Horizontal Double Screen Bitmap Scroller
Done with VSP
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Horizontal Double Screen Bitmap Scroller, done with VSP // For the Double Screen Pixeling Compo // Code: Cruzer/CML, April 2011 // Based on a routine from Codebase64 by Martin Piper // Can be used/modified/distributed freely // Asm: KickAss 3.15 // Tab: 16 chars //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Picture size: 80x25 chars, in either multicolor or hires bitmap. // Gfx can be imported either as two c64 pics or a PNG file. // C64 pics: // - Set importMode = C64_MODE // - Save pics as "pic0.prg" and "pic1.prg", or *.p00 // - For multicolor pics use Koala format // - For hires pics use Topaz Hires Editor format (starts with color screen, followed by bitmap at a $400 offset) // - Set c64FileType to "prg" or "p00" // PNG: // - Set importMode = PNG_MODE // - Save pic as "pic.png" // - Size: 640x201 (only the lower 200 lines are used for gfx) // - The upper line is used for defining the c64 palette, with hires or multicolor sized pixels depending on the mode // - The pixel to the right of the palette defines the background color // For both formats: // - Set multiColorMode = true/false // - Set borderColor manually or leave it as -1 to make it the same as the bg color // - Adjust sineLength for slower/faster speed //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Code info: // VSP can only push the screen 40 chars, so with extended borders the visible pic could only be 78 chars wide. // To get full double screen size I added an extra displaced bitmap screen for the two last chars. // When switching to/from this, the d800 colors need to be moved, since they can't be bank switched. // This would of course have been easier with linecrunch, but I wasn't in the mood for finding out whether it was // possible while keeping the gfx 25 chars high. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //params... .enum {PNG_MODE, C64_MODE} .const importMode = PNG_MODE .const multiColorMode = true .const c64FileType = "prg" .const sineAmp = $150 .const sineLength = $cc .var borderColor = -1 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //zeropage... .const pnt0 = $02 //2 .const pnt1 = $04 //2 .const xPos = $06 //1 .const yPos = $07 //1 .const xPosChr = $08 //1 .const source = $09 //2 .const target = $0b //3 .const srcPos = $0e //1 .const destPos = $0f //1 .const destPosBitmap = $10 //2 .const dir = $12 //1 .const d16 = $13 //1 .const dmaDelay = $14 //1 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //memory... .const basic = $0801 //080f .const tune = $1000 //1fff .const main = $2000 //3fff .const sineLo = $4400 //47ff .const sineHi = $4800 //4bff .const bitmapLut = $4c00 //8bff .const screen = $8c00 //8fff .const screenLut = $9000 //97ff .const d800Lut = $9800 //9fff .const bitmap = $a000 //bfff .const bitmap2 = $c000 //dfff .const screen2 = $e000 //e3ff //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .const unused = $fff6 .const border = unused .const irqLine = $2d .const ProcessorPortDDRDefault = %00101111 .const ProcessorPortAllRAMWithIO = %00100101 .const CIA1InterruptControl = $dc0d .const CIA1TimerAControl = $dc0e .const CIA1TimerBControl = $dc0f .const CIA2InterruptControl = $dd0d .const CIA2TimerAControl = $dd0e .const CIA2TimerBControl = $dd0f .const VIC2InteruptControl = $d01a .const VIC2InteruptStatus = $d019 .var bgColor //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //general scripts... .function _16bit_nextArgument(arg) { .if (arg.getType()==AT_IMMEDIATE) .return CmdArgument(arg.getType(), >arg.getValue()) .return CmdArgument(arg.getType(),arg.getValue()+1) } .pseudocommand mb arg1;arg2 { //move byte lda arg1 sta arg2 } .pseudocommand mw src;tar { //move word lda src sta tar .if (src.getType() == AT_IZEROPAGEY) { iny lda src } else { lda _16bit_nextArgument(src) } .if (tar.getType() == AT_IZEROPAGEY) { .if (src.getType() != AT_IZEROPAGEY) iny sta tar } else { sta _16bit_nextArgument(tar) } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //scripting for png import... .function getC64Color(xPos, yPos, pic, rgb2c64) { .if (multiColorMode) .eval xPos = xPos*2 .var rgb = pic.getPixel(xPos, yPos+1) .var c64Color = rgb2c64.get(rgb) .return c64Color } .var charWidth = 8 .var numBlockColors = 2 .if (multiColorMode) { .eval charWidth = 4 .eval numBlockColors = 3 } .function getBlockColors(chrX, chrY, pic, rgb2c64) { .var colorCounts = List() .for (var i=0; i<16; i++) .eval colorCounts.add(0) .for (var pixY=0; pixY<8; pixY++) { .for (var pixX=0; pixX<charWidth; pixX++) { .var c64Color = getC64Color(chrX*charWidth + pixX, chrY*8 + pixY, pic, rgb2c64) .eval colorCounts.set(c64Color, colorCounts.get(c64Color) + 1) }} .if (multiColorMode) .eval colorCounts.set(bgColor,0) .for (var i=0; i<16; i++) .eval colorCounts.set(i, [colorCounts.get(i) << 4] | i) .eval colorCounts.sort() .eval colorCounts.reverse() .var blockColors = List() .for (var i=0; i<16; i++) .eval blockColors.add(0) .for (var i=0; i<numBlockColors; i++) { .var c64Color = colorCounts.get(i) & $0f .eval blockColors.set(c64Color, i+1) } .return blockColors } .function getBlock(chrX, chrY, pic, rgb2c64) { .var blockColors = getBlockColors(chrX, chrY, pic, rgb2c64) .var blockData = List() .for (var pixY=0; pixY<8; pixY++) { .var bitmapByte = 0 .for (var pixX=0; pixX<charWidth; pixX++) { .var c64Color = getC64Color(chrX*charWidth + pixX, chrY*8 + pixY, pic, rgb2c64) .var multiColor = blockColors.get(c64Color) .if (multiColorMode) .eval bitmapByte = bitmapByte | [multiColor << [6 - pixX*2]] .if (!multiColorMode) .eval bitmapByte = bitmapByte | [[[multiColor-1]^1] << [7 - pixX]] } .eval blockData.add(bitmapByte) } .for (var multiColor=1; multiColor<4; multiColor++) { .var c64Color = 0 .for (var i=1; i<16; i++) { .if (blockColors.get(i) == multiColor) .eval c64Color = i } .eval blockData.add(c64Color) } .return blockData } .var bitmapData = List() .var screenData = List() .var d800Data = List() .function parseDoublePic(pic, rgb2c64) { .for (var picNo=0; picNo<2; picNo++) { .for (var chrY=0; chrY<25; chrY++) { .for (var chrX=0; chrX<40; chrX++) { .var block = getBlock(chrX+picNo*40, chrY, pic, rgb2c64) .for (var i=0; i<8; i++) .eval bitmapData.add(block.get(i)) .var scrColor = [block.get(8) << 4] | [block.get(9) & $f] .eval screenData.add(scrColor) .if (multiColorMode) .eval d800Data.add(block.get(10)) }}} } .function initPalette(pngPic) { .var rgb2c64 = Hashtable() .for (var i=0; i<16; i++) { .var xPos = i .if (multiColorMode) .eval xPos = i*2 .var rgb = pngPic.getPixel(xPos,0) .eval rgb2c64.put(rgb, i) } .var bgRgb = pngPic.getPixel(32,0) .eval bgColor = rgb2c64.get(bgRgb) .if (borderColor == -1) .eval borderColor = bgColor .return rgb2c64 } .if (importMode == PNG_MODE) { .var pngPic = LoadPicture("pic.png") .var rgb2c64 = initPalette(pngPic) .eval parseDoublePic(pngPic, rgb2c64) } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //scripting for c64 file import... .const KOALA_PRG = "Bitmap=$0002, Screen=$1f42, D800=$232a, BackgroundColor=$2712" .const KOALA_P00 = "Bitmap=$001c, Screen=$1f5c, D800=$2344, BackgroundColor=$272c" .const HIRES_PRG = "Screen=$0002, Bitmap=$0402" .const HIRES_P00 = "Screen=$001c, Bitmap=$041c" .var c64Pics = List() .if (importMode == C64_MODE) { .if (multiColorMode && c64FileType == "prg") { .eval c64Pics.add(LoadBinary("pic0.prg", KOALA_PRG)) .eval c64Pics.add(LoadBinary("pic1.prg", KOALA_PRG)) } .if (multiColorMode && c64FileType == "p00") { .eval c64Pics.add(LoadBinary("pic0.p00", KOALA_P00)) .eval c64Pics.add(LoadBinary("pic1.p00", KOALA_P00)) } .if (!multiColorMode && c64FileType == "prg") { .eval c64Pics.add(LoadBinary("pic0.prg", HIRES_PRG)) .eval c64Pics.add(LoadBinary("pic1.prg", HIRES_PRG)) } .if (!multiColorMode && c64FileType == "p00") { .eval c64Pics.add(LoadBinary("pic0.p00", HIRES_P00)) .eval c64Pics.add(LoadBinary("pic1.p00", HIRES_P00)) } .if (multiColorMode) .eval bgColor = c64Pics.get(0).getBackgroundColor() .if (!multiColorMode) .eval bgColor = 0 .if (borderColor == -1) .eval borderColor = bgColor } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //generate look-up tables with bitmap data... .pc = bitmapLut "bitmapLut" .for (var yPos=0; yPos<200; yPos++) { .for (var pic=0; pic<2; pic++) { .for (var xPos=0; xPos<40; xPos++) { .if (importMode == C64_MODE) { .by c64Pics.get(pic).getBitmap([yPos>>3]*$140 + [yPos&7] + xPos*8) } .if (importMode == PNG_MODE) { .by bitmapData.get([yPos>>3]*$140 + [yPos&7] + xPos*8 + pic*8000) } } } } .pc = screenLut "screenLut" .for (var yPos=0; yPos<25; yPos++) { .for (var pic=0; pic<2; pic++) { .for (var xPos=0; xPos<40; xPos++) { .if (importMode == C64_MODE) { .by c64Pics.get(pic).getScreen(yPos*40 + xPos) } .if (importMode == PNG_MODE) { .by screenData.get(yPos*40 + xPos + pic*1000) } } } } .if (multiColorMode) { .pc = d800Lut "d800Lut" .for (var yPos=0; yPos<25; yPos++) { .for (var pic=0; pic<2; pic++) { .for (var xPos=0; xPos<40; xPos++) { .if (importMode == C64_MODE) { .by c64Pics.get(pic).getD800(yPos*40 + xPos) } .if (importMode == PNG_MODE) { .by d800Data.get(yPos*40 + xPos + pic*1000) } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .pc = basic "basic" :BasicUpstart(main) .var sineValues = List() .for (var i=0; i<sineLength; i++) { .var val = sineAmp/2 * sin(i/[sineLength/2/PI]) .eval val = sineAmp/2 + val * 0.999999999 .eval sineValues.add(floor(val)) } .pc = sineLo "sineLo" .var d016mc = $00 .if (multiColorMode) .eval d016mc = $10 .fill sineLength, [sineValues.get(i) & 7] | d016mc .pc = sineHi "sineHi" .fill sineLength, sineValues.get(i) >> 3 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .pc = main "main" sei cld ldx #$ff txs jsr init cli //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- { mainLoop: !: lda topIRQDone beq !- :mb #0; topIRQDone lda $d011 bpl *-3 inc border jsr setScrollParams .if (multiColorMode) jsr updateD800 jsr updateBitmap jsr incCnt :mb #0; border jmp mainLoop } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .align $100 topIrq: //stabilize raster with double irq //@ line 45 pha txa pha tya pha inc topIRQDone :mw #irq2; $fffe inc $d012 :mb #1; VIC2InteruptStatus //ack raster interupt tsx cli //these nops never really finish due to the raster IRQ triggering again nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- irq2: //@ line 46 txs ldx #9 !: dex bne !- //final cycle wobble check lda #irqLine+1 cmp $d012 beq *+2 //the raster is now stable! \o/ //@ line 47 :mb #$31; $d011 //waste more cycles nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop //still @ line 47 lda dmaDelay lsr //divide by 2 to get the number of nops to skip sta branch+1 clv //force branch always //@ line 48 bcc branch //1 cycle extra delay depending on the least significant bit of the x offset branch: bvc * //branch somewhere into the nops depending on the x offset position nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop //show raster position inc border dec border //do the VSP by tweaking d011 at the correct time lda #$3b dec $d011 inc $d011 sta $d011 ldx extraScreenOn :mb d018s,x; $d018 :mb dd00s,x; $dd00 :mb d16; $d016 //restart the IRQ chain :mw #topIrq; $fffe :mb #irqLine; $d012 :mb #1; VIC2InteruptStatus //ack raster interupt pla tay pla tax pla interruptReturn: rti d018s: .by $38,$80 dd00s: .by $95,$94 extraScreenOn: .by 1,1 topIRQDone: .by 0 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- incCnt: inc cnt+0 bne !+ inc cnt+1 !: lda cnt+0 cmp #<sineLength bne !+ lda cnt+1 cmp #>sineLength bne !+ :mw #0; cnt !: rts cnt: .wo sineLength/4 //start to the left //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- setScrollParams: :mb #0; pnt0+0 lda cnt+1 clc adc #>sineLo sta pnt0+1 ldy cnt+0 :mb (pnt0),y; d16 lda cnt+1 clc adc #>sineHi sta pnt0+1 ldx #0 lda (pnt0),y cmp xPosChr beq !+ ldx #1 cmp xPosChr bpl !+ ldx #-1 !: sta xPosChr stx dir ldy #0 lda #39 sec sbc xPosChr bcs !+ adc #40 iny !: sta dmaDelay sty extraScreenOn rts //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateD800: .if (multiColorMode) { ldy extraScreenOn cpy extraScreenOn+1 beq !+ cpy #1 beq extra jsr moveD800Normal jmp !+ extra: jsr moveD800Extra !: :mb extraScreenOn; extraScreenOn+1 rts } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- updateBitmap: { lda dir bne !+ //no char-pos change rts !: lda extraScreenOn beq !+ //no bitmap update needed for extra screen rts !: lda xPosChr ldx dir bmi !+ clc adc #39 !: sta srcPos lda #81 sec sbc srcPos sta srcPos tax lda #40 ldy dir bpl !+ lda #79 !: sec sbc xPosChr sta destPos tay .for (var i=0; i<24; i++) { lda screenLut-1 + i*80,x sta screen + i*40,y lda d800Lut-1 + i*80,x sta $d800 + i*40,y } //special case for lowest line, which needs to wrap to top of screen when it scrolls far enough cpy #64 bpl wrap normal: lda screenLut-1 + 24*80,x sta screen + 24*40,y lda d800Lut-1 + 24*80,x sta $d800 + 24*40,y jmp done wrap: lda screenLut-1 + 24*80,x sta screen-$400 + 24*40,y lda d800Lut-1 + 24*80,x sta $d800-$400 + 24*40,y done: :mb destPos; destPosBitmap+0 lda #0 asl destPosBitmap+0 rol asl destPosBitmap+0 rol asl destPosBitmap+0 rol sta destPosBitmap+1 ldy destPosBitmap+0 lda destPosBitmap+1 bne !+ jmp storeBitmap0 !: cmp #1 bne !+ jmp storeBitmap1 !: jmp storeBitmap2 } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .macro storeBitmap(offset) { .for (var i=0; i<200; i++) { lda bitmapLut - 1 + i*80,x .var target = bitmap + offset + [i&7] + [[i>>3]*$140] .if (offset == $200 && i >= 192) .eval target = target - $2000 //wrapping sta target,y } rts } storeBitmap0: :storeBitmap($000) storeBitmap1: :storeBitmap($100) storeBitmap2: :storeBitmap($200) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //move d800 data when switching between normal/special bitmap screen... .macro moveD800(srcOffset, tarOffset) { .for (var yPos=0; yPos<25; yPos++) { .if (yPos < 24) { ldx #9 !: .for (var xPos=0; xPos<40; xPos=xPos+10) { lda d800Lut + xPos + yPos*80 + srcOffset,x sta $d800 + [[xPos + yPos*40 + tarOffset] & $3ff],x } dex bpl !- } else { //avoid loops for lowest line to make it wrappable... .for (var xPos=0; xPos<40; xPos++) { lda d800Lut + xPos + yPos*80 + srcOffset sta $d800 + [[xPos + yPos*40 + tarOffset] & $3ff] } } } rts } moveD800Normal: .if (multiColorMode) :moveD800($02,$01) moveD800Extra: .if (multiColorMode) :moveD800($00,$27) //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- init: :mb #$0b; $d011 :mb #$00; $d015 :mb #borderColor; $d020 :mb #bgColor; $d021 jsr clearInterrupts jsr initGfx jsr setScrollParams jsr initInterrupts rts //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- clearInterrupts: :mb #ProcessorPortDDRDefault; $00 :mb #ProcessorPortAllRAMWithIO; $01 // Clear all CIA to known state, interrupts off. lda #$7f sta CIA1InterruptControl sta CIA2InterruptControl lda #0 sta VIC2InteruptControl sta CIA1TimerAControl sta CIA1TimerBControl sta CIA2TimerAControl sta CIA2TimerBControl // Ack any interrupts that might have happened from the CIAs lda CIA1InterruptControl lda CIA2InterruptControl // Ack any interrupts that have happened from the VIC2 :mb #$ff; VIC2InteruptStatus // Setup kernal and user mode IRQ vectors to point to a blank routine :mw #interruptReturn; $fffe :mw #interruptReturn; $fffa rts //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initInterrupts: // Setup raster IRQ :mw #topIrq; $fffe :mb #1; VIC2InteruptControl :mb #irqLine; $d012 :mb #$3b; $d011 // Ack any interrupts that might have happened from the CIAs lda CIA1InterruptControl lda CIA2InterruptControl // Ack any interrupts that have happened from the VIC2 :mb #$ff; VIC2InteruptStatus rts //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initGfx: //init bitmap screens, color screens and d800 :mw #bitmapLut+2; source :mw #$08; target :mb #>bitmap; target+2 jsr initBitmap :mw #screenLut+2; source :mw #$01; target :mb #>screen; target+2 jsr initScreen .if (multiColorMode) jsr moveD800Extra :mb #$34; $01 :mw #bitmapLut; source :mw #$138; target :mb #>bitmap2; target+2 jsr initBitmap :mw #screenLut; source :mw #$27; target :mb #>screen2; target+2 jsr initScreen :mb #$35; $01 rts //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initBitmap: { :mb #0; yPos yLoop: :mw source; pnt0 :mb target+0; pnt1+0 lda target+1 ora target+2 sta pnt1+1 :mb #0; xPos xLoop: ldy #0 :mb (pnt0),y; (pnt1),y inc pnt0+0 bne !+ inc pnt0+1 !: lda #8 clc adc pnt1+0 sta pnt1+0 lda pnt1+1 adc #$00 and #$1f ora target+2 sta pnt1+1 inc xPos lda xPos cmp #40 bne xLoop lda #80 clc adc source+0 sta source+0 bcc !+ inc source+1 !: lda #1 clc adc target+0 sta target+0 bcc !+ inc target+1 !: lda yPos and #$07 cmp #$07 bne !+ lda #<$138 clc adc target+0 sta target+0 lda #>$138 adc target+1 and #$1f sta target+1 !: inc yPos lda yPos cmp #200 beq !+ jmp yLoop !: rts } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- initScreen: { :mb #0; yPos yLoop: :mw source; pnt0 :mb target+0; pnt1+0 lda target+1 ora target+2 sta pnt1+1 :mb #0; xPos xLoop: ldy #0 :mb (pnt0),y; (pnt1),y inc pnt0+0 bne !+ inc pnt0+1 !: lda #1 clc adc pnt1+0 sta pnt1+0 lda pnt1+1 adc #$00 and #$03 ora target+2 sta pnt1+1 inc xPos lda xPos cmp #40 bne xLoop lda #80 clc adc source+0 sta source+0 bcc !+ inc source+1 !: lda #40 clc adc target+0 sta target+0 bcc !+ inc target+1 !: inc yPos lda yPos cmp #25 beq !+ jmp yLoop !: rts } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
base/double_screen_horizontal_scroller.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:31 by