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Flexloader 3.0

WARNING: This is NOT an IRQ loader, it's only stable without IRQ and screen off.

Non drive locking IRQ/FAST loader 1541 only

This source can be compiled with tass/taboo.

The drive initialize routine is to slow to run within a irq.

The original routine sets #$0f to $1c07, the frequency of the stepper motor. This is unusually fast! According to the this thread on CSDb, the absolute minimum is $18, but it's safer to use values between $20 and $28.

;  loader v3.0 (c) Jayce/Focus 1993!
;  finally converted to turboassembler/windows march 2007!
         *= $6000
         jsr faster ;for faster acces to 1541
         jsr init   ;warm reset vectors
         lda #$00
         sta $d020
         sta $d011
         jsr fopen  ;open logical file

;-remove this sei if a irq is used     -

         jmp load   ;and go loading

;--------filename + lengte--------------
fnln     .byte 16
fnm     .text "p>anim*"

fopen    lda fnln
         ldx #<fnm
         ldy #>fnm
         jsr $ffbd
         lda #1
         ldy #0
         ldx #8
         jsr $ffba
         jsr $ffc0
         bcc fopeno
fopener  lda #1
         jsr $ffc3
         jsr $ffcc

         jmp fopen;keep jumping on error

fopeno   ldx #1
         jsr $ffc6
         bcs fopener
         jsr $ffa5
         lda $90
         bne fopener
         lda #0
         sta getchara
         sta getcharb
         sta getcharc
         jsr insdisk
         lda #$08
         jsr $ffb1
         lda #$6f
         jsr $ff93
         ldy #$00
fopen1   lda fstt,y
         jsr $ffa8
         cpy #$20
         bne fopen1
         jsr $ffae
         lda #$01      ;reload address lo byte
         sta $ae
         lda #$08      ;reload address hi byte  (here it's $0801)
         sta $af

getchara .byte 0
getcharb .byte 0
getcharc .byte 0

load    jsr getchar
         jsr getchar
load1  jsr getchar
         jsr putch
         lda $90
         beq load1
stop     jsr init
         jmp $080d  ; jump adress after loading

getchar  lda getcharb
         bne getchar1
         lda #2
         sta getcharb
         jsr charin
         sta getchara
         bne getchar1
         jsr charin
         sta getcharc
getchar1 lda getchara
         bne getchar2
         lda getcharb
         cmp getcharc
         bne getchar2
         jsr charin
         ldx #$80
         stx $90
getchar2 lda #$00
         sta $90
         jsr charin
         inc getcharb
         inc $ac
         bne getchar3
         inc $ad
getchar3 rts

charin   ldx #$03
         lda #$0b
         sta $dd00
charin0  bit $dd00
         bpl charin

;-remove this if no irq is used        -
charin1 ; lda $d012
        ; cmp #$31   ;number of free rasterlines the higher the number, the slower the loader
        ; bcs charin1

charin2  stx $dd00
         lda $dd00
         lsr a
         lsr a
         eor $dd00
         lsr a
         lsr a
         eor $dd00
         lsr a
         lsr a
         eor #3      ;$dd00 bankswitch value
         eor $dd00

putch    tax
         lda $af
         beq putche
         ldx #$00
         inc $01 ; use the Y to set $01 manualy if needed
         sta ($ae,x)
         dec $01
	 ;sta $d020 ;(flash aaahaaaaa!)
         inc $ae
         bne putche
         inc $af
putche   rts

fstt    .byte $4d,$2d,$45,$05,$02
         lda $f9
         asl a
         lda $06,x
         sta $08
         lda $07,x
         sta $09
         lda #$80
         sta $01
         jmp $030d

;insert the code into the 1541 #08
insdisk  lda #$00
         sta $fb
         lda #$03
         sta $fc
         lda #<diskdat
         sta $fd
         lda #>diskdat
         sta $fe
insd0    lda #$08  ;<< device ID #08
         jsr $ffb1
         lda #$6f
         jsr $ff93
         lda #$4d
         jsr $ffa8
         lda #$2d
         jsr $ffa8
         lda #"w"
         jsr $ffa8
         lda $fb
         jsr $ffa8
         lda $fc
         jsr $ffa8
         lda #$20
         jsr $ffa8
         ldy #$00
insd1    lda ($fd),y
         jsr $ffa8
         cpy #$20
         bne insd1
         jsr $ffae
         lda $fd
         adc #$20
         sta $fd
         bcc insd2
         inc $fe
insd2    clc
         lda $fb
         adc #$20
         sta $fb
         cmp #$e0
         bcc insd0

;---a byte dump of the in-drive code ---
diskdat  .byte $00,$00,$53,$54,$49,$20
         .byte $5b,$03,$a5,$00,$4c,$0a
         .byte $e6,$a5,$09,$a2,$01,$85
         .byte $09,$58,$20,$85,$03,$78
         .byte $c9,$02,$b0,$ec,$a0,$00
         .byte $ad,$00,$05,$d0,$03,$ac
         .byte $01,$04,$8c,$ff,$03,$a0
         .byte $02,$c9,$00,$d0,$01,$88
         .byte $20,$47,$03,$b9,$00,$05
         .byte $20,$47,$03,$c8,$cc,$ff
         .byte $03,$d0,$f4,$ad,$00,$05
         .byte $d0,$cf,$4c,$a9,$03,$78
         .byte $aa,$4a,$4a,$4a,$4a,$85
         .byte $85,$8a,$29,$0f,$aa,$bd
         .byte $c0,$03,$2c,$00,$18,$10
         .byte $fb,$a2,$10,$8e,$00,$18
         .byte $a6,$85,$2c,$00,$18,$30
         .byte $fb,$8d,$00,$18,$0a,$29
         .byte $0f,$8d,$00,$18,$bd,$c0
         .byte $03,$8d,$00,$18,$0a,$29
         .byte $0f,$8d,$00,$18,$ea,$ea
         .byte $a9,$00,$8d,$00,$18,$58
         .byte $60,$a5,$01,$30,$fc,$48
         .byte $a0,$00,$b9,$00,$04,$99
         .byte $00,$05,$c8,$d0,$f7,$ad
         .byte $00,$04,$f0,$0b,$85,$08
         .byte $ad,$01,$04,$85,$09,$a9
         .byte $80,$a2,$01,$85,$01,$68
         .byte $60,$b9,$00,$05,$20,$47
         .byte $03,$20,$42,$d0,$4c,$94
         .byte $c1,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
         .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
         .byte $0f,$07,$0d,$05,$0b,$03
         .byte $09,$01,$0e,$06,$0c,$04
         .byte $0a,$02,$08,$00

;-- a faster drive access stuff --

faster   lda #$08     ; Memory write to drive 8
         jsr $ffb1
         lda #$6f
         jsr $ff93
         lda #$4d     ; M
         jsr $ffa8
         lda #$2d     ; -
         jsr $ffa8
         lda #$57     ; W
         jsr $ffa8
         lda #$07     ; <$1c07, stepper motor frequency
         jsr $ffa8
         lda #$1c     ; >$1c07
         jsr $ffa8
         lda #$01     ; data length 1 byte
         jsr $ffa8
         lda #$0f     ; frequency = $0f
         jsr $ffa8
         jsr $ffae

         jsr $fd15
         jsr $fda3
         ldx #$00
         jsr $e5aa
base/flexloader_3.0.txt · Last modified: 2015-05-17 11:36 by burglar