Handling IRQs macros
Assemble with ACME.
Just notice how the macro ENTER and EXIT are used, to make nice clean demosource with as many IRQ as you need.
;some macros to use for easy raster handling, by rambones !to "part1.prg" !zone mainprogram *=$1000 ;-------------- MACROS ---------------- ;;!macro INIT .inadd, .pladd{ ; (code here) ;} !macro ENTER{ pha tya pha txa pha } !macro EXIT .intvector, .rasterline{ LDX #>.intvector LDY #<.intvector STX $FFFF STY $FFFE LDA #.rasterline STA $D012 SEC ROL $D019 JMP _quitirq } !macro POKE .value, .address{ LDA .value STA .address } !macro XDEL .pausex{ LDX #.pausex _xxpause DEX BNE _xxpause } !macro YDEL .pausey{ LDY #.pausey _pause2 DEY BNE _pause2 } ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; start of program.. JMP START ; utilities and pointers.. _quitirq pla tax pla tay pla _freeze rti _spritepoint !BYTE 200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207 _xsprite !BYTE 100,120,140,160,180,200,220,240 _ysprite !BYTE 100,100,100,100,100,100,100,100 SCREEN=$0400 ZP=$2B ;---------- MAIN START ----------- START jsr _clearscreen jsr _setuplogo jsr _setlogocolor jsr SSINIT ;charscroll jsr _clearline SEI LDA #$35 STA $01 LDX #>INT1 LDY #<INT1 STX $FFFF STY $FFFE ldx #>_freeze ldy #<_freeze stx $FFFA sty $FFFB LDX #0 STX $DC0E INX STX $D01A LDA #$1B STA $D011 LDA #LINE1 STA $D012 CLI LOCK JMP LOCK ;-------------------------------------- LINE1=$32 INT1 +ENTER ldx #7 .time5 dex bne .time5 lda #1 sta $d020 lda #0 sta $d021 JSR SSSET2 ;stop charscroll ;set logofont $2800 LDA $D018 AND #240 ORA #10 STA $D018 ;set multicolors on charlogo lda #2 sta $d022 lda #4 sta $d023 ;set multi color text mode lda $d016 ora #16 sta $d016 ;enable extended text background color ;lda $d011 ;ora #64 ;sta $d011 +EXIT INT2,LINE2 ;-------------------------------------- ;set sprites here LINE2=$4a INT2 +ENTER ldx #7 .time1 dex bne .time1 JSR SSSET2 ;stop charscroll lda #5 sta $d020 sta $d021 lda #255 sta $d015 lda #1 sta $d027 sta $d028 sta $d029 sta $d02a sta $d02b sta $d02c sta $d02d sta $d02e ;ok ldx #0 .spri2 lda _spritepoint,x sta $07f8,x inx cpx #7 bne .spri2 lda #100 sta $d000 lda #100 sta $d001 ; ldx #0 ;.spri4 lda _ysprite,x ; sta $d001,x ; inx ; inx ; cpx #7 ; bne .spri4 +EXIT INT3,LINE3 ;-------------------------------------- LINE3=$c8 INT3 +ENTER ldx #7 .time2 dex bne .time2 lda #1 sta $d020 lda #0 sta $d021 JSR SSSET2 ;stop charscroll JSR SSCALC ;calc charscroll +EXIT INT4,LINE4 ;-------------------------------------- LINE4=$f1 INT4 +ENTER ldx #7 .time7 dex bne .time7 lda #2 sta $d020 lda #6 sta $d021 lda #22 sta $d018 ;set single color text mode lda $d016 and #239 sta $d016 jsr SSSET1 ;scroll char +EXIT INT1,LINE1 ;-------------------------------------- _clearscreen ;here go all the subroutines... !endoffile
base/handling_irqs_with_some_simple_macros.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:32 by