Combination Sort
by Daryl Rictor
This is a sort routine called a Combination Sort, which is a modified bubble sort (iterative) that takes much less time to complete.
As an example, using a 255 element array, the standard bubble sort routine found elsewhere in the repository took on average about 2 seconds to complete on my computer. My routine took about 2/10ths of a second to sort the same data. I used three different random patterns and used my TOD timer to perform the time measurements.
;*************************************************************; ; ; ; Combination Sort - An improvement on the Bubble Sort ; ; ; ;*************************************************************; ; ; ; This idea was presented as a BASIC program in a magazine ; ; article about 12 years ago. I could not find the orginal ; ; article and I do not know who the author was. I am ; ; including the BASIC routine that I had used in some of my ; ; BASIC programs. ; ; ; ; As I recall, this sort routine cuts the processing time by ; ; reducing the size of the array into smaller chuncks, and ; ; moving each elelment more than one position at a time, thus ; ; reducing the total number of cycles through the loop. I ; ; have not seen a faster, non-recursive sort routine. ; ; ; ; I have taken the BASIC routine and converted it to 65C02 ; ; assembly code. I am using the added opcodes PHX, PHY, ; ; PLX, PLY, LDA (zp) & STZ zp to decrease size and increase ; ; speed. By adding an additional zero page temp variable, ; ; you can use the basic 6502 opcodes to perform this sort. ; ; ; ; Here's my copy of the BASIC Routine: ; ; ; ; SUB COMBINATION (A()) ; ; size = A(0) ; ; gap = A(0) ; ; DO ; ; gap = INT(gap / 1.3) ; ; IF gap < 1 THEN gap = 1 ; ; switch = 0 ; ; FOR I = 1 TO size - gap ; ; J = I + gap ; ; IF A(I) > A(J) THEN ; ; SWAP A(I), A(J) ; ; switch = switch + 1 ; ; END IF ; ; NEXT I ; ; LOOP UNTIL gap = 1 AND switch = 0 ; ; ; ; Daryl Rictor - May 2001 ; ; ; ;*************************************************************; ; ; ; define variables ; array = $30 flag = $32 gap = $33 ; ; ; UPPERCASE opcodes are 6502 codes ; lowercase opcodes are 65C02 codes ; SORT8 lda (array) ; FETCH ELEMENT COUNT STA gap ; save in gap SORTLP LSR gap ; divide gap by ~1.3 (gap * 0.7692) LDA gap ; (not critical to be exact) LSR A ; this routine calculates it as: CLC ; ADC gap ; gap = gap/2 + gap/4 STA gap ; (gap * 0.7500) CMP #$00 ; BNE CLFLAG ; if gap = 0 then set it to 1 INC gap ; CLFLAG stz flag ; TURN EXCHANGE FLAG OFF (= 0) SEC ; lda (array) ; get size SBC gap ; subract gap to reduce loop size TAX ; (loop counter & pointer to lower element) NXTEL CLC ; calc pointer to upper element TXA ; ADC gap ; TAY ; y = x + gap LDA (array),y ; get upper element PHA ; save it for swap phy ; save y for swap phx ; transfer x reg to y reg ply ; get pointer to lower element CMP (array),y ; compare = upper - lower BCS CLRSTK ; if upper < lower, swap elements LDA (array),y ; get lower value ply ; get upper element pointer STA (array),y ; save lower value in upper element phx ; transfer x reg to y reg ply ; get lower element pointer PLA ; get upper value STA (array),y ; save upper vaule in lower element LDA #$FF ; TURN EXCHANGE FLAG ON (= -1) STA flag ; BNE CHKEND ; skip over stack maintenance CLRSTK PLA ; remove upper element & pointer from stack PLA ; CHKEND DEX ; END OF LIST? BNE NXTEL ; NO. FETCH NEXT ELEMENT LDA gap ; CMP #$01 ; BNE SORTLP ; repeat loop unitl the gap size = 1 BIT $32 ; if gap = 1, IS EXCHANGE FLAG STILL OFF? BMI SORTLP ; NO. GO THROUGH LIST AGAIN RTS ; YES. LIST IS NOW ORDERED ; ; end SORT8 ; ;*************************************************************;
base/combination_sort_8-bit_elements.txt · Last modified: 2015-04-17 04:30 by