Opening borders and other things
Opening the upper and lower borders is a very common VIC trick that I'm sure coders still use today.
The basic idea of this is to change the rows-bit of $d011 on the last row of a frame. This makes the VIC think that the borders have already started being drawn- when in reality they haven't. The VIC will place graphics from $3fff/$7fff/$bfff/$ffff (ghostbyte) depending on your selected VIC bank in the opened area. Make sure to set $3fff to 0 so this can't be seen. This doesn't need to be done with stable timing.
So, here's an example piece of code (TASS syntax):
;Opening the upper and lower borders ;Coding by Karmic/HVSC sei ;disable interrupts lda #$35 ;bank off Kernal and BASIC roms sta $01 lda #$7f ;disable timer and CIA IRQs/NMIs sta $dc0d sta $dd0d lda $dc0d ;acknowledge any pending interrupt lda $dd0d lda #<irq ;set the IRQ vectors sta $fffe lda #>irq sta $ffff lda #$f8 ;set rasterline- can be done on lines $f8-$fa sta $d012 lda #$01 ;enable raster irqs sta $d01a lda #$00 ;make it so $3fff area displays nothing sta $3fff sta $d010 ;all MSBs of X positions off lda #$ff ;make a block sprite at $3000 ldx #63 sta $3000,x dex bpl *-4 ldx #$07 loop lda #$01 ;set sprite colors to white sta $d027,x lda #$c0 ;set sprite pointers sta $07f8,x dex bpl loop inx ;set sprite positions clc lda #$40 loop2 sta $d000,x sta $d001,x adc #$18 inx inx cpx #$10 bcc loop2 lda #$ff ;enable sprites now sta $d015 inc $d019 ;acknowledge any pending VIC IRQs cli ;enable interrupts again main ldy #8 ;delay dey bpl *-1 nop inc $d020 ;something to look at inc $d021 jmp main irq lda #$13 ;make it 24 rows sta $d011 lda #$fc ;wait for line $fc- anything not in the last row will work cmp $d012 bne *-3 lda #$1b ;set back to 25 rows sta $d011 clc ldx #1 ;move the sprites around loop3 inc $d000,x dec $d002,x txa adc #4 tax cpx #$10 bcc loop3 inc $d019 ;acknowledge IRQ rti ;end
Wait, but that's not all. You can also disable the main screen and show nothing but sprites. $3fff will be displayed on the whole screen. This has the advantage of not having to worry about badlines. This idea is very similar to the previous, except with a few differences:
You must write $1b to $d011 first, and then write $00. The first write can be done on lines $31-$f6, and the second write can be done on lines $f8-$fa.
Just sprites, sounds limiting at first, but you could use this “Idle-Mode” for raster bars, sprites (e.g. as Sprite FPP and ghostbyte tricks. Keep in mind, that setting sprite background priorities could make the ghostbyte a dithering pattern .