A sourcecode for doing a CIA IRQ Timer A interrupt Example: If you want to play a music file with init at $1000 and play at $1003 Add jsr $1000 at “Initcode” comment and jsr $1003 at “add code here”
;Cia Timer B interrupt example by Terric(Anders L) in 2011 ;This example shows a stable one frame CIA Timer B interrupt. ;This piece of code fires of at same cycle on PAL, NTSC, NTSCOLD, DREAN ;Revision 4, Compiled with 64tass 1.46 *=$0801 .byte $0a,$08,$0a,$00,$9e,$32,$30,$36,$32 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00 ; a BASIC SYS LINE FOR STARTING CODE AT $080E *=$080e sei jsr $e544 ;Clear screen with a kernel call lda #$35 sta $01 ;cia detection routine begins, do not touch if you want cycle perfect timing. lda #$00 sta $d011 sta $d015 lda #<fdcia sta $fffa lda #>fdcia sta $fffb lda #4 sta $dd04 lda #$00 sta $dd05 sta $40 lda #$81 sta $dd0d lda $dd0e ora #%00011001 sta $dd0e lda $dd0d lda $dd0d inc $40 jmp * fdcia lda $dd0d pla pla pla sei lda #<fdcia2 sta $fffe lda #>fdcia2 sta $ffff lda #4 sta $dc04 lda #$00 sta $dc05 sta $44 lda #$7f sta $dc0d lda #$81 sta $dc0d lda $dc0e ora #%00011001 sta $dc0e lda $dc0d cli nop inc $44 jmp * fdcia2 lda $dc0d pla pla pla ; Determine PAL/NTSC/NTSCOLD and store in $42, 1 ntscold, 3 pal , 6 ntsc, 7 drean - lda $d011 bpl - - lda $d012 - cmp $d012 beq - bmi -- and #$03 sta $42 lsr a sta $41 ; Is it the DREAN lda #$ff sta $dc04 sta $dc05 - lda $d011 bpl - - lda $d011 bmi - lda $dc0e ora #%00011001 sta $dc0e lda #$f0 - cmp $d012 bne - lda $dc05 cmp #$c4 beq + bcs + ; Yes, it is the drean lda #$04 clc adc $42 sta $42 + here sei lda #$35 sta $01 lda $dc0e and #$fe sta $dc0e lda $dc0f and #$fe sta $dc0f lda $dd0e and #$fe sta $dd0e lda $dd0f and #$fe sta $dd0f lda $dc0d lda $dd0d lda #$37 ; Select big bank without roms sta $01 ; Change to big bank ldx $42 lda timerlo,x ; cia (6526) 63 cycles per line * 312 lines - 1 sta $04 clc sbc #44 ; 28 +16 cycles when the sprites are enabled sta gnurka+1 lda timerhi,x sta $05 ; beginning of stabirq cli lda #$60 - cmp $d012 bne - - lda $d011 bpl - ldx #15 - dex bne - - lda $d011 bmi - sei lda #$00 sta $d011 lda #<stabirq sta $0314 lda #>stabirq sta $0315 lda #$02 sta $d012 sta $1f lda $d011 and #$7f sta $d011 lda #$01 sta $d01a sta $d019 cli ldx #$04 - dex bne - .for a=0,a<40,a=a+1 nop .next stabirq lda $42 ;3 cycles cmp #$03 ;2 cycles beq pal ; on jmp 3 cycles else 2 cycles cmp #$06 ; 2 beq ntsc ; 2 or 3 cmp #$07 ; 2 bne ntscold ; 2 or 3 nop ; 2 jmp drean ; 3 pal nop ; 2 ntsc nop lda $1f ; 3 ntscold lda $1f ;3 drean lda $1f ;3-2 cmp $d012 beq + + lda $04 sta $dc06 lda $05 sta $dc07 lda $dc0f ora #%00011001 and #%11110111 sta $dc0f ; count o2 pulses and forceload and continious and start lda #$01 sta $d019 pla pla pla lda #$ff txs lda #$35 sta $01 lda #<irq sta $fffe ; Set low IRQ adress in selected bank lda #>irq sta $ffff ; Set high IRQ adress in selected bank lda #$7f sta $dc0d ; Clear IRQ interruptmask for CIA lda #$00 sta $d01a ; Clear VIC interruptmask lda $d019 and #$81 sta $d019 and #0 sta $d019 lda $d011 and #$7f sta $d011 lda #$1b sta $d011 lda #$82 sta $dc0d ; Activate CIA timer B irq lda #$7f sta $dd0d ;INITCODE ;You could add init for music here or at the beginning cli jmp * ; do nothing while no IRQ, just jump to this line irq pha ; 3 cycles lda $dc0d ; 4 cycles ;Acknowledge CIA timer a interrupt tya ; 2 cycles pha ; 4 cycles txa ; 2 cycles pha ; 4 cycles lda $dc06; 4 cycles clc gnurka sbc #$c7;set according to system, see above when setting timers clc eor #$ff adc #$01 lsr a bcc + + clc sta fakejmp+1 fakejmp bcc fakelocation fakelocation ; and accu=7 wait 0 cycles etc. .for a=0,a<128,a=a+1 nop .next ; Here you can add code inc $d020 dec $d020 ; End of adding code pla tax pla tay pla rti timerlo .byte 0,$7f,0,$c7,0,0,$c6,$37 timerhi .byte 0,$41,0,$4c,0,0,$42,$4f
base/timerinterrupts.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:34 by