FPP - by repeating the first line
Here follows a code example of FPP by repeating the first line of a char. The advantage of this FPP is bigger amount of graphic lines, up to 128 lines per video-bank. The drawback is a rather short timing loop with no possibilities to open the sideborders or hardly even have sprites over it.
; Constants ySize = 150 ; Variables zEnd = $04 YPos = $05 AddVal = $06 *= $0900 sei ldx #0 ; Put some crap data to make empty graphic banks visible b_1 lda #$f3 sta $2000,x lda #$28 sta $2100,x lda #$ad sta $2800,x lda #$99 sta $2900,x lda #$71 sta $3000,x lda #$ed sta $3100,x lda #$3b sta $3800,x lda #$cc sta $3900,x inx bne b_1 lda #ySize ; Set size to zero-page variable sta zEnd loop1 bit $d011 ; Wait for new frame bpl *-3 bit $d011 bmi *-3 lda #$1b ; Set y-scroll to normal position sta $d011 lda #$17 ; Set normal d018 sta $d018 lda #$3f ; Wait for position high up on the screen cmp $d012 bne *-3 and #7 ; Uggly way to get stable raster ora #$18 sta $d011 ldx #0 loop2 lda d018Tab,x ; Fetch d018-values from table sta $d018 lda #$18 sta $d011 ; trigger badline.. nop ; 20-cycle timing loop. There should be 20 cycles between each 'sta $d011' nop inx lda d018Tab,x sta $d018 lda #$19 sta $d011 nop nop inx lda d018Tab,x sta $d018 lda #$1a sta $d011 nop nop inx lda d018Tab,x sta $d018 lda #$1b sta $d011 nop nop inx lda d018Tab,x sta $d018 lda #$1c sta $d011 nop nop inx lda d018Tab,x sta $d018 lda #$1d sta $d011 nop nop inx lda d018Tab,x sta $d018 lda #$1e sta $d011 nop inx lda d018Tab,x inx ; Put inx here already to be able to keep 20 cycles to the next d011.. sta $d018 lda #$1f sta $d011 cpx zEnd bcc loop2 ; Loop if not end lda #$1b sta $d011 lda #$17 ; Set normal d018 again sta $d018 jsr SetupD018Table ; Nice FPD effect.. Yes we has FPP, but the effect would be possible with FPD also. jmp loop1 ; Next frame SetupD018Table ldy #0 ; First clear the table sty YPos lda #0 sta d018Tab,y iny cpy #ySize bcc *-6 lda #0 ; Increase the starting value inc *-1 asl sta AddVal ldy #0 ; This loop will insert different d018-values into the table.. ; Exit loop when we reach y-size SDT_1 lda AddVal clc adc #4 sta AddVal bpl *+4 eor #$ff lsr lsr lsr lsr lsr sec adc YPos sta YPos cmp #ySize bcs SDT_end tax tya sta d018Tab,x iny iny jmp SDT_1 SDT_end rts .align $100 ; Align the table to a new page, this way lda FPDTable,x always takes 4 cycles. d018Tab .dsb ySize,0 ; Reserve bytes for the table
base/fpp-first-line.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:32 by