It's a bit buggy (and unplayable) but it might show some techniques that may come in handy. The game features 2 player action (???), a real intro and a 8 by 8 pixel playfield. All of this in 824 bytes.
; sourcecrap [c]2005 HMVDVA/HeMa! ; do what you like with this. print it out and wipe your ass with it :-/ joystick1 = $dc01 joystick2 = $dc00 UP1 = 254 DOWN1 = 253 FIRE1 = 239 UP2 = 126 DOWN2 = 125 FIRE2 = 111 Gamespeed = 8 *= $0800 .byte $00,$0c,$08,$0a,$00,$9e,$32,$30,$36,$31,$00,$00,$00,$00 *=$080D sei lda #$31 sta $1 ldx #0 copyromchar lda $d000,x sta $2000,x lda $d100,x sta $2100,x lda $d200,x sta $2200,x lda $d300,x sta $2300,x lda $d400,x sta $2400,x lda $d500,x sta $2500,x lda $d600,x sta $2600,x lda $d700,x sta $2700,x inx bne copyromchar lda #$37 sta $1 lda #$0b sta $0286 jsr $e544 lda #0 sta $d020 sta $d021 sta joystick1pos sta joystick2pos lda #4 sta ballx lda #1 sta bally lda #$1b sta $d011 lda #$18 sta $d018 ldy #0 setupchar lda #0 sta $2000,y iny cpy #8 bne setupchar lda #160 ldx #0 clearscreen sta $0400,x sta $0500,x sta $0600,x sta $0700,x inx bne clearscreen ; jsr paddle1control ; jsr paddle2control lda #15 sta $d814+(12*40) lda #<$2000 ldy #>$2000 sta $f0 sty $f1 lda #$23 sta $0414+(12*40) introloop lda #$fb poll0 cmp $d012 bne poll0 lda joystick1 cmp #fire1 beq dogame lda joystick2 cmp #fire2 beq dogame lda speedcounter beq scrollit dec speedcounter jmp introloop scrollit lda #10 sta speedcounter clc ldx #0 scroll ;clc rol $2000+($24*8),x rol $2000+($23*8),x inx cpx #8 bne scroll lda scrollcnt beq newscrchar dec scrollcnt jmp introloop newscrchar lda #7 sta scrollcnt stext lda scrolltext beq wraptext asl asl asl sta copychar+1 ldx #0 copychar lda $2000,x sta $2000+($24*8),x inx cpx #8 bne copychar inc stext+1 jmp introloop wraptext lda #<scrolltext ldy #>scrolltext sta stext+1 sty stext+2 jmp stext dogame lda #0 sta $0414+(12*40) gameloop lda #$fb poll1 cmp $d012 bne poll1 jsr clearchar jsr collisiondetect jsr paddle1control jsr paddle2control jsr ballmovement jmp gameloop collisiondetect lda ballx beq checkpaddle1 cmp #7 beq checkpaddle2 rts checkpaddle1 lda bally sec sbc joystick1pos cmp #3 bcs paddle1miss jmp newdirection paddle1miss lda #3 sta ballx sta bally jmp newdirection checkpaddle2 lda bally sec sbc joystick2pos cmp #3 bcs paddle2miss rts paddle2miss lda #3 sta ballx sta bally newdirection jsr randomgenerator and #1 sta $f2 jsr randomgenerator and #1 sec sbc $f2 beq newdirection cmp #2 beq newdirection sta directx ; sta $d020 tryyagain jsr randomgenerator and #1 sta $f2 jsr randomgenerator and #1 sec sbc $f2 ; beq tryyagain sta directy ; sta $d021 rts paddle1control lda joystick1 cmp #up1 beq joy1up cmp #down1 beq joy1down jmp paddle1update joy1up lda joystick1pos beq paddle1update dec joystick1pos jmp paddle1update joy1down lda joystick1pos cmp #5 beq paddle1update inc joystick1pos paddle1update ldy joystick1pos lda ($f0),y ora #%10000000 sta ($f0),y iny lda ($f0),y ora #%10000000 sta ($f0),y iny lda ($f0),y ora #%10000000 sta ($f0),y nojoy1change rts paddle2control lda joystick2 cmp #up2 beq joy2up cmp #down2 beq joy2down jmp paddle2update joy2up lda joystick2pos beq paddle2update dec joystick2pos jmp paddle2update joy2down lda joystick2pos cmp #5 beq paddle2update inc joystick2pos paddle2update ldy joystick2pos lda ($f0),y ora #%00000001 sta ($f0),y iny lda ($f0),y ora #%00000001 sta ($f0),y iny lda ($f0),y ora #%00000001 sta ($f0),y nojoy2change rts ballmovement inc speedcounter lda speedcounter cmp #gamespeed bne plotball lda #0 sta speedcounter forceupdate lda ballx beq chdirtoright cmp #7 beq chdirtoleft updateballx clc adc directx sta ballx lda bally beq chdirdown cmp #7 beq chdirup updatebally clc adc directy sta bally jmp plotball chdirtoright ldx #1 stx directx jmp updateballx chdirtoleft ldx #255 stx directx jmp updateballx chdirdown ldx #1 stx directy jmp updatebally chdirup ldx #255 stx directy jmp updatebally plotball ldx ballx lda balldata,x ldy bally ora ($f0),y sta ($f0),y noballmovement rts clearchar lda #0 tay clearchar0 sta ($f0),y iny cpy #8 bne clearchar0 rts randomgenerator LDA $DC04 EOR $DC05 EOR $DD04 ADC $DD05 EOR $DD06 EOR $DD07 rts scrolltext .byte "welcome to micropong this is the most horrible untested ungamerfriendly bloody crap pong game you ever played press fire for your worst gamer nightmare ",0 balldata .byte %10000000 .byte %01000000 .byte %00100000 .byte %00010000 .byte %00001000 .byte %00000100 .byte %00000010 .byte %00000001 speedcounter .byte 0 joystick1pos .byte 0 joystick2pos .byte 0 ballx .byte 0 bally .byte 0 directx .byte 1 directy .byte 1 scrollcnt .byte 0
base/micropong.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:32 by