This is the code from T.P.C.T.S. demo that calculates the index values for the spectrometer. There are a few tricks in there, but I am sure many people could have written a more optimized version.
I hope it will help you understand how I did it.
Code can be compiled using KickAss.
.const SID_Ghostbytes = $40 // Location of SID Ghostbytes (16 bytes) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Spectrometer ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Spectrometer: // Call this every frame. You can then use the values in the dBMeterValue table as index for drawing your spectrometer bands. DecreaseBarIndexes: ldx #16 // MeterTemp contains the index values, or height, of each of the 16 bands. !: lda MeterTemp,x // This code will go through each of these values and decrease them until = 0. beq dBMeterUpdate_NoDec dec MeterTemp,x dBMeterUpdate_NoDec: tay lda SoundbarSine,y // The index value from MeterTemp is used to get a value from a bouncing sinewave. sta dBMeterValue,x // SoundbarSine is the sine, it contains a 90 degree drop and a small 180 degree bounce. dex bpl !- ldx SID_Ghostbytes // Get Channel 1 Note lda SID_Ghostbytes+1 jsr GetNote lda SID_Ghostbytes+6 // Isolate sustain value and #$f0 lsr lsr lsr lsr clc adc #6 sta MeterTemp,x // Store new index for band representing the node played. X was received by GetNote function. jsr CalculateSurroundings // Calculate polarization of neighbouring bands ldx SID_Ghostbytes+7 // Channel 2 Note lda SID_Ghostbytes+8 jsr GetNote lda SID_Ghostbytes+$d // Repeat channel 2 and #$f0 lsr lsr lsr lsr clc adc #6 sta MeterTemp,x jsr CalculateSurroundings ldx SID_Ghostbytes+$e // Repeat channel 3 lda SID_Ghostbytes+$f jsr GetNote lda SID_Ghostbytes+$14 and #$f0 lsr lsr lsr lsr clc adc #6 sta MeterTemp,x jsr CalculateSurroundings rts GetNote: stx NoteLo // Input is the node frequency sta NoteHi // We'll search the shortened frequency tables to approximate the node playing on a linear scale ldx #8 ldy #0 // Search iteration counter IterateBinarySearch: lda FreqTableLookupHilsb,x sta CompareHi+1 lda FreqTableLookupHimsb,x sta CompareHi+2 lda FreqTableLookupLolsb,x sta CompareLo+1 lda FreqTableLookupLomsb,x sta CompareLo+2 lda NoteHi // compare high bytes CompareHi: cmp FreqTablePalHi bcc Lower1 // if NUM1H < NUM2H then NUM1 < NUM2 bne Higher1 // if NUM1H <> NUM2H then NUM1 > NUM2 (so NUM1 >= NUM2) lda NoteLo // compare low bytes CompareLo: cmp FreqTablePalLo bcs Higher1 // if NUM1L >= NUM2L then NUM1 >= NUM2 rts Lower1: txa sec sbc Delta,y tax iny cpy #4 // Control max number of iterations beq Done jmp IterateBinarySearch Higher1: txa clc adc Delta,y tax iny cpy #4 beq Done jmp IterateBinarySearch Done: rts // X register contains the node played approximated to a table of 16 positions. CalculateSurroundings: lda MeterTemp-2,x // Rudimentary, but it works :) cmp MeterTemp,x // Current band index in X. bcc LeftIsLower // Take Current band from index-2 and calculate the value between these two and use it for band index-1. lda MeterTemp-2,x // Do the same for the other side, index1=index2+((index-index2)/2) sec sbc MeterTemp,x lsr clc adc MeterTemp,x sta MeterTemp-1,x jmp LeftSurround LeftIsLower: lda MeterTemp,x sec sbc MeterTemp-2,x lsr clc adc MeterTemp-2,x LeftSurround: cmp #21 bcc !+ lda #21 !: sta MeterTemp-1,x lda MeterTemp+2,x cmp MeterTemp,x bcc LeftIsLower2 lda MeterTemp+2,x sec sbc MeterTemp,x lsr clc adc MeterTemp,x sta MeterTemp+1,x jmp LeftSurround2 LeftIsLower2: lda MeterTemp,x sec sbc MeterTemp+2,x lsr clc adc MeterTemp+2,x LeftSurround2: cmp #21 bcc !+ lda #21 !: sta MeterTemp+1,x rts FreqTableLookupHilsb: .for(var i=0; i<16; i++) { // SID Frequency lsb/msb lookup tables .byte <FreqTablePalHi+(i*6) } FreqTableLookupHimsb: .for(var i=0; i<16; i++) { .byte >FreqTablePalHi+(i*6) } FreqTableLookupLolsb: .for(var i=0; i<16; i++) { .byte <FreqTablePalLo+(i*6) } FreqTableLookupLomsb: .for(var i=0; i<16; i++) { .byte >FreqTablePalLo+(i*6) } temp: .byte 0 NoteLo: .byte 0 NoteHi: .byte 0 Delta: .byte 4,2,1,0 FreqTablePalLo: .byte $17,$27,$39,$4b,$5f,$74,$8a,$a1,$ba,$d4,$f0,$0e // Shortened frequency table, because I don't need full granularity. .byte $2d,$4e,$71,$96,$be,$e8,$14,$43,$74,$a9,$e1,$1c // 2 .byte $5a,$9c,$e2,$2d,$7c,$cf,$28,$85,$e8,$52,$c1,$37 // 3 .byte $b4,$39,$c5,$5a,$f7,$9e,$4f,$0a,$d1,$a3,$82,$6e // 4 .byte $68,$71,$8a,$b3,$ee,$3c,$9e,$15,$a2,$46,$04,$dc // 5 .byte $d0,$e2,$14,$67,$dd,$79,$3c,$29,$44,$8d,$08,$b8 // 6 .byte $a1,$c5,$28,$cd,$ba,$f1,$78,$53,$87,$1a,$10,$71 // 7 .byte $42,$89,$4f,$9b,$74,$e2,$f0,$a6,$0e,$33,$20,$ff // 8 FreqTablePalHi: .byte $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$02 // 1 .byte $02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$04 // 2 .byte $04,$04,$04,$05,$05,$05,$06,$06,$06,$07,$07,$08 // 3 .byte $08,$09,$09,$0a,$0a,$0b,$0c,$0d,$0d,$0e,$0f,$10 // 4 .byte $11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$17,$18,$1a,$1b,$1d,$1f,$20 // 5 .byte $22,$24,$27,$29,$2b,$2e,$31,$34,$37,$3a,$3e,$41 // 6 .byte $45,$49,$4e,$52,$57,$5c,$62,$68,$6e,$75,$7c,$83 // 7 .byte $8b,$93,$9c,$a5,$af,$b9,$c4,$d0,$dd,$ea,$f8,$ff // 8 .byte 0,0 dBMeterValue: .fill 16,0 .byte 0,0 MeterTemp: .fill 16,0 .byte 0,0 // Quick'n'dirty 180degree + 90degree drop sine. SoundbarSine: .byte 0,2,4,5,6,6,5,4,2,0,2,4,6,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,14,15 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Play music using ghostbytes /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PlayMusic: lda $01 // Grab SID data. This is called from IRQ. pha lda #$30 sta $01 jsr $1003 ldx #$19 !CopySIDData: lda $d400,x sta SID_Ghostbytes,x dex bpl !CopySIDData- pla sta $01 ldx #$19 !CopyToSID: lda SID_Ghostbytes,x sta $d400,x dex bpl !CopyToSID- rts
base/spectrometer.txt · Last modified: 2017-02-15 17:05 by trap_bonzai