As the 1541 also has a 6502 and 2KB RAM it can be used for parallel computation. However RAM is scarce and there is a serious bottleneck when synchronizing the c64 with the 1541: the serial bus. So the transfer of the dataset must be taken into account when offloading work to the floppy. Also the drive works @ 1MHz and no badlines interrupt the work of the processor, so there is a slight clock skew between c64 and 1541. When uploading code, you can only use the area from $0300 to $07ff as drop-zone for your code. However if you upload only a small transfer-routine first that hijacks the floppy (SEI + never return to ROM), you can basically upload code to any location on the floppy (But be aware of the stack).
The example code given here, uploads a small code snippet to the 1541 that generates a data set from $00..$ff stored in the zeropage of the floppy and then continuously transferring that data to c64. For faster upload of code to the 1541 just do your own transfer-routines for the other direction. The example from wegi will give some valuebale hints as well: Drivecalc vectors
!convtab pet !cpu 6510 data1 = $00 data2 = $72 drivecode_start = $0300 drivecode_exec = $0310 * = $3000 upload_code lda #$00 sta $90 lda #$08 sta $ba ldx #$05 ;upload 5 * $20 bytes to 1541 .l0 inc $d020 jsr listen ldy #$00 - lda mw_comm,y jsr $ffa8 iny cpy #$06 bne - ldy #$00 - dc_addr lda drivecode,y jsr $ffa8 iny cpy #$20 bne - jsr $ffae tya clc adc dc_addr+1 sta dc_addr+1 bcc + inc dc_addr+2 + tya clc adc mw_dest sta mw_dest bcc + inc mw_dest+1 + dex bne .l0 start_code jsr listen ldy #$00 - lda me_comm,y jsr $ffa8 iny cpy #$05 bne - jsr $ffae lda #$03 sta $dd00 lda #$50 cmp $d012 bne *-3 lda #$4f cmp $d012 bne *-3 - jsr receive jmp - !macro rcv_1byte_sync { .poll lda $d012 sbc #$31 bcc + and #$07 cmp #$01 bcc .poll + } !macro rcv_1byte { lda #%00001011 sta $dd00 nop eor #%00001000 sta $dd00 lda #$ff eor $dd00 lsr lsr eor $dd00 lsr lsr eor $dd00 lsr asr #$fe ;lets carry be cleared after lsr! eor $dd00 } receive ldx #$00 sei clc - +rcv_1byte_sync +rcv_1byte sta $0400,x +rcv_1byte_sync +rcv_1byte sta $0480,x inx bpl - cli rts listen lda $ba jsr $ffb1 lda #$6f jmp $ff93 mw_comm !text "m-w" mw_dest !byte <drivecode_start !byte >drivecode_start !byte $20 me_comm !text "m-e" !byte <drivecode_exec !byte >drivecode_exec drivecode !pseudopc drivecode_start { .data1 = $00 .data2 = $80 starter bin2ser !byte %1111, %0111, %1101, %0101, %1011, %0011, %1001, %0001 !byte %1110, %0110, %1100, %0100, %1010, %0010, %1000, %0000 lda #$7a sta $1802 ldy #$00 sty $1800 sei ldx #$00 - txa sta .data1,x eor #$80 sta .data2,x inx bpl - !macro snd_1byte { ldx #$0f sbx #$00 lsr lsr lsr lsr sta .y1+1 lda bin2ser,x .poll bit $1800 bpl .poll sta $1800 asl and #$0a sta $1800 .y1 lda bin2ser sta $1800 asl and #$0a sta $1800 } - ldy #$00 send2c64 lda .data1,y +snd_1byte lda .data2,y +snd_1byte iny bpl send2c64 bmi - }