Indeterminate after reset. CMOS: Initialized to binary mode (D=0) after reset and interrupts. 6. Flags after decimal operation. NMOS: Invalid N, V and Z flags. CMOS: Valid flag adds one additional cycle. 7. Interrupt after fetch of BRK instruction. NMOS: Interrupt vector is loaded, BRK vector is ignored. CMOS: BRK is executed, then interrupt is executed.
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