Flashing the border when using kernal load
;Disk loader with flashing border done in ACME Cross-Assembler studied by Richard Bayliss ;Loader !to "disksaver.prg",cbm * = $c000 sei lda #$37 ;Turn kernal on sta $01 jsr $ff81 ;Warm reset lda #$00 ;Black border + background sta $d020 sta $d021 ;Accumulate IRQ for flashing border routine lda #<flashload ldx #>flashload sta $0328 stx $0329 cli lda #$08 ldx $ba ;Read from current disk drive present (Always use this instead of ldx #$08) tay jsr $ffba ;Is device present? lda #$06 ;File length ldx #<loadname ldy #>loadname ;Set the load name jsr $ffbd ;Disk drive searches/loads the loadname lda #$00 jsr $ffd5 ldx #$08 jsr $ffc3 jsr $ffcc jsr $ff81 jsr $a659 ;BASIC RUN start jmp $a7ae flashload inc $d020 dec $d020 jmp $f6fe loadname !text"flname*"
base/disk_loader_with_flashing_border_for_non-fastload.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:31 by