Table of Contents
Part 6 - The Stack
The stack, located at $0100-$01FF, is a helpful place to store temporary values. It can be imagined as a stack of paper, with each sheet holding one byte of information. You can push a sheet on top of the stack, or pull the topmost sheet off the stack. This principle is formally known as last-in, first-out (LIFO).
The Stack Pointer
The stack pointer is an index from $0100 that tells the CPU where to push the next stack value to.
The PHA instruction pushes the value in A to the address pointed to by the stack pointer, and then decrements the stack pointer. The PLA instruction increments the stack pointer, and then loads the value pointed to by the stack pointer to A.
A general principle of the stack is that you should always leave it as clean as you found it. Never push a value to the stack and then never pull it.
There are also a few more instructions relating to the stack:
TSX - Transfer stack pointer to X TXS - Transfer X to stack pointer
I've never used TSX, so I can't provide an example for that. However, TXS can be used to reset the stack pointer:
A stack overflow happens when the stack pointer rolls over. Don't push when SP is $00, or pull when SP is $FF.
The Example
So, let's imagine we have a value in $6000 in A that we need to preserve.
LDA $6000
But, we have a loop right after that trashes all registers.
LDA #$00 LDX #$18 TAY LDY $4000,X <- pretend this is at $1000 :) STA $5000,Y DEX BNE $1000
To preserve the value in A, we must push the value to the stack and pull it back after the loop.
LDA $6000 PHA LDA #$00 LDX #$18 TAY LDY $4000,X <- still $1000... STA $5000,Y DEX BNE $1000 PLA