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2nd line FLI - another approach to twisters, x-rotators and waving carpets
by Bitbreaker/Oxyron^Arsenic^Nuance
With FLI we can force another $d018 value per line. However the forced DMA consumes additional 40 cycles, so not much else can be done when displaying FLI. When doing a FLI only every 2nd line we have another 63 cycles (PAL that is) available for doing a lot of fun things during display, like changing sprite registers, background colors, or even do things like updates in data being displayed. The difference to common FLI is, that you don't use $d018 to flip in different screens for different colors for your bitmap, but use the FLI to change not only the screen but also the charset-pointer. That way you are able to display for e.g. 32 char wide chunks of graphics resembled by 8 half-filled charsets and 4 different screens. That gives us 32 individual chunks per bank. It is possible to extend the number of chunks by using more banks of course, but it is also possible to use other banks for interlacing 2 charsets together to get even smoother gradients. That is what i do in my examples. Feel free to squeeze in even more data by choosing another width and interleaving of screen and charset data.
So a bank could look like:
$0000-$03ff charset 1 ;chunk 0-3 $0400-$07ff screen 1 $0800-$0bff charset 2 ;chunk 4-7 $0c00-$0fff screen 2 $1000-$13ff charset 3 ;chunk 8-11 $1400-$17ff screen 3 $1800-$1bff charset 4 ;chunk 12-15 $1c00-$1fff screen 4 $2000-$23ff charset 5 ;chunk 16-19 $2400-$27ff free $2800-$2bff charset 6 ;chunk 20-23 $2c00-$2fff free $3000-$33ff charset 7 ;chunk 24-27 $3400-$37ff free $3800-$3bff charset 8 ;chunk 28-31 $3c00-$3fff free
Imagine the basic shape behind a (untwisted) twister, do 32 animations substeps to make it rotate by one face and save 2 lines of that shape at that very certain step. With those line fragments gained by that process you can now reassemble any twisted form of the original shape, right? Now squeeze those fragments into 8 half-filled charsets, from which each $0100 bytes resemble a 32 char wide chunk (see mapping above). Also fill the chars repeatedly in y-direction. When we now select charset 0 via $d018 and also select a screen as source that contains the chars $00..$1f repeatedly in every line, we will display the first line fragment, whenever we switch $d018 for e.g. to $10.
So that is what we would have on the screen for a single line fragment:
And what it looks like with charset enabled:
Here's some c-code that will spit out the fakeshaded segments of a 8-sided shape as two interlaced charsets with 8 dithersteps:
#include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <inttypes.h> #define PI atan2 (0.0, -1.0) #define RADIUS 64.0 #define DITHERSTEPS 8 #define SHADE (DITHERSTEPS * 3 + 1) #define DEGREE (2.0 * PI / 360.0) //our nicely interlaced dither patterns static const uint8_t dither_patterns[9][8][4] = { { {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, }, { {1, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, }, { {1, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 1}, }, { {1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 1, 0}, }, { {1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, }, { {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 1, 0}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, }, { {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 1, 0}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 1, 0}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, }, { {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 1, 0}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, }, { {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 1, 1}, } }; void plot_pixel(uint8_t *charset, int x, int line, int luma) { int col1; int col2; int dith; int pos; int shift; int yy; int pix_pos; uint8_t byte; if(luma > 24) luma = 24; if(luma < 0) luma = 0; if(x >= 128) return; col1 = ((luma / DITHERSTEPS)) & 3; col2 = (col1 + 1) & 3; dith = luma % DITHERSTEPS; pos = (line / 4 * 0x800) + (line & 0x3) * 32 * 8 + ((x * 2) & 0xf8); pix_pos = x & 3; shift = (3 - pix_pos) * 2; for(yy = 0; yy < 4; yy++) { /* first frame */ byte = charset[pos + yy] & (0xff ^ (3 << shift)); if(dither_patterns[dith][yy * 2 + 0][pix_pos]) { byte |= (col2 << shift); } else { byte |= (col1 << shift); } charset[pos + yy + 0] = byte; charset[pos + yy + 4] = byte; /* second frame */ byte = charset[0x4000 + pos + yy] & (0xff ^ (3 << shift)); if(dither_patterns[dith][yy * 2 + 1][pix_pos]) { byte |= (col2 << shift); } else { byte |= (col1 << shift); } charset[0x4000 + pos + yy + 0] = byte; charset[0x4000 + pos + yy + 4] = byte; } } void main() { int a; double deg; int x1, x2, x3, x4, x5; int z1, z2, z3, z4, z5; int x, line; int luma_dist; int x_dist; uint8_t charset[32768] = { 0 }; FILE* fw; int xpos[256]; int c; int pos; int b; int offset = 4; double zmin = cos(0 - 112.5 * DEGREE + 0 * 45 * DEGREE); double zmax = 1; double scale = zmax - zmin; line = 0; //32 steps for (a = 0; a < 32; a++) { deg = DEGREE * 45 * a / (32); xpos[line] = sin(deg - 112.5 * DEGREE + 0 * 45 * DEGREE) * RADIUS * 2 + RADIUS * 2 + 8 * offset - 128; //max. 5 visible edges on front side (8 sided shape) x1 = sin (deg - 112.5 * DEGREE + 0 * 45 * DEGREE) * RADIUS + RADIUS; z1 = (cos(deg - 112.5 * DEGREE + 0 * 45 * DEGREE) - zmin) / scale * SHADE; x2 = sin (deg - 112.5 * DEGREE + 1 * 45 * DEGREE) * RADIUS + RADIUS; z2 = (cos(deg - 112.5 * DEGREE + 1 * 45 * DEGREE) - zmin) / scale * SHADE; x3 = sin (deg - 112.5 * DEGREE + 2 * 45 * DEGREE) * RADIUS + RADIUS; z3 = (cos(deg - 112.5 * DEGREE + 2 * 45 * DEGREE) - zmin) / scale * SHADE; x4 = sin (deg - 112.5 * DEGREE + 3 * 45 * DEGREE) * RADIUS + RADIUS; z4 = (cos(deg - 112.5 * DEGREE + 3 * 45 * DEGREE) - zmin) / scale * SHADE; x5 = sin (deg - 112.5 * DEGREE + 4 * 45 * DEGREE) * RADIUS + RADIUS; z5 = (cos(deg - 112.5 * DEGREE + 4 * 45 * DEGREE) - zmin) / scale * SHADE; for(x = 0; x < x1; x++) { plot_pixel(charset, x, line, 0); } for(x = x1; x < x2; x++) { plot_pixel(charset, x, line, z1 + (z2 - z1) * (x1 - x) / (x2 - x1)); } for(x = x2; x < x3; x++) { plot_pixel(charset, x, line, z2 + (z3 - z2) * (x2 - x) / (x3 - x2)); } for(x = x3; x < x4; x++) { plot_pixel(charset, x, line, z3 + (z4 - z3) * (x3 - x) / (x4 - x3)); } for(x = x4; x < x5; x++) { plot_pixel(charset, x, line, z4 + (z5 - z4) * (x4 - x) / (x5 - x4)); } for(x = x5; x < RADIUS * 2; x++) { plot_pixel(charset, x, line, 0); } line++; } //generate screens + sprite-pointers for (a = 0; a < 8; a++) { pos = 0x400 + a * 0x800; for (b = 0; b < 0x3f0; b++) { charset[pos + b] = 0xff; charset[0x4000 + pos + b] = 0xff; } for (b = 0; b < 25; b++) { for (c = 0; c < 32; c++) { if(a > 4) x = 0xfe; else x = c + a * 32; charset[pos + offset + b * 40 + c] = x; charset[0x4000 + pos + offset + b * 40 + c] = x; } } for (b = 0x3f8; b < 0x400; b+=2) { charset[pos + b] = 0xf0; charset[0x4000 + pos + b] = 0xf0; charset[pos + b + 1] = 0xf1; charset[0x4000 + pos + b + 1] = 0xf1; } } //generate sprite data for left and right cover sprite for(a = 0; a < 63; a += 3) { charset[0x3c00 + a + 0] = charset[0x7c00 + a + 0] = 0xff; charset[0x3c00 + a + 1] = charset[0x7c00 + a + 1] = 0xea; charset[0x3c00 + a + 2] = charset[0x7c00 + a + 2] = 0xa9; charset[0x3c40 + a + 0] = charset[0x7c40 + a + 0] = 0x7f; charset[0x3c40 + a + 1] = charset[0x7c40 + a + 1] = 0xff; charset[0x3c40 + a + 2] = charset[0x7c40 + a + 2] = 0xff; } //write out stuff fw = fopen("", "wb"); c = 0x00; fwrite(&c,1,1,fw); c = 0x40; fwrite(&c,1,1,fw); fwrite(&charset[0],1,32768,fw); fclose(fw); }
And now comes the 6502 part to reassemble twisted shapes with that data. For that we just draw virtual lines where the y-position is the y-position on the screen and the x-position is the line segment to display. So a cheap bresenham will help out. The steeper our slope is, the straighter the shape appears, the flater our slopw is, the more it will appear twisted. Also we make the twister appear more colorful by using all 4 charset-colors for the twister's shape only and not wasting one color for the area outside of the twister. For covering the FLI-bug and the area outside of the shape we use expanded sprites for which we update the x and y-positions every second line (yes, no stretcher needed here, can be done even cheaper). For making the outline smoother we set the x-position of the sprites with an accuracy of 1 pixel. Also we use multicolor mode for the sprites. That enables us to use one color for covering the area, another (black) for doing a stylish outline and even one more for casting a fake shadow, that follows the outline of the twister for free. Now this thingy looks pretty colorful! That's really all? Yes! You can now feel free to fade around the twister by changing the charset-, sprite- and border-colors at any fashion.
Here's the code:
*= $3000 y1 = $40 y2 = $41 x1 = $42 x2 = $43 err = $44 clk = $46 dy = $47 pos = $48 step = $49 fade = $52 offset = $51 jmp start irq1 dec $d019 ldy #$00 loop0 ;do fli sta18 lda #$00 sta $d018 sta11 lda #$1b sta $d011 ;prepare next values lda tab11,y sta sta11+1 lda tab18,y sta sta18+1 ;wait for right moment bit $ea ;set x-positions of cover sprite 1 lda xpos,y ;even too lazy to add an offset to the table, as we have enough cycles available adc #$66 sta $d000 adc #$c0 eor #$ff ;wait a bit, so that is cocky, right? :-) nop nop ;advance y-position of sprites ldx ypos,y stx $d001 stx $d003 ;set x-positions of cover sprite 2 iny sta $d002 ;enough cycles left to enjoy the luxury of a loop cpy #100 bcc loop0 ;all lines done, display something sane col1 lda #$01 sta $d020 lda #$f0 sta $d018 lda #$50 sta $d011 ;interlace between both banks lda $dd00 and #$03 eor #$02 sta $dd00 ;even do a $d016 shift lda $d016 eor #$01 sta $d016 ;our fancy rasterline nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop col2 lda #$01 sta $d020 inc clk ;update tables and colors jsr update jsr colors col3 lda #$01 sta $d020 ;jsr $1003 ;return from irq pla tay pla tax pla rti start sei ;sync and turn off screen lda $d011 bpl *-3 lda $d011 bmi *-3 lda #$0b sta $d011 lda $d011 bpl *-3 lda $d011 bmi *-3 ;set up $d011 table ldx #$00 loop2 txa asl ora #$01 and #$07 ora #$10 sta tab11,x inx bne loop2 ;set up colors lda #$09 ldx #$00 loop3 sta $d800,x sta $d900,x sta $da00,x sta $db00,x dex bne loop3 ;init values lda #$00 sta x1 lda #$00 sta y1 lda #$00 sta x2 lda #99 sta y2 ldx #$d0 stx clk ldx #$00 stx pos stx step stx fade stx pos stx offset ;copy 2nd bank lda #$34 sta $01 ldx #$3f ldy #$00 - src lda $8000,y dst sta $c000,y dey bne - inc src+2 inc dst+2 dex bne - inc $01 ;fade to white ldy #$00 - ldx #$04 jsr wait lda fadec,y sta $d020 iny cpy #$07 bne - ;create display tables for the first time jsr update ;vsync lda $d011 bpl *-3 lda $d011 bmi *-3 ;copy last bytes now to not distroy any still active irq-pointers @ $fffe ldy #$00 - lda $bf00,y sta $ff00,y dey bne - ;now use irq @ vector $0314, but we could also just use the vector @ $fffe/f as long as we have no needed data there sei lda #$37 sta $01 lda #$7f sta $dc0d lda $dc0d lda #$0b sta $d011 lda #$30 sta $d012 lda #<irq1 sta $0314 lda #>irq1 sta $0315 lda #$01 sta $d01a ;setup sprites and colors and things lda #$01 sta $d025 sta $d026 sta $d027 sta $d028 sta $d021 sta $d022 sta $d023 sta $d020 lda #$03 sta $d015 lda #$03 sta $d017 sta $d01d sta $d01c lda #$32 sta $d001 sta $d003 lda #$18 sta $d000 lda #$28 sta $d002 lda #$02 sta $d010 ldx #$f0 stx $7ff8 stx $7ff9 lda #$02 sta $dd00 lda #$18 sta $d016 cli jmp * fadec !byte $00,$09,$08,$0a,$0f,$07,$01 wait lda $d011 bmi *-3 lda $d011 bpl *-3 lda #$30 cmp $d012 bne *-3 dex bne wait rts update inc offset inc offset lda offset cmp #64 bcc *+6 lda #$00 sta offset lda clk and #$01 bne step0o ;decide what to update (upper x pos, lower x pos, move xpos to left/right) lda step cmp #$00 beq step0 cmp #$01 beq step1 cmp #$02 beq step2 cmp #$03 beq step3 lda #$00 sta step jmp update step0 inc x2 lda x2 cmp #99 bne step0o inc step step0o jmp drawline step1 inc x1 dec x2 lda x2 bne step1o inc step step1o jmp drawline step2 dec x1 inc x2 lda x2 cmp #99 bne step2o inc step step2o jmp drawline step3 dec x2 lda x2 bne step3o inc step step3o ;jmp drawline drawline ;setup bresenham (dx/dy, inx/dex) lda y2 sta toy+1 sec sbc y1 sta ty2+1 lsr sta err ldx #$e8 lda x2 sec sbc x1 bcs ov2 eor #$ff adc #$01 ldx #$ca ov2 stx incx2 sta tx2+1 lda x1 clc adc offset tax ;bresenham to calc slope ldy y1 loopy lda mytab18,x sta tab18,y lda myxpos,x sta xpos,y lda err sec tx2 sbc #$00 bcs + ty2 adc #$00 incx2 inx + sta err iny toy cpy #$00 bne loopy rts colors ;all the color fadings lda clk cmp #$e0 bcs *+3 rts and #$03 bne ++ lda fade cmp #$28 bne + lda #$00 sta fade beq *+2 + inc fade tax lda fade1,x sta $d021 lda fade2,x sta $d022 lda fade3,x sta $d023 lda fade00,x sta $d025 sta col1+1 lda fade0b,x sta $d027 sta $d028 lda fade0c,x sta col3+1 sta $d026 lda fade0f,x sta col2+1 ++ rts ;fading tables fade0f !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$01,$0f !byte $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f !byte $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f !byte $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f !byte $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f !byte $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f !byte $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f !byte $0f,$01,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 fade00 !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 !byte $0f,$0c,$0b,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$0b,$0c,$0f !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 fade0c !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$0f,$0c !byte $0c,$0c,$0c,$0c !byte $0c,$0c,$0c,$0c !byte $0c,$0c,$0c,$0c !byte $0c,$0c,$0c,$0c !byte $0c,$0c,$0c,$0c !byte $0c,$0c,$0c,$0c !byte $0c,$0f,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 fade0b !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 !byte $01,$0f,$0c,$0b !byte $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b !byte $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b !byte $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b !byte $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b !byte $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b !byte $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b !byte $0b,$0c,$0f,$01 !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 fade1 !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 !byte $01,$0d,$0f,$05 !byte $05,$0f,$0d,$01 !byte $01,$07,$0f,$0a !byte $0a,$0f,$07,$01 !byte $01,$0d,$03,$0e !byte $0e,$03,$0d,$01 !byte $01,$07,$0f,$0a !byte $0a,$0f,$07,$01 !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 fade2 !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$0d,$0f !byte $0f,$0d,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$07,$0f !byte $0f,$07,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$0d,$03 !byte $03,$0d,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$07,$0f !byte $0f,$07,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 fade3 !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$01,$0d !byte $0d,$01,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$01,$07 !byte $07,$01,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$01,$0d !byte $0d,$01,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$01,$07 !byte $07,$01,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$01,$01 ;sprite y-positions ypos !byte $32,$32,$32,$32 !byte $32,$32,$32,$32 !byte $32,$32,$32,$32 !byte $32,$32,$32,$32 !byte $32,$32,$32,$32 !byte $32 !byte $5c,$5c,$5c,$5c !byte $5c,$5c,$5c,$5c !byte $5c,$5c,$5c,$5c !byte $5c,$5c,$5c,$5c !byte $5c,$5c,$5c,$5c !byte $5c !byte $86,$86,$86,$86 !byte $86,$86,$86,$86 !byte $86,$86,$86,$86 !byte $86,$86,$86,$86 !byte $86,$86,$86,$86 !byte $86 !byte $b0,$b0,$b0,$b0 !byte $b0,$b0,$b0,$b0 !byte $b0,$b0,$b0,$b0 !byte $b0,$b0,$b0,$b0 !byte $b0,$b0,$b0,$b0 !byte $b0 !byte $da,$da,$da,$da !byte $da,$da,$da,$da !byte $da,$da,$da,$da !byte $da,$da,$da,$da !byte $da,$da,$da,$da !byte $da ;corresponding $d018 values for each fragment mytab18 !byte $10,$30,$50,$70 !byte $12,$32,$52,$72 !byte $14,$34,$54,$74 !byte $16,$36,$56,$76 !byte $18,$38,$58,$78 !byte $1a,$3a,$5a,$7a !byte $1c,$3c,$5c,$7c !byte $1e,$3e,$5e,$7e !byte $10,$30,$50,$70 !byte $12,$32,$52,$72 !byte $14,$34,$54,$74 !byte $16,$36,$56,$76 !byte $18,$38,$58,$78 !byte $1a,$3a,$5a,$7a !byte $1c,$3c,$5c,$7c !byte $1e,$3e,$5e,$7e !byte $10,$30,$50,$70 !byte $12,$32,$52,$72 !byte $14,$34,$54,$74 !byte $16,$36,$56,$76 !byte $18,$38,$58,$78 !byte $1a,$3a,$5a,$7a !byte $1c,$3c,$5c,$7c !byte $1e,$3e,$5e,$7e !byte $10,$30,$50,$70 !byte $12,$32,$52,$72 !byte $14,$34,$54,$74 !byte $16,$36,$56,$76 !byte $18,$38,$58,$78 !byte $1a,$3a,$5a,$7a !byte $1c,$3c,$5c,$7c !byte $1e,$3e,$5e,$7e !byte $10,$30,$50,$70 !byte $12,$32,$52,$72 !byte $14,$34,$54,$74 !byte $16,$36,$56,$76 !byte $18,$38,$58,$78 !byte $1a,$3a,$5a,$7a !byte $1c,$3c,$5c,$7c !byte $1e,$3e,$5e,$7e !byte $10,$30,$50,$70 !byte $12,$32,$52,$72 !byte $14,$34,$54,$74 !byte $16,$36,$56,$76 !byte $18,$38,$58,$78 !byte $1a,$3a,$5a,$7a !byte $1c,$3c,$5c,$7c !byte $1e,$3e,$5e,$7e !byte $10,$30,$50,$70 !byte $12,$32,$52,$72 !byte $14,$34,$54,$74 !byte $16,$36,$56,$76 !byte $18,$38,$58,$78 !byte $1a,$3a,$5a,$7a !byte $1c,$3c,$5c,$7c !byte $1e,$3e,$5e,$7e !byte $10,$30,$50,$70 !byte $12,$32,$52,$72 !byte $14,$34,$54,$74 !byte $16,$36,$56,$76 !byte $18,$38,$58,$78 !byte $1a,$3a,$5a,$7a !byte $1c,$3c,$5c,$7c !byte $1e,$3e,$5e,$7e ;xpos table for sprite (TODO: should also be generated) myxpos !byte $aa,$a9,$a8,$a7,$a6,$a5 !byte $a4,$a4,$a3,$a2,$a2,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a0,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a2,$a2 !byte $a3,$a4,$a4,$a5,$a6,$a7 !byte $a8,$a9 !byte $aa,$a9,$a8,$a7,$a6,$a5 !byte $a4,$a4,$a3,$a2,$a2,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a0,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a2,$a2 !byte $a3,$a4,$a4,$a5,$a6,$a7 !byte $a8,$a9 !byte $aa,$a9,$a8,$a7,$a6,$a5 !byte $a4,$a4,$a3,$a2,$a2,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a0,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a2,$a2 !byte $a3,$a4,$a4,$a5,$a6,$a7 !byte $a8,$a9 !byte $aa,$a9,$a8,$a7,$a6,$a5 !byte $a4,$a4,$a3,$a2,$a2,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a0,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a2,$a2 !byte $a3,$a4,$a4,$a5,$a6,$a7 !byte $a8,$a9 !byte $aa,$a9,$a8,$a7,$a6,$a5 !byte $a4,$a4,$a3,$a2,$a2,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a0,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a2,$a2 !byte $a3,$a4,$a4,$a5,$a6,$a7 !byte $a8,$a9 !byte $aa,$a9,$a8,$a7,$a6,$a5 !byte $a4,$a4,$a3,$a2,$a2,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a0,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a2,$a2 !byte $a3,$a4,$a4,$a5,$a6,$a7 !byte $a8,$a9 !byte $aa,$a9,$a8,$a7,$a6,$a5 !byte $a4,$a4,$a3,$a2,$a2,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a0,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a2,$a2 !byte $a3,$a4,$a4,$a5,$a6,$a7 !byte $a8,$a9 !byte $aa,$a9,$a8,$a7,$a6,$a5 !byte $a4,$a4,$a3,$a2,$a2,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a0,$a1 !byte $a1,$a1,$a1,$a1,$a2,$a2 !byte $a3,$a4,$a4,$a5,$a6,$a7 !byte $a8,$a9 ;the final tables to be displayed *= $3d00 xpos *= $3e00 tab18 *= $3f00 tab11 ;include generated data * = $4000 !bin "",$4000,$0002 * = $8000 !bin "",$4000,$4002
Now try this with ECM-mode and hires, you'll need to optimize the chunks and reuse chars from the charsets to save space as we can only use the first $200 bytes of each charset.
X-rotating cube
Now, having all that knowledge from doing a twister with 2nd line FLI, one can do of course also other shapes with that. How's about a x-rotating cube? So let's take the following quad:
______________ |\ 128 px /| \ / \ / \________/ | 64 px |
This resembles a face that would go from the maximum width you wish the cube to have, to the minimum width the cube should have (usually 2*32 pixel less than the maximum, so each line gets one pixel smaller on both sides). Now rasterize it the same way as you would do for the twister, so you end up with 32 different lines ranging from 128 pixel (multicolor) to 64 pixel width.
Cube frontview ________v1 / \ / \ / \ /______________\v2 ____ also, change $d021/2/3/4 here \ / \ / \ / \________/ v3
Depending on the slope, you can now again reassemble the lines to form 2 perspective faces watched from the front. So all we need to calculate are the slopes v1→v2 and v2→v3, build our display tables from that and we have a nice rotating cube. The rotated values for v1/v2/v3 can be easily calculated by a lookup into a sine-table. To make the shape of the cube more obvious we change the colors for the charset whenever the last line for each face is displayed and we end up with a cube that has different colors on each face. Now we can get fancy again and add an y-offset to all slopes to make the cube stomp and add some fading to fake some moving light. Only a good fake is a good make!
And here comes some code:
!cpu 6510 *= $3000 y1 = $40 y2 = $41 x1 = $42 x2 = $43 err = $44 clk = $46 dy = $47 pos = $48 stpos = $49 offs = $4a col = $4b shift = $4c dest = $50 fcnt_l = $52 fcnt_h = $53 c_offs = $60 jmp start irq1 dec $d019 lda #$06 ldx $d012 inx cpx $d012 bne *-3 ldy #$0a dey bne *-1 inx cpx $d012 nop beq time1 nop bit $ea time1 ldy #$09 dey bne *-1 nop nop inx cpx $d012 nop beq time2 bit $ea time2 ldy #$0a dey bne *-1 inx cpx $d012 bne time3 time3 ldy #$00 bit $ea ldx #$18 stx $d011 sta $d020 loop0 poi18 lda $1000,y sta $d018 lda tab11,y sta $d011 stx $ea ;-> sets FLI-bug color split cpy #$00 bcc nosplit colu2 lda #$06 sta $d022 colu3 lda #$06 sta $d023 colu1 lda #$06 sta $d021 jmp in1 nosplit nop nop nop nop nop nop nop nop lda $1000 in1 lda $1000 lda $1000 lda $1000 lda $1000 lda $1000 lda $1000 lda $1000 bit $ea nop nop iny cpy #100 bcc loop0 lda #$f0 sta $d018 lda #$00 sta $d020 lda #$50 sta $d011 lda $dd00 eor #$02 sta $dd00 colo2 lda #$06 sta $d022 colo3 lda #$06 sta $d023 colo1 lda #$06 sta $d021 ;jsr $1003 inc clk lda clk and #$01 bne + jsr update jsr cols inc fcnt_l bne + inc fcnt_h + pla tay pla tax pla rti start ;copy 2nd bank sei lda #$34 sta $01 ldx #$40 ldy #$00 - sr01 lda bank2,y tg01 sta $c000,y dey bne - inc sr01+2 inc tg01+2 dex bne - lda #$37 sta $01 cli ;generate values for $d011 ldx #$00 loop2 txa sec ;a = a * 2 + 1 rol and #$07 ora #$18 sta tab11,x inx bne loop2 ;populate tables for the first time jsr update ;set colram lda #$0e ldx #$00 loop3 sta $d800,x sta $d900,x sta $da00,x sta $db00,x dex bne loop3 ;init variables ldx #$00 txy stx fcnt_l stx fcnt_h stx clk stx pos stx stpos stx col stx shift stx c_offs loopdl ;create all slopes needed stx pos jsr doline ldx pos inx cpx #$10 bne loopdl ldx #$00 stx pos ;vsync lda $d011 bpl *-3 lda $d011 bmi *-3 lda #$02 sta $dd00 lda #$18 sta $d016 ;set colors for the first time jsr cols ;set up irq sei lda #$37 sta $01 lda #$7f sta $dc0d lda #$1b sta $d011 lda #$2c sta $d012 lda #<irq1 sta $0314 lda #>irq1 sta $0315 lda #$01 sta $d019 sta $d01a cli ;fade in ;wait 4 frames - lda fcnt_l and #$03 bne - lda fcnt_l ;wait until next frame starts -- cmp fcnt_l beq -- inc c_offs lda c_offs cmp #$08 bne - jmp * cols ;set up colors ldy shift lda col ;which colors to choose (face 1..4) clc adc spos,y ;add x-movment depending on counter shift tay ;colors of first face shown lda coltab+0,y ;fetch index into fadings tab adc c_offs ;add colorfade offset tax ;use as index lda fadings,x ;fetch corresponding color sta colu3+1 ;set color lda coltab+1,y ;same for all other colors adc c_offs tax lda fadings,x sta colu2+1 lda coltab+2,y adc c_offs tax lda fadings,x sta colu1+1 ;add offset to shift and wrap around in case -> we advance to the colors of next face tya clc adc #$08 and #$1f tay ;same for other face shown lda coltab+0,y adc c_offs tax lda fadings,x sta colo3+1 lda coltab+1,y adc c_offs tax lda fadings,x sta colo2+1 lda coltab+2,y adc c_offs tax lda fadings,x sta colo1+1 ;advance counter inc shift lda shift cmp #$3c bne *+6 lda #$00 sta shift rts spos !byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $01,$01,$02,$03,$04,$04 !byte $04,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05 !byte $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05 !byte $05,$05,$05,$04,$04,$04 !byte $03,$02,$01,$01,$00,$00 update ;walk through slopes inc pos lda pos and #$0f sta pos cmp #$0f bne + sta stpos jmp ++ + cmp #$00 bne ++ ;advance to colors of next face lda col clc adc #$08 and #$1f sta col ++ ;calc destination pointer jsr calcdest ;set up start of $d018 table lda dest sta poi18+1 lda dest+1 sta poi18+2 ;and pick fitting splittab entry ldx pos lda splittab,x sta split+1 rts calcdest ;dest = pos * $80 + slopes ;-> dest = (pos * $100 + (2 * slopes) / 2) lda pos clc adc #>(slopes) * 2 lsr sta dest+1 arr #$00 ;moves carry to MSB of lowbyte, aka lda #$00 + ror sta dest rts doline ;calc location to store slope data jsr calcdest ;calculate offset for stomping/marching lda sine+$08,x asl sta offs lda #$7f sec sbc offs sta offs ;slope for face 1 lda sine+$28,x asl clc adc offs sta y1 lda sine+$38,x asl clc adc offs sta y2 lda sine+$18,x lsr sta x1 lda sine+$28,x lsr sta x2 ;blank all area above face 1 ldy #$00 lda #$9c cl1 sta (dest),y iny cpy y2 bne cl1 jsr drawline ldx pos ;slope for face 2 lda sine+$38,x asl clc adc offs sta y1 sta splittab,x lda sine+$08,x asl clc adc offs sta y2 lda sine+$28,x lsr sta x1 lda sine+$38,x lsr sta x2 jsr drawline rts drawline ;calc dy/dx and decide if we increment or decrement x lda y2 sta toy+1 sec sbc y1 sta dy ldx #$e8 lda x2 sta tox+1 sec sbc x1 bcs ov2 eor #$ff adc #$01 ldx #$ca ov2 stx incx1 stx incx2 ldx x1 ldy y1 cmp dy bcc steep ;flat slope sta tx1+1 lsr sta err lda dy sta ty1+1 loopx lda mytab,x sta (dest),y lda err sec ty1 sbc #$00 bcs ov3 tx1 adc #$00 incy1 iny ov3 sta err incx1 inx tox cpx #$00 bne loopx rts ;we have a steep slope steep sta tx2+1 lda dy sta ty2+1 lsr sta err loopy lda mytab,x sta (dest),y lda err sec tx2 sbc #$00 bcs ov4 ty2 adc #$00 incx2 inx ov4 sta err incy2 iny toy cpy #$00 bne loopy rts splittab !byte $00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00 coltab !byte $40,$e0,$30,$70 !byte $30,$e0,$40,$60 !byte $a0,$f0,$70,$10 !byte $70,$f0,$a0,$80 !byte $b0,$c0,$f0,$10 !byte $f0,$c0,$b0,$00 !byte $50,$f0,$d0,$10 !byte $d0,$f0,$50,$b0 ;sine, two times, so we don't have to cope with wrap arounds sine !byte $20,$23,$26,$29,$2c,$2f !byte $31,$34,$36,$38,$3a,$3c !byte $3d,$3e,$3f,$3f,$3f,$3f !byte $3f,$3e,$3d,$3c,$3a,$38 !byte $36,$34,$31,$2f,$2c,$29 !byte $26,$23,$20,$1c,$19,$16 !byte $13,$10,$0e,$0b,$09,$07 !byte $05,$03,$02,$01,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$01,$02,$03 !byte $05,$07,$09,$0b,$0e,$10 !byte $13,$16,$19,$1c !byte $20,$23,$26,$29,$2c,$2f !byte $31,$34,$36,$38,$3a,$3c !byte $3d,$3e,$3f,$3f,$3f,$3f !byte $3f,$3e,$3d,$3c,$3a,$38 !byte $36,$34,$31,$2f,$2c,$29 !byte $26,$23,$20,$1c,$19,$16 !byte $13,$10,$0e,$0b,$09,$07 !byte $05,$03,$02,$01,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$01,$02,$03 !byte $05,$07,$09,$0b,$0e,$10 !byte $13,$16,$19,$1c ;color fadings tabs for each specific color fadings !byte $06,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 !byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$06 !byte $06,$0b,$0c,$0f,$01,$01,$01,$01 !byte $01,$01,$01,$01,$0f,$0c,$0b,$06 !byte $06,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02 !byte $02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$06 !byte $06,$06,$04,$0e,$03,$03,$03,$03 !byte $03,$03,$03,$03,$0e,$04,$06,$06 !byte $06,$06,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04 !byte $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$06,$06 !byte $06,$0b,$0c,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05 !byte $05,$05,$05,$05,$05,$0c,$0b,$06 !byte $06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06 !byte $06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06 !byte $06,$09,$08,$0a,$0f,$07,$07,$07 !byte $07,$07,$07,$0f,$0a,$08,$09,$06 !byte $06,$09,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08 !byte $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$09,$06 !byte $06,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09 !byte $09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$06 !byte $06,$09,$08,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a !byte $0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$08,$09,$06 !byte $06,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b !byte $0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$06 !byte $06,$0b,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c !byte $0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0b,$06 !byte $06,$06,$0c,$05,$03,$0d,$0d,$0d !byte $0d,$0d,$0d,$03,$05,$0c,$06,$06 !byte $06,$06,$04,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0e !byte $0e,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0e,$04,$06,$06 !byte $06,$0b,$0c,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f !byte $0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0c,$0b,$06 ;d018 values depending for each fragment mytab !byte $10,$30,$50,$70 !byte $12,$32,$52,$72 !byte $14,$34,$54,$74 !byte $16,$36,$56,$76 !byte $18,$38,$58,$78 !byte $1a,$3a,$5a,$7a !byte $1c,$3c,$5c,$7c !byte $1e,$3e,$5e,$7e !align 255,0 tab11 * = $3800 slopes * = $4000 !bin "",$4000,2 * = $7400 !fill $0100, $ff * = $8000 bank2 !bin "",$3ff8,$4002 * = $b400 !fill $0100, $ff
Waving chessboard carpet
At this kind of effect we concentrate on updating the multicolor registers each second line, while avoiding ugly gray dots. Also we use the free cycles during display to clear the z-table that is generated each frame.
Here, the displayed chunk is determinded by the z-position of each line. Calculations start with the deepest z-position of the carpet, the y-position is thereby fetched from a sine-table. Now if a closer line is at the same y-position it will automatically cover lines below, as the value in the final table is simply overwritten.
Each chunk has also certain colors bonded to it. Also the bitmap is created that way, that we can get a continuous gradient by continuously interleaving 2 colors. This way the gradient $01 $0d $03 $0e $04 $02 $0b $00 fits into the whole chessboard. The dark areas are just faded from $06 to $00 with the remaining 2 colors. The FLI bug can be successfully colored black by placing a ldy #$xx
(opcode $a0) after the sta $d011.
The chessboard-texture to be rasterized:
Timing is nifty in the inner loop to avoid gray dots, same goes for timing when entering the loop.
;... ;code for stable irq ;... ldy ztab ;takes 3 instead of 2 cycles a ldx #$00 would need. This fixes timing as only a single cycle ;needs to be wasted what can't be done with a single mnemonic ldx zero loop0 ;now it is time to switch colors in the offscreen area to avoid gray dots sta $d022 stx $d021 lda mytab,y sta $d018 .x lda tab11 ;possibility to blank first frames, to avoid glitches first ora #$40 sta $d011 ;-> flibug col = 0 col3 ldy #$00 sty $d023 ;-> first line is black, always, else unwanted colors appear in first line ;then $d023 is $06 for all other lines lda #$06 sta col3+1 nop nop ldy #$ff ldx .x+1 bit $ea ;clear ztab so that update finds a free table when being called, saves cycles outside of irq sty ztab,x inx ;store index for d011-tab as x will be destroyed in 3, 2, 1, ... stx .x+1 ;compare beforehand, carry will stay untouched until branch cpx #100 ldy ztab,x ;preload values for $d021/22 and waste some cycles for perfect timing (destroys x) ldx tabd021,y nop nop nop nop lda tabd022,y bcc loop0
Yet no full code-examples here, but as you now know about the ideas behind, it should be possible for you to write your own routines for that, right?