Multi-Adapter Support
By Sokrates
Several joystick/joypad adapters were available for the C64 (see also here: Some are even available factory-new today.
In the following it is described how to apply an automatic detection and query for three specific adapters in order to avoid manual configuration, as used in the game “RACE+”. The adapters are:
- SuperPad64
- Inception
- 4-player adapter (protovision/icomp)
Since the 4-player adapter is also supported in the VICE emulator, the multi-adapter code can be used for up to 8 players directly on the C64, and for up to 4 player on the PC.
I don't know a way to detect the 4-player adapter. But fortunately this is not necessary in this constellation, because on the one hand the other two adapters can be detected. On the other hand, the query of the additional two ports of the 4-player adapter does not generate any input for these additional ports in the absence of the adapter. This means that the 4-player adapter query routine can also be used for the two joysticks in the standard control ports if there is no adapter connected at all.
Detection is done in the following steps:
- SuperPad64 detected? If yes, initialize and use it. If not, continue with 2.
- Inception detected? If yes, initialize and use it. If not, continue with 3.
- Initialize and use the 4-player adapter
The detection routine of the first two adapters works correctly if no adapter is connected. The other way around, it could theoretically happen that another connected device is mistakenly recognized as an adapter (no case known so far).
The prioritization from a player's perspective:
- SuperPad64
- Inception
- 4-player adapter and standard control ports
- Only standard control ports
If more than one adapter are connected, the adapter with the higher priority is taken (for example if SuperPad64 and the Inception adapter are both connected, then only the SuperPad64 can be used). If no adapter is connected, the standard control ports can be used.
Source Code:
;; multi-adapter handling test code DETECTION = $0400 ; so you can see, if something happens OUTLINE0 = $0450 OUTLINE1 = OUTLINE0 + $28 OUTLINE2 = OUTLINE1 + $28 OUTLINE3 = OUTLINE2 + $28 OUTLINE4 = OUTLINE3 + $28 OUTLINE5 = OUTLINE4 + $28 OUTLINE6 = OUTLINE5 + $28 OUTLINE7 = OUTLINE6 + $28 ZEROPAGE_TMP_LO = $FB ZEROPAGE_TMP_HI = $FC ;; generate BASIC Header BASIC_START = $0801 CODE_START = $080d * = BASIC_START !byte 12,8,0,0,158 !if CODE_START >= 10000 {!byte 48+((CODE_START/10000)%10)} !if CODE_START >= 1000 {!byte 48+((CODE_START/1000)%10)} !if CODE_START >= 100 {!byte 48+((CODE_START/100)%10)} !if CODE_START >= 10 {!byte 48+((CODE_START/10)%10)} !byte 48+(CODE_START % 10),0,0,0 * = CODE_START main jsr Screen_init jsr Adapter_init jsr Draw_detection main_loop jsr Inception_wait jsr Adapter_read jsr Draw_lines jmp main_loop ;; some time must pass by until the inception adapter can be read again ;; otherwise there might be wrong results Inception_wait: lda joystickAdapter cmp #JOYSTICK_ADAPTER_INCEPTION bne Inception_waitIsNoInception ldy #$20 ldx #$00 Inception_waitLoop: nop dex bne Inception_waitLoop dey bne Inception_waitLoop Inception_waitIsNoInception: rts outLineHi !byte >OUTLINE0, >OUTLINE1, >OUTLINE2, >OUTLINE3, >OUTLINE4, >OUTLINE5, >OUTLINE6, >OUTLINE7 outLineLo !byte <OUTLINE0, <OUTLINE1, <OUTLINE2, <OUTLINE3, <OUTLINE4, <OUTLINE5, <OUTLINE6, <OUTLINE7 drawBitsTmp !byte $00 Draw_bits: ldx #7 stx drawBitsTmp ; Bit counter 7..0 Draw_bitsLoop: asl ; set carry flag tax ; x = a lda #$30 ; zero bcc Draw_bitsIsActive lda #$31 ; one Draw_bitsIsActive: sta (ZEROPAGE_TMP_LO),y iny txa ; a = x dec drawBitsTmp bpl Draw_bitsLoop rts drawLineTmpX !byte $00 drawLineTmpLoop !byte $00 Draw_detection lda #$30 ; char "0" clc adc joystickAdapter sta DETECTION rts Draw_lines: lda #7 sta drawLineTmpLoop lda #$00 sta drawLineTmpX Draw_linesLoop: ldy #$00 ldx drawLineTmpX lda outLineLo, x sta ZEROPAGE_TMP_LO lda outLineHi, x sta ZEROPAGE_TMP_HI lda joystickInput,x jsr Draw_bits ; destroys x register inc drawLineTmpX dec drawLineTmpLoop bpl Draw_linesLoop rts Screen_init: jsr $e544 ; clear screen ldx #$00 ; black and counter stx $d021 ; set background stx $d020 ; set border lda #$0f ; grey Screen_fillColorRam: sta $d800,x sta $d900,x sta $da00,x sta $db00,x inx bne Screen_fillColorRam rts ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; copy from here on for the multi adapter handling ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Adapter_init: call this routine first one time to detect and initialize the adapters ;; joystickAdapter: result of the initialization routine. Encoding: ;; 0: no adapter or 4 player adapter ;; 1: Inception ;; 2: SuperPad64 ;; When multiple adapters are connected at the same time, the adapters are used in the following order: ;; 1: SuperPad64 ;; 2: Inception ;; 3: 4 player adapter ;; Adapter_read: routine to read the joystick input ;; joystickInput: result of the read routine. 8 bytes, one for each joystick. Encoding: ;; Bit 0: up ;; Bit 1: down ;; Bit 2: left ;; Bit 3: right ;; Bit 4: fire ;; Bits 5-7: do not use, values depend on used adapter ;; Please keep in mind: when button/direction is pressed, the according bit is 0 (and not 1) JOYSTICK_ADAPTER_NONE_OR_4_PLAYER = $00 JOYSTICK_ADAPTER_INCEPTION = $01 JOYSTICK_ADAPTER_SUPERPAD64 = $02 joystickAdapter !byte JOYSTICK_ADAPTER_NONE_OR_4_PLAYER joystickInput !byte $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff, $ff Adapter_init: jsr Adapter_init_SuperPad64 lda joystickAdapter bne Adapter_initDetectionDone ; is value not JOYSTICK_ADAPTER_NONE_OR_4_PLAYER any more? ; (==SuperPad64 detected) jsr Adapter_init_Inception lda joystickAdapter bne Adapter_initDetectionDone ; is value not JOYSTICK_ADAPTER_NONE_OR_4_PLAYER any more? ; (==Inception detected) jsr Adapter_init_4Player ; init 4-player adapter (even when not connected) Adapter_initDetectionDone: ldx #$07 lda #$ff Adapter_initFillLoop: sta joystickInput,x dex bpl Adapter_initFillLoop rts ;; detect SuperPad64: read byte16 and byte17. Cases: ;; * byte16!=byte17: SuperPad64 adapter detected and at least 1 pad plugged in ;; * else: no SuperPad64 adapter detected or no pad plugged in Adapter_init_SuperPad64: lda #$00 ; PB = input sta $dd03 lda $dd02 ora #$04 sta $dd02 ; PA2 = output for latch signal lda $dd00 ora #$04 ; PA2 = high sta $dd00 and #$fb ; PA2 = high sta $dd00 ldx #$0f Adapter_init_SuperPad64Loop: lda $dd01 ; read 16 bytes dex bpl Adapter_init_SuperPad64Loop cmp $dd01 ; byte 16==byte 17? beq Adapter_init_SuperPad64Done ; yes ldy #JOYSTICK_ADAPTER_SUPERPAD64 sty joystickAdapter ; detected with at least one pad plugged in Adapter_init_SuperPad64Done: rts Adapter_init_Inception: jsr Adapter_read_Inception ldy #$00 lda joystickInput,y and #$e0 bne Adapter_init_InceptionDone lda #JOYSTICK_ADAPTER_INCEPTION ; adapter detected sta joystickAdapter Adapter_init_InceptionDone: rts Adapter_init_4Player: lda #$80 sta $DD03 ; CIA2 PortB Bit7 as OUT lda $DD01 ; force Clock-Stretching (SuperCPU) sta $DD01 ; and release Port rts Adapter_read: lda joystickAdapter bne Adapter_readIsSuperPad64OrInception ; jump if not JOYSTICK_ADAPTER_NONE_OR_4_PLAYER = $00 jsr Adapter_read_4Player rts Adapter_readIsSuperPad64OrInception: cmp #JOYSTICK_ADAPTER_SUPERPAD64 bne Adapter_read_Inception ; jump for inception jsr Adapter_read_SuperPad64 rts Adapter_readIsInception: jsr Adapter_read_Inception rts Adapter_read_SuperPad64: lda $dd00 ora #$04 ; PA2 = high sta $dd00 and #$fb ; PA2 = low sta $dd00 lda $dd01 ; get values for firebutton "b" ;eor #$ff ; invert bits pha ; remember firebutton values in heap lda $dd01 ; get and forget values for "y" lda $dd01 ; get and forget values for "select" lda $dd01 ; get and forget values for "start" ldy #$03 ; get 4 directions Adapter_read_SuperPad64NextDirection: lda $dd01 ; get direction values "up", "down", "left", and "right" ;eor #$ff ; invert bits ldx #$07 ; store direction in joystick variables Adapter_read_SuperPad64BitsToJoysticks: rol ; shift bit left into carry... ror joystickInput,x ; ...then into its destination dex bpl Adapter_read_SuperPad64BitsToJoysticks dey bpl Adapter_read_SuperPad64NextDirection ;; now values in each joy: right, left, down, up, x, x, x, x pla ; restore firebutton values from heap to accu ldx #$07 ; add firebutton and generate encoding compatible to ; standard joystick format: ; 0,0,0, fire, right, left, down, up Adapter_read_SuperPad64ConvertToStandardLoop: rol ; shift fire bit to carry ... ror joystickInput,x ; ...then into its destination lsr joystickInput,x ; fill left three bits with 0 lsr joystickInput,x lsr joystickInput,x dex bpl Adapter_read_SuperPad64ConvertToStandardLoop rts inceptionJoystickTmp !byte $00 ; 8-Player Adapter Inception ; wait by using NOPs is needed for timing Adapter_read_Inception: lda #$00 ; #init_opcode sta $DC00 lda #$1f sta $DC02 nop nop nop lda #$10 sta $DC00 sta $DC02 ldx #$00 nop nop nop nop nop nop Adapter_read_InceptionLoop: lda $DC00 asl asl asl asl ldy #$00 sty $DC00 sta inceptionJoystickTmp ; sta rcv+1 nop nop nop nop nop nop lda $DC00 ldy #$10 sty $DC00 and #$0f ora inceptionJoystickTmp ; rcv: ora #$00 eor #$1f ; use only when JOY are required negated (like direct read) sta joystickInput,x inx cpx #$08 ; data_length bne Adapter_read_InceptionLoop lda #$7F ;joy_def sta $DC00 lda #$FF sta $DC02 rts Adapter_read_4Player: lda $DC01 ; read Port1 ;and #$1F sta joystickInput+$00 lda $DC00 ; read Port2 ;and #$1F sta joystickInput+$01 lda $DD01 ; CIA2 PortB Bit7 = 1 ora #$80 sta $DD01 lda $DD01 ; read Port3 ;and #$1F sta joystickInput+$02 lda $DD01 ; CIA2 PortB Bit7 = 0 and #$7F sta $DD01 lda $DD01 ; read Port4 tax ; x = a and #$0F sta joystickInput+$03 txa ; a = x and #$20 lsr ora joystickInput+$03 sta joystickInput+$03 rts