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* rs232silversurfer.h
* Groepaz/Hitmen, 16.12.2001
* This defines for the SilverSurver (16c550 UART) what Ullrichs rs232 module
* defines for the Swithlink/Turbo232
* this driver operates in polling mode only atm !

#ifndef _RS232silversurfer_H
#define _RS232silversurfer_H

/*                   Data                                                    */

/* Baudrate settings */
#define RS_BAUD_50                0x00
#define RS_BAUD_110               0x10
#define RS_BAUD_134_5             0x20
#define RS_BAUD_300               0x30
#define RS_BAUD_600               0x40
#define RS_BAUD_1200              0x50
#define RS_BAUD_2400              0x60
#define RS_BAUD_4800              0x70
#define RS_BAUD_9600              0x80
#define RS_BAUD_19200             0x90
#define RS_BAUD_38400             0xa0
#define RS_BAUD_57600             0xb0
#define RS_BAUD_115200            0xc0
#define RS_BAUD_230400            0xd0

/* Stop bit settings */
#define RS_STOP_1                       0x00
#define RS_STOP_2                       0x04

/* Data bit settings */
#define RS_BITS_5                       0x00
#define RS_BITS_6                       0x01
#define RS_BITS_7                       0x02
#define RS_BITS_8                       0x03

/* Parity settings */
#define RS_PAR_NONE                     0x00
#define RS_PAR_ODD                      0x28
#define RS_PAR_EVEN                     0x38
#define RS_PAR_MARK                     0x48
#define RS_PAR_SPACE                    0x48

/* Bit masks to mask out things from the status returned by rs232_status */
#define RS_STATUS_IRQ                   0x01    /* (iir) IRQ condition */
#define RS_STATUS_OVERRUN               0x02    /* (lsr) Overrun error */
#define RS_STATUS_PE                    0x04    /* (lsr) Parity error */
#define RS_STATUS_FE                    0x08    /* (lsr) Framing error */
#define RS_STATUS_DSR                   0x10    /* (msr>>1) NOT data set ready */
#define RS_STATUS_THRE                  0x20    /* (lsr) Transmit holding reg. empty */
#define RS_STATUS_DCD                   0x40    /* (msr>>1) NOT data carrier detect */
#define RS_STATUS_RDRF                  0x80    /* Receiver data register full */

/* Error codes returned by all functions */
#define RS_ERR_OK                       0x00    /* Not an error - relax */
#define RS_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED          0x01    /* Module not initialized */
#define RS_ERR_BAUD_TOO_FAST            0x02    /* Cannot handle baud rate */
#define RS_ERR_BAUD_NOT_AVAIL           0x03    /* Baud rate not available */
#define RS_ERR_NO_DATA                  0x04    /* Nothing to read */
#define RS_ERR_OVERFLOW                 0x05    /* No room in send buffer */

/*                                   Code                                                                            */

unsigned char __fastcall__ ss232_init (char hacked);
/* Initialize the serial port, install the interrupt handler. The parameter
* has no effect for now and should be set to 0.

unsigned char __fastcall__ ss232_params (unsigned char params, unsigned char parity);
/* Set the port parameters. Use a combination of the #defined values above. */

unsigned char __fastcall__ ss232_done (void);
/* Close the port, deinstall the interrupt hander. You MUST call this function
* before terminating the program, otherwise the machine may crash later. If
* in doubt, install an exit handler using atexit(). The function will do
* nothing, if it was already called.

unsigned char __fastcall__ ss232_get (char* b);
/* Get a character from the serial port. If no characters are available, the
* function will return RS_ERR_NO_DATA, so this is not a fatal error.

unsigned char __fastcall__ ss232_put (char b);
/* Send a character via the serial port. There is a transmit buffer, but
* transmitting is not done via interrupt. The function returns
* RS_ERR_OVERFLOW if there is no space left in the transmit buffer.

unsigned char __fastcall__ ss232_pause (void);
/* Assert flow control and disable interrupts. */

unsigned char __fastcall__ ss232_unpause (void);
/* Re-enable interrupts and release flow control */

unsigned char __fastcall__ ss232_status (unsigned char* status,
                                         unsigned char* errors);
/* Return the serial port status. */

/* End of rs232silversurfer.h */
base/rs232silversurfer.h.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:33 by