Tape Transfer Shell
;--------------------------------------- ;Tape Transfer Shell / Nostalgia ; ;Worked on: ;--------------------------------------- *= $0801 .byte $0b,$08,$cf,$07,$9e .byte $32,$30,$36,$31,$00 .byte $00,$00 cd = $02 ;basic start lda $ba sta cd ;save current ;disk drive lda #$0b ;setup sta $d011 lda #$c1 ;no nmi ; sta $0318 lda #$80 ; sta $0291 ;no char shift lda #$17 sta $d018 ;this set lda #$00 sta $9d ;st clear sta $d020 sta $d021 sta $c0 lda #$05 sta $0286 ;current color lda #$2f ;i/o config sta $00 lda #$37 ;motor off sta $01 lda #<msg1 ;print main msg ldx #>msg1 jsr print lda #$1b sta $d011 lda #$ef ;wait for space cmp $dc01 bne *-3 lda #$00 sta $0289 ;no keys jsr lod ;load header jsr namer jsr led lda $00 pha lda #$07 sta $00 jsr sav ;save header pla sta $00 inc file ;next file # jsr lod ;load boot jsr led lda $01 ora #$20 sta $01 jsr sav ;save boot ldx #$00 xl lda loader,x sta $0630,x lda loader+$d0,x sta $0700,x lda #$00 sta $da30,x sta $db00,x inx bne xl ldx #$27 lda #$20 cl sta $0608,x dex bpl cl ldx #$0f nl lda name,x sta $0340,x dex bpl nl inc file lda file ora #$30 sta $034f jmp $0630 ;begin real loader lod lda #$01 ;open tape file tax tay jsr $ffba lda #$00 jsr $ffbd lda #$00 sta $c0 sta $93 jsr $f7d7 ;load header/file jmp $f84f led lda file ;name header/file ora #$30 sta name+$0f sta $061f lda #$00 ;load to $1800 sta $c3 lda #$18 sta $c4 lda $033f ;calculate end sbc $033d ;address tax lda $0340 sbc $033e tay clc txa adc $c3 sta $ae tya adc $c4 sta $af lda $c3 sta $c1 lda $c4 sta $c2 lda $033d ;save load addy sta ldal lda $033e sta ldah ldx #$07 p2 lda msg2,x ;print found and #$3f sta $0608,x dex bpl p2 lda #$1b sta $d011 lda #$18 ldx #$00 ;delay ldy #$00 g1 dex bne g1 dey bne g1 sec sbc #$01 sta $02 lda #$df cmp $dc01 ;skip if C= held beq ex lda $02 bpl g1 ex jmp $f84f ;exit sav ldx #$07 ;print saving p3 lda msg3,x and #$3f sta $0608,x dex bpl p3 lda #$1b sta $d011 lda #$01 ;save header/file ldx cd ldy #$01 jsr $ffba lda #$10 ldx #<name ldy #>name jsr $ffbd jsr $ffc0 ldx #$01 jsr $ffc9 lda ldal jsr $ffa8 lda ldah jsr $ffa8 ldy #$00 savea lda ($c1),y jsr $ffa8 inc $d020 dec $d020 inc $c1 bne s1 inc $c2 s1 lda $c2 cmp $af lda $c1 sbc $ae bcc savea jsr $ffcc lda #$01 jmp $ffc3 namer ldy #$00 ;name file dname lda $0341,y ;from tape header sta name,y sta $0610,y iny cpy #$10 bne dname rts print sta $fb ;print message stx $fc ldy #$00 ploop lda ($fb),y beq dprint jsr $ffd2 inc $fb bne ploop inc $fc bne ploop dprint rts ;messages,names,variables ldal .byte $00 ldah .byte $00 file .byte $01 name .text " " msg1 .byte $93 .text "ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ" .text "ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ" .text " Tape Transfer She" .text "ll 1.0 / Nostalgia " .text "ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ" .text "ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ" .text " " .text " " .text " Completely" .text " Automatic " .text " " .text " " .text " Put a fresh disk " .text "in current drive. " .text " " .text " " .text " Rewind tape, a" .text "nd press PLAY. " .text " " .text " " .text " Press SPACE to be" .text "gin transfering. " .text " " .text " " .text "ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ" .text "ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ" .byte $00 msg2 .text "found " msg3 .text "saving " loader = * *= $0630 .offs loader-* ldx #$07 ;print loading ll lda lt,x ;text and #$3f sta $0608,x dex bpl ll ldx #$0f ;print name ln lda $0340,x sta $0610,x dex bpl ln ;put loader here ok lda #$00 ;save file sta $d020 ;border = black ldx #$07 dl lda vt,x ;print save text sta $0608,x dex bpl dl ;open file for lda #$01 ;write ldx cd ldy #$01 jsr $ffba ;setlfs lda #$10 ldx #$40 ;$0340 16 chars ldy #$03 jsr $ffbd ;setname jsr $ffc0 ;open ldx #$01 jsr $ffc9 ;chkout lda $ac ;start addy low jsr $ffa8 ;send lda $ad ;start addy high jsr $ffa8 ;send ldy #$00 ;save the file saveb sei inc $01 lda ($ac),y dec $01 jsr $ffa8 inc $d020 dec $d020 inc $ac ;nifty eof checker bne b1 inc $ad b1 lda $ac cmp $fb lda $ad sbc $fc bcc saveb lda #$01 jsr $ffc3 ;close the file ; rts ;return to loader ; ;or other. ; sei ;hard restart ; lda #$2f ;routine ; sta $00 ; lda #$37 ; sta $01 ; jsr $ff81 ; jsr $ff84 ; jsr $ff8a ; jsr $ffe7 ; sei ; lda #$08 ;ar restart ; sta $de00 ; jmp ($fffc) ;--------------------------------------- ;Transfer Messages et .text "load error, try " .text "again" lt .text "loading " vt .text "saving "
base/tape_transfer_shell.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:34 by