Ocean/Imagine Transfer - v1
;--------------------------------------- ;Ocean/Imagine Transfer. ;For loader type 1 only. ; ;Fungus/Nostalgia 2005 ;--------------------------------------- *= $0810 mainmsg = $0b40 ;version msg msg1 = $0bb8 ;skipping files msg2 = $0bc8 ;loading file msg3 = $0bd8 ;rewind to start msg4 = $0c00 ;saving file msg5 = $0c10 ;transfer complete msg6 = $0c38 ;rewind to continue ;--------------------------------------- ;setup, get name, and skip loader lda $ba sta dvn lda #$00 ;init file count sta filecnt sta blkcnt1 ;init block count sta blkcnt2 sta blkcnt1+1 sta blkcnt2+1 lda #$2f ;normal i/o sta $00 lda #$37 sta $01 ldx #$00 ;black stx $d020 stx $d021 stx $d01a ;rasters off stx $9d ;msgs lda #$80 ;disable shift+c= sta $0291 lda #$17 ;lower/upper sta $d018 clrscn lda #$20 ;clr screen sta $0400,x sta $0500,x sta $0600,x sta $06e8,x lda #$05 ;clr color mem sta $d800,x sta $d900,x sta $da00,x sta $dae8,x inx bne clrscn pmain lda mainmsg,x sta $0400,x ;print version inx cpx #$78 bne pmain ldx #$27 ;rewind to start pmsg3 lda msg3,x sta $07c0,x dex bpl pmsg3 start lda #$ef ;wait space cmp $dc01 bne *-3 jsr clrbot main jsr ton ;motor on jsr lod ;load header jsr tof ;motor off jsr namer ;get the name ldx #$0f ;print name putname lda name,x sta $0460,x dex bpl putname jsr delay jsr led ;relocate load jsr tof ;motor off jmp load ;transfer file ton lda $01 ;motor on and #$df sta $01 rts tof lda $01 ;motor off ora #$20 sta $01 rts lod lda #$01 ;load header tax tay jsr $ffba lda #$00 jsr $ffbd lda #$00 sta $c0 sta $93 jsr $f7d7 jmp $f84f led lda #$00 ;relocate loader sta $c3 ;to $1000 lda #$10 sta $c4 lda $033f ;calc length sbc $033d tax lda $0340 sbc $033e tay clc txa adc $c3 ;calc new end addy sta $ae tya adc $c4 sta $af lda $c3 ;set new load addy sta $c1 ;after calcs sta $ac lda $c4 sta $c2 sta $ad jsr ton ;motor on jmp $f84f ;load file namer ldy #$00 ;get the filename ldx #$00 dname lda $0341,y cmp #$20 beq ok1 cmp #$2f bcc der cmp #$5a bcs der cmp #$40 bcs ok1 cmp #$39 bcs der ok1 sta name,x inx der iny cpy #$10 bne dname lda filecnt jsr getvals sta name+$0e stx name+$0f rts delay sei ldx #$80 ldy #$02 yaled bit $d011 bpl *-3 bit $d011 bmi *-3 dex bne yaled dey bne yaled cli rts getvals pha and #$0f jsr conv1 tax pla lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a conv1 ora #$30 cmp #$3a bcc conv2 sbc #$39 ora #$40 conv2 rts name .text " " dvn .byte $00 ;--------------------------------------- ;load file buffer = $0d00 load lda #<buffer;reset load buffer sta $08 lda #>buffer sta $09 lda #$00 ;store 1st block sta mod1+1 ;load addy sta mod2+1 sei ldy #$00 sty $d020 sty $d021 sty $04 ;low byte of fetch lda #$e0 ;$01e0 threshold sta $dd04 lda #$01 sta $dd05 lda #$19 sta $dd0e lda #$07 sta $01 reset lda #$ff ;wait for stream sta $03 ;of 00 pulses sync1 jsr getbit bcs reset dec $03 bne sync1 sync2 jsr getbit ;wait out pilot bcc sync2 ;(#$00) lda blkcnt2+1 bne skipem1 lda blkcnt2 ;check if skipping beq readfile;needed skipem1 jsr skipblks readfile ldx #$0f ;print loading pmsg2 lda msg2,x sta $0450,x dex bpl pmsg2 ldy #$00 header jsr getbyte ;skips control byte jsr getbyte ;load addy hi byte sta $05 mod1 ldx #$00 bne skip1 sta $07 ;1st in chain inc mod1+1 ;only skip1 cmp #$00 beq eof ;last file mod2 ldx #$00 ;skip check on beq nochk ;1st block sec sbc $06 ;detect eof cmp #$01 ;in chain bne eof nochk inc mod2+1 ;enable eof check lblock jsr getbyte inc $01 sta ($08),y ;store byte dec $01 inc $08 ;buffer low addy inc $04 ;block count low bne lblock inc blkcnt1 ;inc block count bne hblock1 inc blkcnt1+1 hblock1 lda $05 ;block addy sta $06 ;temp save inc $09 ;buffer addy hi bne header eof lda blkcnt1 sta blkcnt2 ;save # blocks to ;skip lda blkcnt1+1 sta blkcnt2+1 lda #$00 sta blkcnt1 ;reset block count sta blkcnt1+1 jsr tof jsr save ;save file jsr clrstat jsr ton lda $05 beq done ldx #$27 ;print rewind pmsg6 lda msg6,x sta $07c0,x dex bpl pmsg6 inc filecnt lda filecnt cmp #$02 bne goon lda #$13 sta $0bc5 goon cli jmp start done ldx #$27 ;xfer complete pmsg5 lda msg5,x sta $07c0,x dex bpl pmsg5 jmp * skipblks ldx #$0f ;print skipping pmsg1 lda msg1,x sta $0450,x dex bpl pmsg1 jsr getbyte ;skip control jsr getbyte ;skip load addy ldy #$00 skipem2 jsr getbyte ;skip blocks iny bne skipem2 inc blkcnt1 bne hblock2 inc blkcnt1+1 hblock2 lda blkcnt1+1 cmp blkcnt2+1 bne skipblks lda blkcnt1 cmp blkcnt2 bne skipblks jmp readfile;load next file getbyte lda #$80 ;get a byte sta $02 byteget jsr getbit ror $02 bcc byteget lda $02 rts getbit lda #$10 ;get a bit bit $dc0d beq getbit ldx $dd05 lda $dd0d lsr a lda #$19 sta $dd0e stx $d020 ;load effect rts clrbot ldx #$27 lda #$20 botclr sta $07c0,x dex bpl botclr rts clrstat ldx #$0f lda #$20 statclr sta $0450,x dex bpl statclr rts ;--------------------------------------- ;save routine save ;saving ldx #$0f pmsg4 lda msg4,x sta $0450,x dex bpl pmsg4 lda #$00 ;save file sta $d020 ;border = black lda #$1b sta $d011 ;screen on lda #<buffer sta $fb ;init save addy lda #>buffer sta $fc lda #$01 ;open file for ldx dvn ;write ldy #$01 jsr $ffba ;setlfs lda #$10 ldx #<name ldy #>name jsr $ffbd ;setname jsr $ffc0 ;open ldx #$01 jsr $ffc9 ;chkout lda #$00 ;start addy low jsr $ffa8 ;send lda $07 ;start addy high jsr $ffa8 ;send ldy #$00 ;save the file saveb sei inc $01 lda ($fb),y dec $01 jsr $ffa8 inc $d020 dec $d020 inc $fb bne asave inc $fc asave lda $fc cmp $09 bne saveb lda $fb cmp $08 bne saveb lda #$01 jmp $ffc3 ;close the file blkcnt1 .byte $00,$00 ;cur block count blkcnt2 .byte $00,$00 ;eof block count filecnt .byte $00 ;file count
base/ocean_imagine_transfer_-_v1.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:33 by