A quite nifty example of how to make an increasing decimal counter with a flexible amount of digits. It's possible to create a counter with up to 255 digits.
Useful for counting scores in games, for example.
; Counter code ; [c]2007 Scout/Silicon Ltd. numdigits = 6 *=$c000 ldx #0 txa ; A=X=0 - sta tellertabel,x ; erase the countertable inx cpx #numdigits ; for the amount of desired digits bne - loop ldx #0 - lda tellertabel+1,x ; read the contents of the countertable clc adc #$30 ; add 48(decimal) -> in petscii, 48=0, 49=1 etc sta $0400,x ; poke them in the upperleft of the screen (address 1024) inx cpx #numdigits bne - jsr teller ; do the counter jmp loop ; do the loop ;---------------------------------------------------------------- teller ldx #numdigits ; go from back to front in the table - lda tellertabel,x cmp #9 ; is the current digit 9? beq + ; yes, jump to the + branch inc tellertabel,x ; no, keep on counting rts ; back to the mainroutine + lda #0 ; put current digit to 0 sta tellertabel,x ; in the countertable dex ; go 1 back in the table bne - ; and do the rest of the remaining digits rts ; back to the main routine ;------------------------------------------------------------------- .align 256 tellertabel ; 256 bytes reserved for the countertable
base/making_a_counter.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:32 by